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What is priority?


The importance of priority comes in picture in case of an item added to multiple Promotions. At the time of selecting the Promotion for the item, the system checks the priority level and selects the Promotion with the highest Priority for the item, thereby resolving the case.


titleAllocate Priority to a Promotion


Priority cannot be manually provided to any promotion even at the time of creation. However, any new promotion when allocated to a site takes the highest priority by becoming one more than the previously allocated highest priority number i.e. if the last highest priority assigned to a promotion (P1), allocated to site (S1), was 3. Then if a new promotion(P2) is assigned to S1, it will automatically get a priority of 4(=3+1).


titleEdit/ Reassign Priority

Promotions can be re-assigned priorities by the new drag and drop functionality in GINESYS. That is if promotion (P1) has a current priority of 2 and needs to be promoted to priority 15; simply clicking on the particular promotion's priority in the Edit Priority form and dragging it to 15 would be enough. 


Any changes made in priority of any one promotion will automatically change the priority of all other promotions assigned to the site.

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nameEdit Priority.mp4


To go back to the main page click on the link : How To: Manage Promotion in Ginesys Retail