Sub Assembly Items are the small parts of an Assembly Item or a Finished Goods. A complete Finished Goods is made by assembling the Sub Assembly Items.
This article describes how to manage Sub Assembly Items in Ginesys HO.
- The users' role must have access to the Sub Assembly Item feature by enabling Add / Modify app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Production - Setup - Manage.
Step-by-step guide
- Go to Production > Setup > Manage > Sub Assembly Item.
Sub Assembly item window opens.
Expand title Add Sub Assembly Item - Click on Add button.
- Add Sub Assembly Item window opens.
- Put in the Name (mandatory field), Short Name.
- Click on Save to save the record.
- You will get a message “Record Saved Successfully”.
Expand title Edit Sub Assembly Item - Select the Assembly Item which you want to Edit.
- Click on Action > Edit.
- Edit Sub Assembly Item window opens and the record will be populated.
- Change the required field which you want to edit.
- Click on the Save button to save the changes.
- You will get a message “Record Saved Successfully”.
Expand title Export to Excel - Click on Action > Export to excel.
- An excel file, containing the details of the Sub Assembly Item, will be download and you will get a message “Excel Exported Successfully”.