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Introduction :

This module designed to optimize inventory management of an organization that allows user to analyze stock levels, identify slow-moving products, stock ageing ,plan their MBQ and so on.

It is further divided into various sub modules I.e , Dashboard , Stock Ageing , Sales Stock , Stock Movement , Stock Level System , Stock Level Custom , Loss for out of Stock.

Stock Dashboard :

The stock analysis module offers a comprehensive dashboard that provides an overview of the current stock quantity and valuation. This dashboard includes detailed information on the site-wise and product-wise contributions to the stock, as well as stock age-wise contribution.

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Go to --> Stock --> Dashboard

Stock Ageing :

This module offers an option to identify the ageing of inventory based on the barcode creation date , Stock First inward date, Stock Last inward date. This enables users to segregate the inventory by its age range, such as 0 to 14 days or 15 to 30 days and so on. The system also provides the option to generate a detailed report at the site and product level, which includes information on the closing stock quantity and amount.


  • Dashboard : At glance view of stock ageing at site and Product level.

  • Go to -- > Stock -->Stock ageing --> Dashboard

  • Details : User can generate stock age details report.

  • Go to -- > Stock-->Stock ageing --> Details

  • Old Stock : User can define what age should the old age and also can generate a report to reach out the old stock contribution in the inventory.

  • Go to -- > Stock -->Stock ageing --> Old Stock

  • Sale Age / Stock : Sale age and stock age report.

  • Go to -- > Stock -->Stock ageing --> Sale age/Stock

Sales Stock :

User can generate sales stock report at different time dimension.


Go to -- > Stock --> Sales Stock

Stock Movement :

The stock movement report feature allows users to select various options such as opening stock quantity, GRC, GRT, Transit, and more. The system provides a detailed stock movement report based on the user's selection.


Go to --> Stock-->Stock Movement

Stock Level System :

The MBQ planning module is divided into two sections: the system-driven and stock level custom.


Go to --> Stock--> Stock level Custom

Loss for out of stock :

User can track sale loss for out of inventory at site and product level. User can generate this report at different time dimension such as YTD , QTD , MTD, Period.
