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titleCreate TDS Agency


  1. The users' role must have access to the Add app operation in the TDS  Agency feature in Finance - Operation - TDS through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Finance > Operation > TDS > TDS Agency. 
  2. TDS Agency module will open. 
  3. Click on Add button.
  4. Add :TDS Agency window will open.
  5. You will get three four sections - Agency Information, Details Information Information, Billing Details and Bank Details.
  6. Agency Information:
    1. Agency No.: Agency No. will be populated automatically after saving the voucher.
    2. System Date will be populated automatically in the Date field. 
    3. Put in the Reference (Mandatory Field) and Remarks.  Put in the Agency ID (Mandatory Field).
    4. Put in Name (Mandatory Field).
    5. Put in the Alias. It is optional.

  7. Details Information:
    1. Select Service Vendor and Reference Site.TDS Source  Class NameClass Type will be populated,
    2. Select General Ledger.
    1. You can put in Remark.

  8. Bill Details:
    1. Put in TDS Applicable Amount.
    2. Click on Populate TDS Exception Rate.
    3. TDS Rate % and TDS Amount will be populated.
    Click on Show Adjustment button
    1. the Address, Phone Number, Email ID and Website.  
  1. Bank Details:
    1. Put in the Bank Name, Account Number, IFSC Code etc. 

  2. Click on Save button to save the TDS Agency.