When the goods supplied to the warehouse is segregated into various binsWhen the goods supplied to the warehouse is segregated into various bins, stored to be sent to other retail sites to be sold to end consumers or returned to suppliers for some reason - this action of segregating supplied goods into bins is known as Put Away.
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PrerequisiteThe users' role must have access to the Add app operation in the Put Away feature in Inventory - WMS - Transactions through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.
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| If you want post inventory, then you need to have the access to the Post Inventory app operation in the Put Away feature in Inventory - WMS - Transactions through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security. |
The bins must be present.
Items must be present in the Item Master. In case, Item Sets need to be scanned hey must be created through Ginesys Desktop - Inventory - Setup - Item Set.
Step-by-step guideThe steps are as follows: Go to to Ginesys Web - Inventory - WMS - Transactions - Put Away. This will open the the Put Away module module.
Click on the the Add button button. This will open the the Add Put Away window window.
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Add the details like like Entry No., Date, From stock From stock point, Remarks etc.
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Entry No., Date, From stock point are mandatory fields. You can select the Entry No. and From stock point from the drop-down and select the Date from the date picker. You can also put in Remarks. |
In the Items & Bin Details tab, select select items using the three available options: They are - Manual Scan, Search Item & Populate and and Import CSV.
If you want to select items using using Manual Scan, then follow the steps:
Click on
the the Manual Scan
button button. It opens
the the Manual Scan
window window.
Select the required Qty Population Mode from the available options, i.e., Manual
or or Automatic. If you chose Manual, then manually type in the Item Barcode, Bin No. and Quantity fields. Press Enter key or click on the Accept button. Info |
Choose the Bin No. from the drop-down. |
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Suppose you want to add an item with a particular barcode or from a specific bin, but do not wish to type / select it repeatedly. In that case, select the Retain this Value checkbox provided beside the options respectively. Deselect the checkbox when you want to change the barcode or bin. |
If you
chose chose Automatic, then scan the item (the scanned barcode shall appear in the Item Barcode
field field). Select the Bin No. from the drop-down.
Press Press Enter or click on
the the Accept button.
Tip |
Suppose you want to add an item with a particular barcode or from a specific bin, but do not wish to type / select it repeatedly. In that case, select the Retain this Value checkbox provided beside the options respectively. Deselect the checkbox when you want to change the barcode or bin. |
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title | Applicability of Item sets |
| Manual Scan may also be done for Item Sets created through Ginesys Desktop - Inventory - Setup - Item Set. |
After adding all the required items, click on
the the Cancel
button button to close
the the Manual Scan
window window.
If you want to select items using using Search Item & Populate, then follow the steps: Click on
the the Search Item & Populate button. It opens
the the Search Item & Populate window. Page Properties |
id | Search Item and Populate Window |
| Following columns have been introduced to incorporate batch/serial functionality. The columns are view only, can be hidden and have to be selected from column chooser to be visible. |
Click on the Select Item button to add items. In
the the Allocate Bin
column column, click on
the the Allocate
button button. A new window opens. Select the bin from
the the Bin No.
drop drop-down. Add quantity in
the the Qty.
field field and
click click Add. Click
on on Populate. Repeat the steps for other items. Tip |
You can also click on the Allocate To Default Bin button. A window appears saying that the pending item quantity in other rows would be allocated to the default bin. If you want to allocate all items to the default bin, then click Yes, otherwise click No. If you click Yes, then All Rows updated Successfully. - message is displayed Click OK. If you click No, then allocate the items as described above. |
on on Populate.
You can also select items using Import CSV. Following column has been introduced to incorporate batch/serial functionality - Batch/Serial, it is mandatory for Batch/Serial managed item.
Now go to the User Defined Field (UDF) tab. Fill up the necessary details in the fields provided and especially those marked as mandatory. The User Defined Fields or the UDF are configured by the users if they want the fields to exist. It is for the user to enter the value as per the demands of his company's policies. Tip |
| The fields in this section are set up from the UDF master in Ginesys Web > Admin > Utilities > User Defined Fields (UDF) |
Once the items are added, click on the the Save button button. The The Post Confirmation window window appears saying that the stock will be posted on the entry date and modifications will be restricted after posting. If you want to post inventory, then click click Yes, otherwise click click No.
Entry no. <Entry no.> generated successfully. - message displayed on the screen.
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PrerequisitesThe users' role must have access to the Modify app operation in the Put Away feature in Inventory - WMS - Transactions through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security. Only the Put Away documents that are in Open state can be edited.
Select a Put Away record and double click on the record. The Edit Put Away window opens.
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You can modify the following fields - Date, From Stock Point and Remarks. You can also add and modify the Item & Bill Details tab & User Defined Field (UDF) tab.
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You will notice a new tab- Transaction Details. This is a display only tab showing details of users who worked with the particular Put Away document and the time of their operations. This displays three types of information - Creation Information, Modification Information and Posting Information. |
Once the items and/ or item sets are added, click on the the Save button button. The The Post Confirmation window window appears saying that the stock will be posted on the entry date and modifications will be restricted after posting. If you want to post inventory, then click click Yes. Otherwise, click click No.
Tip |
Once batch/serial is implemented, negative stock checking before inventory posting will be done in the following sequence - - Barcode - Batch/Serial No. - Selected stock point.
Once all modifications are done, click on the the Save button button. Record Modified Successfully. - message will be displayed.
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PrerequisitesThe users' role must have access to the Delete app operation in the Put Away feature in Inventory - WMS - Transactions through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security. Only the Put Away that are in Open state can be deleted. Entry date of the document should be in Open state. Accounting year should be in open state as per the entry date. Entry date should be within the user's permissible lock days.
StepsSelect a Put Away record and click on the Delete option (from the Actions menu). A confirmation window will appear with the message - Document once deleted cannot be retrieved. Are Are you sure you want to delete this transaction? If you want to proceed, click click Yes, or else click click No.
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If you select select Yes, then a message - Document No:<Document No.> - deleted successfully. - will be displayed. Click Click OK. If you select select No, then you will be directed back to the Put Away modulethe Put Away module.
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title | Post Inventory in Put Away module |
PrerequisitesThe users' role must have access to the Post Inventory app operation in the Put Away feature in Inventory - WMS - Transactions through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security. Document's status should be Open, i.e. it should be in un-posted state. Entry date of the document should be in Open state. Accounting year should be in open state as per the entry date. Entry date should be within the user 's permissible lock days.Negative stock check should not fail.Step-by-step-guide- Select a put away record and click the Post Inventory option (from the Actions menu).
- A confirmation window appears with the message - Documents once posted cannot be modified. Do you want to proceed? If you want to proceed, click Yes, or else click No.
Image Removed - If you select Yes, then a message - Document No: <Document No.> - Successfully posted. - will be displayed. Click OK.
If you select No, then you will be directed back to the Put Away module.
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title | Print Put Away record |
PrerequisitesThe users' role must have access to the Print app operation in the Put Away feature in Inventory - WMS - Transactions through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.
Steps- Select a Put Away record and click the Print option (from the Actions menu).
There is no change if item with inventory management as Item Managed is scanned.
and item and batch/serial data is accepted at this point only and saved
For Put Away & Take Away- On accept populate, batch/serial wise item with bin details and quantity in grid
For Bin adjustment- Populate batch/serial, item, destination bin, source bin and quantity in Item & Bin Details grid
Allow scanning of batch/serial applicable items Batch/Serial Details
's permissible lock days. Negative stock check should not fail.
Step-by-step-guideSelect a put away record and click the Post Inventory option (from the Actions menu). A confirmation window appears with the message - Documents once posted cannot be modified. Do you want to proceed? If you want to proceed, click Yes, or else click No.
Image AddedIf you select Yes, then a message - Document No: <Document No.> - Successfully posted. - will be displayed. Click OK. If you select No, then you will be directed back to the Put Away module.
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title | Print Put Away record |
PrerequisitesThe users' role must have access to the Print app operation in the Put Away feature in Inventory - WMS - Transactions through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.
StepsSelect a Put Away record and click the Print option (from the Actions menu).
To go back to the main page click on Managing the transactions in WMS