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The Inventory Group Master provides the basic three (3) tiered item definition in Ginesys. Items cannot be created in Ginesys without defining it in terms of these groups. This article shows how Inventory Groups may be managed in Ginesys.


title Add Groups in the Inventory Group Master


  1. The users' role must have access to the Add app operation in the Group feature in Inventory - Product Definition - Item Hierarchy through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Inventory > Product Definition > Group. The Item Group master opens.

  2. To add a new division, follow the steps below:

    1. Right click on Root and click on the Add New Division option.

    2. The new division will appear. Change the name as per your need and press Enter.

  3. To add a new section, follow the steps below:

    1. Right click on Division you want to create a new section in and click on the Add New Section option.

    2. The new section will appear. Change the name as per your need and press Enter.

  4. To add a new department, follow the steps below:

    1. Right click on Section you want to create a new department in and click on the Add New Department option.

    2. The new department will appear. Change the name as per your need and press Enter.


title Edit Groups in the Inventory Group Master


  1. The users' role must have access to the Edit app operation in the Group feature in Inventory - Product Definition - Item Hierarchy through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web - Inventory - Product Definition - Item Hierarchy - Group. The Item Group master opens.

  2. Right-click on the Division / Section / Department name you want to edit and click on the Edit Properties option. The Edit Properties window will open.

    idFields have be added for 'Inventory Management'
    titleImpact of Batch/Serial functionality on 'Inventory Management'

    Three new fields have been added in Inventory Management - Batch wise, Serial wise and Item wise

    • By default, ‘Item wise’ will remain selected.

    • Value defined at parent will flow to the newly created child.

    • System will display the saved value in Edit Mode.

    • User can modify the Inventory Management Mode for the Group as and when required.

    id‘Pricing Management’
    titleImpact of Batch/Serial functionality on ‘Pricing Management’
    • If Inventory Management is batch/serial wise, then there will be an option to select pricing management criteria 

    • Item level (Default selected)

    • Batch/Serial level

    id'Expiry Management '
    titleImpact of Batch/Serial functionality on 'Expiry Management '
    • If Inventory Management is Batch wise, then there will be an option to select Expiry Management otherwise by default it will be disabled.

    idBatch/Serial Numbering Scheme
    titleImpact of Batch/Serial functionality on Numbering Scheme
    • If Inventory Management = Batch wise or Serial wise, then enable this option, otherwise disable

    • Optional field, Can be left blank

    • Lookup to be provided for selection of Numbering Scheme

      • Lookup to display only those schemes which are of type = ‘Batch/Serial Numbering’

      • Lookup to display only those schemes which are not Extinct

    • Modification is allowed, even after creation of Batch/Serial existing numbering series

    idCreate new Batch for every entry’
    titleImpact of Batch/Serial functionality on Creating new Batch for every entry’
    • Option has been marked whether consider existing batch while batch auto creation or create.
    • Check box option has been provided
    • Modification is allowed.
    • On marking this option as ticked, check if ‘Batch/Serial Numbering Scheme’ is provided.
    • If not provided, restrict marking this as ticked.

    • Message: ‘Batch/Serial Numbering Scheme is required for this option. Please provide.’

      • Tooltip has been provided, “Manual Batch No. will not be allowed in this option”

          • Option has to mark whether consider existing batch while batch auto creation or create

          • Check box option has to be provided

          • Modification is allowed

          • On marking this option as ticked, check if ‘Batch/Serial Numbering Scheme’ is provided.

            • If not provided, restrict marking this as ticked.

            • Message: ‘Batch/Serial Numbering Scheme is required for this option. Please provide.’

          • Tooltip has been provided, “Manual Batch No. will not be allowed in this option”

        • Note has been added in footer for Edit properties window

          • “Note: On item creation, Barcode Management options will not be applicable for Batch/Serial wise Inventory managed group items.”

        • “Note: On item creation, Barcode Management options will not be applicable for Batch/Serial wise Inventory managed group items.”


    If you choose to edit a division, then only the sections under that division will be available for modification in the Edit Properties window. Similarly, if you choose to edit a section, then only the departments under that section will be available for modification.

  3. In the Group Name column, once again select  the section / sections you want to modify.

  4. The changes are to be made in the Edit Group Information section (on the right-hand side).


    By default, all the values are set to Use Existing Value.

  5. Expand
    titleYou may change the following details in the General section:
    1. Alias Name

      It is an user input field, that is, you can type in any name you want.

      An existing alias name can be removed and modifiedIt may also be left blank.

      An alias name, once used can be used again. In that case, the system will display a warning message, as it will be a repetition of an existing name.

    2. HSN Code

      The user can select the required HSN Code value from the list provided.

      An existing HSN Code can be removed and modifiedIt may also be left blank.

      HSN Code includes both Goods and Services.

    titleUse of HSN in Group properties Under General Category

    HSN is used so that GST can be globally accepted. It also helps in systematic classification of Goods worldwide.

    1. Tax Group

      The user can select the required Tax Group value from the list provided.

      An existing Tax Group can be removed and modifiedIt may also be left blank.

      The Tax Group drop down list displays only those values which are not extinct.

      titleUse of Tax Group in Group properties Under General Category

      Tax Group is a collection of tax slabs as defined in the tax rates. So for Tax Group "VAT" there may be various Tax Rates (5%, 10% and 12%) for different items. So while creating the Tax Rate Master, users may create a VAT5, VAT10, VAT12 individually although they will all be under the VAT Tax Group

    2. Excise Tariff

      The user can select the required Excise Tariff value from the list provided.

      An existing Excise Tariff can be removed and modifiedIt may also be left blank.

      The Excise Tariff drop down list displays only those values which are not extinct.

      titleUse of Excise Tariff form in Group properties Under General Category

      It is necessary for capturing the exact amount paid against Excise.

      idNew column to be added for
      titleImpact of Batch/Serial functionality on New column addition
      • Inventory Management

      • Pricing Management

      • Expiry Management

      • Batch/Serial Numbering Scheme

      Columns will display value saved for the respective group name.


      For all existing Departments, Inventory Management will  get updated with the value - 'Items Wise'

    3. Image Convention

      An existing Image Convention can be removed and modifiedIt may also be left blank.

      The user can select the required Image Convention value from the list provided. The list contains fixed values - None, Barcode, Article, Category 1-6, Description 1-6.

      The user can choose only one value.

      titleUse of Excise Tariff form in Group properties Under General Category

      Image Convention is use so that items can be identified easily. Identifying an item by its name, category, Barcode or Description can be difficult sometimes but a image can be recognized by all.

      Page Properties
      idItem Creation logic change w.r.t. Batch/Serial Item

      Changes Done

      • If Inventory Management for the item has been created = Batch wise or Serial wise, then

      • Barcode Management options to be treated as below:

        • Change in Season = Use Existing Code

        • Change in Vendor = Use Existing Code

        • Change in Purchase = Use Existing Code

      Impact of change
      The above point implies that, new barcode will not be created on change of above 3 parameters, keeping all other parameters as same.

      Modules from which Item can be created

      • Inventory - Product Definition - Item Hierarchy - Create Item

      • Procurement - PO/Receipts - Item Combination

      • Procurement - PO/Receipts - Import Excel

      • Admin - Utilities - Manage - Data Import: Item Creation Item Modification

      • Admin - Utilities - Manage - Data Import: PO Creation

  6. Expand
    titleYou may change the following details in the Inventory section:
    1. Negative Stock Alert

      An existing Negative Stock Alert can be removed and modified but it must be given some value

      The user can select the required Negative Stock Alert value from the list provided. The list contains fixed values - Profile, Ignore, Warning or Stop.

      The user can choose only one value.

      titleUse Of Negative stock Alert Method in Group properties Under Inventory Category

      Negative Stock Alert method is used for giving alert message whenever there is an insufficient stock .User can set it as Profile, Ignore, Warning, Stop.

    2. Material Type

      An existing Material Type can be removed and modified but it must be given some value

      The user can select the required Material Type value from the list provided. The list contains fixed values - Finished Goods, Semi Finished Goods or Raw Material.

      The user can choose only one value.

      titleUse Of Material Type in Group properties Under Inventory Category

      Material Type is what type of material of an item will be. It can be three types - raw Material, Semi Finished Goods and Finished Goods.

    3. Scan Unit

      An existing Scan Unit can be removed and modified but it must be given some value

      It is a user input field, that is, the user can type in any value he wants. Only numeric value are allowed.

      This field can contain decimal value but not negative value.

      titleUse Of scan unit in Group properties Under Inventory Category

      Scan Unit is the quantity that is displayed when a single unit of an item is scanned. So if an item has scan unit 2 then for every unit of that item when scanned will increase the item quantity by multiples of 2. 

    4. UOM

      An existing UOM can be removed and modifiedIt may also be left blank.

      The user can manually enter value or select from the list provided.

      titleUse of UoM in Group properties Under Inventory Category

      unit of measure (UoM) is defined as the standard units of estimation used when considering inventory, and showing them in amounts or values. It gives clarity to the type of thing being measured like length or thickness is measured inches or feet or metres but liquid substances are measured in liters (l) or cubic centimetres (cc).

    5. Extinct

      An existing value can be removed and modified but it must be given some value

      The user can select the required value from the list provided.

      The list contains fixed values - Yes or No.

      The user can choose only one value.

      A group that is made extinct can be revived back at any time.

      titleUse of Extinct in Group properties Under Inventory Category

      Extinct indicates that the particular site is closed. If any site is marked as Extinct that means no stocks or anything will be allocated to that site.

  7. Expand
    titleYou may change the following details in the Barcode Management section:
    1. For change in season

      An existing value can be removed and modified but it must be given some value

      The user can select the required value from the list provided.

      The list contains fixed values - Create New Code or Use Existing Code.

      The user can choose only one value.

      titleUse of "For Change In season" in Group properties Under Barcode Management Category

      "For Change In season" is used to know whether the new barcode is needed for the particular item with the Season change or not.

      For change in Standard Rate

      An existing value can be removed and modified but it must be given some value

      The user can select the required value from the list provided.

      The list contains fixed values - Create New Code or Use Existing Code.

      The user can choose only one value.

    titleUse of "For Change In standard rate"" in Group properties Under Barcode Management Category

    "For Change In standard rate" indicates whether the Barcode will be same or not for the particular item when there is any change in Standard Rate.

    1. For change in Vendor

      An existing value can be removed and modified but it must be given some value.

      The user can select the required value from the list provided.

      The list contains fixed values - Create New Code or Use Existing Code.

      The user can choose only one value.

      titleUse of "For Change In Vendor" in Group properties Under Barcode Management Category

      "For Change In Vendor" option is for to know whether new barcode is need or not when there will be any new vendor.

  8. Expand
    titleYou may change the following details in the POS Behavior section:
    1. Multi Price Action

      An existing value can be removed and modified but it must be given some value

      The user can select the required value from the list provided.

      The list contains fixed values - Apply Price from Master, Apply last price from list or Popup Price from list.

      The user can choose only one value.

      titleUse of "Multi price action" in Group properties Under POS behavior Category

      An item can have multiple price at a site, this may happen due to same item of different lots being present at the POS at the same time or if promotions applicable on the item etc.  "Multi price action" option is provided to ensure that if the item has multiple prices then how would those prices be applicable on the item at the POS. In other words, if the item is selected for sale then from where it would take the prices for the item.

      Popup Price from list - The price would be selected by the user from the list provided by a popup on scanning of the item.

      Apply Last Price from list - The last price from the list provided  by a popup or scanning of the item would be selected by the user.

      Apply Price from Master - The price would be selected by the user from Item master.

    2. Allow Price Change

      An existing value can be removed and modified but it must be given some value

      The user can select the required value from the list provided.

      The list contains fixed values - Yes or No.

      The user can choose only one value.

      titleUse of "Allow price Change" in Group properties Under POS behavior Category

      "Allow price Change" - this option allows user to change the price of a particular item when the old price of that item got extinct.

    3. Edit Quantity and Price

      An existing value can be removed and modified but it must be given some value

      The user can select the required value from the list provided.

      The list contains fixed values - Yes or No.

      The user can choose only one value.

      title Use of "Edit Qty and Price" in Group properties Under POS behavior Category

      Currently, "Edit Qty and Price" is not available in the application. However, similar functionality is available through "Auto Qty Popup". In situations where UOM is not pieces, it is easier to Scan the item and manually provide the quantity. For example - In case of unstitched cloth and non-packaged cereals and other items sold by weight. 

    4. Price Change Limit (in %)

      This field is enabled only if the Allow Price Change option is set to Yes.

      An existing value can be removed and modified but it must be given some value

      It is an user input field, that is, the user can type in any value he wants. Only numeric values are allowed.

      This field can contain decimal value but not negative value or value more than 100.

      titleUse of "Price change Limit in %" in Group properties Under POS behavior Category

      If "Allow price Change" is selected as 'Yes'. Then "Price change Limit in %" field will be applicable. This field allows user to set the limit of Price change in '%'. 


      If in certain departments / sections, Allow Price Change is set to No , while other departments / sections in the same division have Allow Price Change  set to Yes, and the Price Change Limit (in %) is changed for the Division, then the departments / sections marked Yes will take the changed value, while those with No, shall remain unchanged.

      ExampleDivision X has department A, B and C.

      titleScenario 1:  

      Allow Price Change (for division X and department A and B) is Yes. But for department C it is set to No.

      Price Change Limit (in %) is changed for the division X to 5%. Then the departments A and B will have Price Change Limit (in %) changed to 5% but department C would not (as it's value is set to No).

      titleScenario 2:

      Allow Price Change (for division X) is Yes

      Price Change Limit (in %) is changed for the division X to 5%. Then all the departments (A, B and C) will have Price Change Limit (in %) changed to 5%.

      titleScenario 3:

      Allow Price Change (for division X) is No. Then the Price Change Limit (in %) field will appear disabled.

  9. Expand
    titleYou may change the following details in the Attributes Prompt section:

    It is an user input field, that is, you can type in any name you want.

    An existing Attributes Prompt can be removed and modified. It may also be left blank.


    Here you can also define the attributes as Mandatory.

    An existing value can be removed and modified but it must be given some value

    The user can select the required value from the list provided.

    The list contains fixed values - Yes or No.

    The user can choose only one value.

    titleUse of "Prompt" & "Mandatory" in In Group properties Under Attribute Prompts

    'Prompt' is the Attribute's name which will be showing for an item. If 'Mandatory' is set to Yes then the Attribute will be a required field. For example - If 'Prompt' is named Size and 'Mandatory' is set to 'Yes' then Size of the item will be required to create an item.

  10. Once done, click on the Update button.

  11. Then click on the Close button. 


titleDeleting Inventory Groups

Note: Inventory Groups may be deleted only if they have not been tagged to an item and in reverse order of hierarchy; i.e. Department > Section > Division.

However they can be made extinct any time by Right click > Edit Properties > Edit Group Information > Inventory > Extinct