How To: Operate the F3 = Select Article button

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How To: Operate the F3 = Select Article button

The F3 = Select Article feature allows you to search items based on it's article details. The use of this feature is similar to the F4 = Select Item. Apart from the search field criteria that are available in the Select Item feature, it also allows you to look for items using it's Vendor, Margin Rule, UOM, RSP From and To details. This article describes how to operate the F3 = Select Article button.

You can also use this feature by pressing the F3 shortcut key.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Click on the F3 = Select Article button (or press the F4 key). It opens the Select Article window.

  2. Here you are provided with a number of search fields to search the required article / articles. These fields are - Division, Section, Department, Article Name, Attributes 1 - 6, Vendor, Margin Rule, UOM, RSP From and To

    When more than one field is used to search the article, the system displays all the articles which contain any / all the search criteria.

    But if you want to display the exact item which contains all of the criteria, then select  the Exact Match checkbox.

    1. Select the required search field and press F2 key.

      Important information

      RSP From and To fields are text fields where you need to type in the values. You cannot use the F2 key to populate RSP values.

      Note: These values must coincide with the range provided for the article in the Article Master.

    2. This will open the Select <search field name>... window.
    3. Select the required value from the list and click OK.

  3. Once all criteria fields are filled in, click on the Search button.

    If you want to clear you search, then click on the Clear Search button.

    If you want to import articles using Excel, then click on the Import Excel button.

  4. The items will be populated in the Searched Article(s) section. Check the articles and provide the required quantity in the Qty. column. Press Enter.

  5. Once done, click Populate Item(s) button.

  6. Click on the Close button to close the Select Article window.

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