Report Name | #Bill wise Outstanding Analysis# | ||||||
Report Location | Finance\Register | ||||||
Report Type | Register | ||||||
Report Description | This Report will display Bill wise Outstanding details based on the user selected parameters. Primary Document to be considered up to the date given under 'Document till Date' and the adjusted document to be considered upto the date selected under 'As on Date'. | ||||||
Report Objective | This Report is designed to have bill wise outstanding details with lots option to manipulate the report output format. This Report will help to have the details of outstanding for each Customer/Vendor at one space. | ||||||
Target Audience | Finance Manager, Operation Manager, Purchase Manager, Sales Manager | ||||||
Selections | Name | Selection type | Objective | ||||
As On | Single | Outstanding to be shown as on the date selected by user in this option. | |||||
Document Till Date | Single | Based on user selected date in this option documents to be considered for outstanding calculation. | |||||
Document Consideration Basis (Date) | Single | ‘Documents Till Date' will be effective based on this selection. If user opt for ‘Entry Date’ from the options then ‘Document Till Date’ will filtered based in Transaction Entry date. IF user opt for ‘Invoice Due date Basis’ then ‘Document Till Date’ will filtered based on due date basis defined in the Customer/Vendor Master. If It is defined as ‘Entry Date’ then above filter will effective on Entry Date if it is Document Date then it will be effective on 'Document Date’ | |||||
Show Agent | Single | If user opt for ‘Yes’ then Agent Name will be visible in Report | |||||
Agent | Single | User can opt for a particular Agent (data to be shown for the AR AP Sub ledgers i.e. Party(s) in which selected Agent is tagged) for specific report purpose. If there is no such specific requirement then ‘ALL’ need to be selected. | |||||
State | Single | User can opt for a particular State (data to be shown for the AR AP Sub ledgers i.e. Party(s) for which the state is tagged) for specific report purpose. If there is no such specific requirement then ‘ALL’ need to be selected. | |||||
District | Single | User can opt for a particular District (data to be shown for the AR AP Sub ledgers i.e. Party(s) for which the district is tagged) for specific report purpose. District selection is dependent on State Selection. If there is no such specific requirement then ‘ALL’ need to be selected. | |||||
City | Single | User can opt for a particular CIty (data to be shown for the AR AP Sub ledgers i.e. Party(s) for which the City is tagged) for specific report purpose. City selection is dependent on District Selection. If there is no such specific requirement then ‘ALL’ need to be selected. | |||||
AR/AP Ledger | Single | User can opt for a particular AR/AP Ledger to see the report. If there is no such specific requirement then ‘ALL’ need to be selected. | |||||
Display Type | Single | Based on the user selection the report will be displayed wither ‘Document Type wise’ or ‘Entry Date wise’ | |||||
Include Unposted Entries | Single | If it is ‘True’ then report will consider all those transactions which is not released/posted yet also. | |||||
Include Zero Balance Records | Single | If it is 'True' then report will show all the Sub Ledger which do not have non-zero balance | |||||
Calculate age based on | Single | User need to opt any one option for age calculation from the following three
| |||||
Show Class Wise | Single | If user opt for ‘Yes’ then Class will be visible in Report | |||||
Show Site | Single | User need to opt for any one of the following to display in the Report The options are ‘Document Owner Site’ , ‘Reference Site’ | |||||
Show Open Doc | Single | If user opt for ‘Yes’ then document details which is due to invoiced will be visible in Report in a separate section. | |||||
Show Taxable Amount | Single | If user opt for ‘Yes’ then Taxable Amount will be visible in Report | |||||
Show pending above days | Single | User can filter out records which has outstanding age above certain days through this option. | |||||
Show pending above value | Single | User can filter out records which has outstanding balance above certain value through this option. | |||||
Agent Source | Single | User can opt to choose source of Agent to be displayed. It can be shown from the Sub Ledger Master or the Agent Name saved in respective transaction. | |||||
Class Name | Single | User can select particular class of sub ledger by this option. if there is no such need then it should be kept as 'ALL' | |||||
Show PDC Documents | Single | If user opt for ‘Yes’ then PDC details will be visible in Report in a separate section. | |||||
Show Subledger Address | Single | If user opt for ‘Yes’ then Sub Ledger address will be visible in Report. | |||||
Agent | Multiple | User can opt for a particular Agent (data to be shown for the AR AP Sub ledgers i.e. Party(s) in which selected Agent is tagged) for specific report purpose. If there is no such specific requirement then can be remove the same from the filter selection. | |||||
Sub Ledger | Multiple | If it is needed to see report for a particular sub-ledger outstanding then this option can be used. | |||||
Dependencies | NA | ||||||
Alternative reports to validate | If Document Consideration Basis (Date) is ‘Entry Date’ then any Subledger’s outstanding balance summary will match with Ledger Summary Report for same date range. | ||||||
Sample Output |
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Data Source Category Used | 01-Master\Agent [LV_AGENT] |
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