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idUpdate of Cube Manager

Ginesys Version A new version of Cube Manager has been released in Ginesys version 11.145.9 carries with it the updated version of Cube Manager. The fully functional Cube Manager can be enjoyed by updating to this Ginesys version. This article relates to updating 11.145.9 along with Cube Manager. This update may have some interference with your operations, if you are using OLAP cube based reports. In this version, there are some major overhauls in the configuration management of cube based reporting and cube refreshing mechanisms. This article will help you update your Ginesys installation to the new version with minimum friction in reporting. However, it is still recommended to apply this update at a time when small disruption of cube based reports will not cause immediate impact and thereby allow some time for Ginesys support to address the issue. 

This is a simple step by step guide without much detail about every step and will help you setup your new cube manager configuration quickly. If you need a detail understanding of the modules, please follow dedicated articles on new cube manager setup and configuration.

  • If you are updating to any version below 11.145.9, you can ignore this article.
  • If you are not using cube based reports, you can ignore this article.


You will not be able to update to version 11.145.9 by Auto Update if any of the following is true. Please contact Ginesys Care if such is the case for you.

  • You are running Oracle Enterprise Edition database.
  • You are running cube based reporting based on multi-database configuration.

Steps to follow

Tip: You can see a progress bar <> in the Auto Updater after any modification in OLAP Database. 

After completion of OLAP Database configuration, you need to update OLAP Database after completing the update of Database and Software. In the Tool tab you will get Update OLAP Database button
  1. The new version of Auto Updater (version 12.0) will have to be downloaded before update of Ginesys version 11.145.9.  

    Update Ginesys HO and the following message is seen -"Error occurred while synchronizing OLAP Write Database Schema with Application Database. OLAP Write Database connection is not available. Skipping OLAP Schema Sync Process". The user has two (2) options - he can either update till the latest available version (i.e. 11.145.9) or he can update to any available version below it.
    The user will need to Configure Cube Manager, if he updates till latest version.

    The user can just close the Auto Updater and restart Ginesys services and start working in the software, if he updates to any version below 11.145.9.

    titleOLAP Version

    Note: If the user updates to a version less than 11.145.9; The OLAP version would show as N.A.

    For an existing user of OLAP Database, the OLAP Schema Sync process has to be completed by clicking on Update OLAP Database button, in the Tools tab of the HO Auto Updater.
  2. Click on the Update OLAP Database button, OLAP Database version will be checked by the system. There can be two (2) possibilities to the situation - The OLAP version related changes are already affected or the changes are pending.
    If the OLAP version related changes are already affected, the following message will be displayed - “Cube Manager is already updated till latest available version.” and the user can open and work in Cube Manager module as usual.
    If the OLAP version related changes are pending , it will check the connection for Cube Write Database  - If it cannot connect Cube Write Database
  3. The Cube Manager update will be skipped and "Version update for cube manager is not done, due to non-availability of cube server. Please update before checking any cube reports." – message will be displayed.
  4. It will return to the Auto Updater. 
  5. Close the Auto Updater window.
    If Auto Updater can connect the Cube Write Database, then the OLAP Database will updated. Last available "OLAP Version" will be displayed in the Auto Updater beside the Serial number for the license.
  6. If you get any error at the time of Cube Refresh for existing Custom Logic, please log a ticket with the .
  1. Run your current Auto Updater, click Click for newer version of Auto Update link on top right corner of the window and download new version of Auto Updater.

  2. Verify that your Auto Updater is showing version 12.0 before proceeding further.

    1. This version has the features for updating OLAP cube data structures automatically and will also show your current OLAP version in addition to your software and database versions.

  3. Select database updates to be applied till 11.145.9 or above (as necessary for you).
  4. Click Apply Selected Updates and your database patches will start getting applied.
  5. On completion of the database update process you will see a message "There was some issue while updating OLAP database". Ignore this message for now.
  6. Let the Auto Update finish its Ginesys Application Update.
  7. Go to 'Admin > Utilities > Cube Manager' and you will see the following message "Cube manager needs to be configured.". Click OK and continue. Cube Manager setup window will now open.
  8. You are now presented with 3 database connection configuration with Ginesys Database Server connection already provided. This window allows advanced configuration of OLAP cubes using multiple databases.
    1. If you are using multiple databases for cube management, please stop at this point and call Ginesys Care now to assist you with multi database OLAP cube setup.
    2. Else please proceed as below.
  9. Check the Same as Ginesys Database Server checkboxes in the 'Cube Read Database' and 'Cube Write Database' connection. Please click Proceed on confirmation messages that may come on clicking the checkboxes.
  10. Click Configure button on bottom left of the window. The system will start showing a wait message as Configuring...Please wait. This process will be migrating your cube configurations to latest versions.
  11. On successful completion of the process, an information message showing "Migration completed successfully. Please run 'Update OLAP Database via Auto update'" will be shown. Click OK.
  12. Now run Auto Updater once more and go to the Tools tab to update the OLAP cube data structures.
    1. NOTE: For this action of Auto Update there is no need to stop License and other services.
  13. Click Update OLAP Database button. This button will be updating your cube related database objects to latest version and will take some time to complete. Please don't close the window till it is processing.
  14. On successful completion of this step, your Cube Manager will be migrated to latest configurations and is ready for use.
  15. If anywhere during the above steps you see an error that is not mentioned here please contact Ginesys Care.

titlePlease consider the following warnings after update
  • If you have been using any custom logic for refreshing your cubes other than the generic logic (stored procedures), your cubes will be overwritten with generic logic. The custom logic has to be re-applied with the help of Ginesys Care.
  • Schedules already defined for Cube-sets will be terminated and have to be re-scheduled after Cube Manager setup is done.