Managing Logistic in Inventory (Ginesys Web)

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Managing Logistic in Inventory (Ginesys Web)

Logistics is used more broadly to refer to the process of coordinating and moving resources like people, materials, inventory, equipment etc. from one location to the desired destination. In retail, physical movement of the finished or unfinished goods from one location to another location is called Logistic.  Logistics are two types - Incoming and Outgoing.

Incoming : When goods transferred from Production House to Warehouse (HO) or goods return from Store to Warehouse (HO), it considers as Incoming logistic. In case of incoming logistic the stock is effected positively. Inventory increases in such case.

  1. When the buyer books the goods transfer with the transporter, the transporter provides the Logistic Receipt / Lorry Receipt containing the shipment information. Adding, Editing, Deleting & Printing Incoming LR in Ginesys Web describes how to manage LR document in Ginesys HO. 

  2. Once the finished goods arrive to the buyer with the logistic note, the buyer records the finished goods received from the supplier at the gate. Here the Gate Entry is required. Adding, Editing, Deleting & Printing Gate Entry in Ginesys Web describes how to manage Gate Entry document in Ginesys HO. 

Outgoing : When goods transferred from Warehouse (HO) to Store, it considers as Outgoing logistic. In case of outgoing logistic the stock is effected negatively. Inventory decreases in such case.

  1. When the supplier books the goods transfer with the transporter, the transporter provides the Logistic Receipt / Lorry Receipt containing the shipment information. Adding, Editing, Deleting & Printing Outgoing LR in Ginesys Web describes how to manage LR document in Ginesys HO. 

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