How To: Operate the F9 = Copy button

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How To: Operate the F9 = Copy button

This button allows you to copy items which has been used.


  1. The record from which the items would be copied from must be present.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Click on the F9 = Copy button. It opens the Select Order No. ... window.

  2. Select the record (Sales Order, Transfer Order etc) you want to copy items from and click OK

  3. A window appears with the message - Populate Order Details As One Of The Following Action. Choose the way in which you want to copy the data. The available options are:
    1. Append - This option will add the new items after the items that are already present in the grid.

    2. Overwrite - This option will delete the items previously present in the grid and add the new items in it's place.