Scope and mapping of GSTR 2 Input formats
GSTR 2 represents the purchases or the inward supply details of the taxpayer. Some sections of GSTR 2 will be populated based on the data made available in GSTR 2A and remaining sections will be fully based on the data uploaded by the taxpayer.
Table in Return | Whether Populated in 2A | Is Action Required to be taken by taxpayer | Input categories defined by emg Sapphire | |
3 | Inward supplies received from a registered person other than the supplies attracting reverse charge | Yes | Yes | Regular Transactions Import and CDN
4A | Inward supplies received from a registered supplier (attracting reverse charge) | Yes | Yes | |
4B | Inward supplies received from an unregistered supplier | No | NA | |
4C | Import of service | No | NA | |
5 | Inputs/Capital goods received from Overseas or from | No | NA | |
6A | Supplies other than import of | Yes. Only for registered dealers | Yes. Only for registered dealers | |
6B | Supplies by way of import of | No | NA | |
6C | Debit Notes/Credit Notes [original] | Yes. Only for registered dealers / SEZ | Yes. Only for registered dealers / SEZ | |
6D | Debit Notes/ Credit Notes [amendment of debit | Yes. Only for registered dealers / SEZ | Yes. Only for registered dealers / SEZ | |
7 | Supplies received from | No | NA | Regular Transactions Import and CDN
8 | ISD credit received | Yes | Yes | ISD |
9 | TDS and TCS Credit received
| Yes. | No | Deferred for reporting until further notification |
10 (I) A | Advance amount paid for | No | NA | Advance Paid and Tax Paid |
10 (II) | II Amendments of information furnished in Table No. 10 | No | NA | |
10 (I) B | Advance amount on which | No | NA | |
10 (II) | II Amendments of information furnished in Table No. 10 | No | NA | |
11 | Input Tax Credit Reversal / Reclaim | No | NA | ITC Reversal Aggregate |
12 | Addition and reduction of amount | Yes | No | Not an actionable data, hence no input |
13 | HSN summary of inward supplies | No | NA | HSN Summary Aggregate |