A role is a set of rights for app operations for operations for access to specific modules, of a particular system for of a particular system for other users, designed by an accredited person. It can be changed as per the requirements of the system and its users. The user's role defines which particular modules of the Ginesys ERP are accessible for that particular user. In this master form, we can create, edit, and delete (untagged) roles for Ginesys users of a particular organization. The ‘Roles’ tab defines the access/restriction to various menus, sub-menus, and operations under different modules to a particular user.
This article describes how to manage users' Role Roles in Ginesys ERP Admin on the web.
Tip |
Note: For the Report module also access to Roles must be given from this functionality. |
Info |
Impact of Batch/Serial functionality on Item Batch View
Migrate all existing roles as unticked.
Addition of New Action in Item list view page
Name - Batch/Serial Details
Nature - Do not depend on role-app operation
Behaviour of action in item list view page
If no Item is selected, system will restrict and display the following msg - "Please select an Item to View Batch."
If selected item’s Inventory Management is Item wise, system will restrict and display the following msg - “Inventory for selected Item <barcode> is neither Batch / Serial wise managed. Unable to view.”
If valid item selected, then it will open Batch/Serial Detail window.
Provision of Batch/Serial Window from Item Master (Edit mode only)
New button has been added
Name -‘Batch/Serial Detail’
Position - Left corner of the form footer
Behaviour - It will be displayed only if for the selected item’s Inventory Management is Item wise.
Provision of Batch/Serial Window from Manage item window
Add new option in Manage item’s Three dot option popup
Batch/Serial Detail Window
Grid & Section level Details:
The window will have a view of all the Batch/ Serial details for the selected Item.
If user does not have Edit Batch/Serial app operation in his role, then this grid becomes view only.
Item Details Section: (View only)
Field Details:
Barcode: Barcode, if not present then ICODE of an item
Item Name: To display Item Name specified for the selected item. If Item Name is not defined, then concatenation of all category values to be displayed, separated by a space.
Batch/Serial Details (Grid): (Modification allowed)
The grid contains all the Batch/ Serial details for the selected item
Multi selection provision required
Search records tool required
Sorting, Searching, Filter option on all column to be provided
Row add or delete option not required
The grid to have columns as mentioned below:
Batch/Serial No. (Default view: Yes | Hideable: No)
Created On (Default view: Yes | Hideable: Yes)
Mfg. Date (Default view: Yes | Hideable: Yes)
Valid Upto (Default view: Yes | Hideable: Yes)
Std. Rate (Default view: Yes | Hideable: Yes)
WSP (Default view: Yes | Hideable: Yes)
RSP (Default view: Yes | Hideable: Yes)
MRP (Default view: Yes | Hideable: Yes)
Stock Qty. (Default view: Yes | Hideable: Yes)
By default, the view is arranged in descending order of the 'Created On'.
Stock Qty column value is hyperlinked. On clicking the option opens a small display box - Sitewise Stock. (discussed below)
Grid/Field level validation:
Auto generated Batch/Serial number cannot be modified, but other information can be changed for those Batches/Serials.
When modifying Batch/Serial no., user can’t feed same Batch/Serial no. already present in the grid.
”Entry with same batch/serial no. is already present in the grid, please change batch/serial no. and try again” [OK]
Action Buttons:
Applicability: If user role has permission for Edit Batch/serial then enable button else disable
On update: update and save the changes for item’s batch/serial
Tech Note: Update the values in DB.INVBATCH_SERIAL
CLOSE: Do nothing, close the window and take user back to previous window
Site wise stock Details Window
Purpose of the window: This is a view only window that will display site wise stock for the particular item’s batch. Site may have positive/negative stock for a respective batch, because negative stock could be allowed for batch applicable items.
Window Details:
At the top of the view Barcode and Batch No. of the selected Item. are displayed.
Columns are available - Site Name, Short Name, Closing Stock.
No column can be hidden.
By default, the view will be arranged in alphabetical order of Site Name.
Only Sites of the connected OU will be displayed.
Only site with batch stock <> 0 will be displayed
Closing Stock will be displayed up to 2 decimal places.
Clicking on Close [X] or anywhere outside the box closes the view.
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Step-by-step guideThe steps are as follows:
Info |
Impact of Batch/Serial functionality on “Edit Batch Serial”
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Step-by-step guideThe steps are as follows:
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PrerequisitesThe users' role must have access to |
the Role feature by |
enabling Delete app operation for the |
feature through Ginesys Web - Admin - Security - Role.
Step-by-step guide The steps are as follows:
To go back to the main page click on Managing ERP User in Ginesys Web