All sorts of taxes are levied by the Government on various products and Ginesys users need to reflect the same in their systems for proper management of the software.
HSN/SAC code is used for classifying the goods under GST. It is an internationally accepted product coding system. HSN/SAC master allows you to add, edit and delete HSN/SAC- Adding & Editing the HSN/SAC Master
GST Rate is an exact tax amount for particular item. GST Rate master allows you to add, edit and delete GST Rate - Adding & Editing GST Rate
Payable tax amount varies region wise due to social and geographical difference. Tax Region master allows you to add, edit and delete Tax Region- Adding & Editing Tax Region in Ginesys
Tax Group is a collection of taxable entities. Tax Group master allows you to add, edit and delete Tax Group - Adding & Editing Tax Group in Ginesys
Manage the Tax Rate master - Adding & Editing the Tax Rate Master
Manage Excise Tariff - Adding & Editing Excise Tariff in Ginesys
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