Setting Up the Web API

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Setting Up the Web API

In retail for apparel it often becomes imperative to see the item image at the POS end while searching for an item. This is especially important for designer garments. Ginesys allows item image to be accessible in POS through Web API or through local repository. The Web API access is recommended for latest updated images to be available through item download.


  1. The IIS_IUSRS have to be given at least the minimum permission (Read).

  2. The item image convention has to be set in the item master.

  3. The users' role must have access to the User feature by enabling Add/ Modify / Delete app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through POS Manager - Security - Manage.

  4. The users' role must have access to the Master Policy feature by enabling Modify app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through POS Manager - Setup - Manage.

  5. The users' role must have access to the Web API feature by enabling Add/ Modify / Delete app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through POS Manager- Utilities - Configure.

  6. Public IP and necessary configuration to make the web application published so that the same can be accessed over Internet. This publishing to be taken care by user company based on their Network infrastructure.

Step-by-step guide

The following steps need to be executed for the Web API to be configured:

Web API User Creation
  1. Create HO User in POS Manager as an API user by selecting the text box for Is API User
  2. Click on Generate Key button. A key will be generated for security authentication.
  3. Save the user.
Web API Configuration
  1. Go to  POS Manager> Utilities > Configure > Web API
  2. Specify the Base URL through which the HO API is communicated to the store application. (eg. http://<machine name of the server or the IP address of the server>/WebAPI)
  3. Provide the effective date from which the Web API can be used in POS.

    Note: The date selected can only be the date of configuration or any future date.

  4. Select the API user earlier created. This will ensure the secure use of the API.
  5. Save the configuration.
Policy Settings Configuration
  1. Go to POS Manager - Setup - Manage - Master Policy.
  2. Go to System Settings tab.
  3. Provide the required value for the policy - Display Item Image at POS based on

    Note: The policy has 3 possible values - 

    1. None - On clicking on the Image option, the user will be shown a message to contact the administrator for enabling this option.
    2. Local - Image will be shown directly from the application folder at store end. Images should be saved manually to store server. The item images folder must be kept under the Ginesys POS folder.
    3. HOAPI - Based on the API configuration done for accessing Head Office, system will automatically show the image from Head Office.

      Note: In case no image is available for the Item or Image convention is not set for the Item, system will show "No Image found" by default.

  4. Check that the Site Policy assigned to the stores have the same value for the Display Item Image at POS based on policy as given in the Master Policy. In case of any different value the Site Policy will override the Master Policy. 

    Example of Policy working in POS

    1. If the Master Policy > Display Item Image at POS based on is HOAPI and Site Policy >  Display Item Image at POS based on is HOAPI; then the item images at POS will be displayed based on HOAPI.
    2. If the Master Policy > Display Item Image at POS based on is HOAPI and Site Policy >  Display Item Image at POS based on is Local; then the item images at POS will be displayed based on Local.
  5. Now the Local Service URL can be tested partially by opening on a browser preferably from any machine outside the local network.

    URL format:

    http://<Static Public IP>:<Custom PORT>/<sub-dir>/GenericService.svc


    Now the Local Service URL need to be configured with GINESYS Cloud Connect, please supply the local URL to GINESYS implementation team.

  6. All details changed must be synced to the POS sites where the images are desired.

The images can then be viewed in POS.

To go back to the main page click on the link: How To: Manage Utilities in Ginesys Retail

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