How to: Display Bins in ascending order sequence for a Picklist

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How to: Display Bins in ascending order sequence for a Picklist


The user wants to display the Bins from which item needs to be picked in ascending order for a picklist.

Note: For a picklist, bin no. gets displayed in the ascending order based on their bin sequence no.s

Problem Statement

Under WMS Module, for a Picklist, the bins were not coming in ascending order of the Bin number.


The user needs to ensure at the time of the creation of bins or at the time of update sequence no.s of the bins to be in ascending order.

A suggestive way of doing the update part is via Bin Master Excel Import.

  • The client can export the whole BIN Master Data and put a filter on the bin no. field.

  • Then download the excel import template file copy the values of Bin No., Bin Code, Bin Group Name as is, and change only the sequence no. in a new series in ascending order.

  • Post the excel import operation and the sequence no.s of existing bins gets updated.

  • Also bin no.s are displayed in ascending order for each picklist.

Example Data ->          

          As-Is Bin Master        ||       To - Be Bin Master
          Bin No.   |   Seq No.              Bin No.   |   Seq No
          BIN 1            1                       BIN 1            4
          BIN 2            3                       BIN 2            5
          BIN 3            2                       BIN 3            6

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