Brief about VAF in EaseMyGST

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Brief about VAF in EaseMyGST

Here in EaseMyGST, we are not just providing return filing solution but also providing some value-added feature

A). Dashboard – Here you can see the key highlights from the monthly return GSTR 3B as well as some important reports like Settlement of tax liability

B). Bulk Upload – Bulk data upload facility for returns GSTR 1, GSTR 2, GSTR 3B, GSTR 9 and ITC 04

C). Vendor Management – Here you can upload your customer and vendor’s master details

D). My Network – Through this feature you are enabled to share your data with your counter-parties.

E). GST Data – Through this feature you are enabled to fetch data from GST system for all your GSTINs and for all filing periods.

F). Ledger – Through this feature, you can view the ledger balances and entries

G). Utilities Search GSTIN – Through this feature, you can search 500 GSTINs at one go and get those taxpayers details as well as here track return facility is also available.

H). Utilities Search GSTIN by PAN – Through this feature, you can search GSTIN registered under that PAN and its filing status

I). Utilities Search HSN – Through this feature, you can search valid HSN and tax rate applied for that HSN.

J). Compliance Tracker – Through this feature, see GSTN session for all GSTIN in one glance whether active or not, get to know GSTIN who actively do activities through EaseMyGST and also get to filing history.

K). Resource – Here you will find all the ready reference material.

A). Upload Vendor Data

This feature is available at GSTIN Level. So select GSTIN and go to “Vendor Management” and in vendor management browse your vendor/customer master data. This master data should be as per EaseMyGST defined input format.

Steps to follow:

  1. Click on ‘Browse’ option to select CSV or zip file from your system. File should be as per EaseMyGST input format

  2. Select the file to be uploaded and click ‘Open’

  3. Click on ‘Upload’ option to upload the invoices

  4. You will see status as ‘IN PROGRESS’ in the upload history table (In case, the file is in queue for further processing then status would be ‘UPLOADED’). Once the file passes all the technical validations, the status will change to ‘SUCCESS’. In case of any structural errors, you will get status as ‘FAILURE’. You can click on the structural errors in the result column to review the errors. Once error solved in a file then upload that error free file.

Note on Structural Error check on Invoices:

If the file you are trying to upload doesn’t conform to the specifications of IRIS provided input format then, in such cases, the details will be rejected and status shown would be ‘FAILURE’. You can click on the structural errors in the result column to review the errors. The maximum limit of structural errors is 100, after that the file is not taken up for further processing.

Once the file uploaded successfully go to View section.

B). View Section in Vendor Management

Here you can view the uploaded details in the respective fields as per the format of the uploaded document.

For viewing more details click on that vendor/customer entry.

In these details, you can see some important details of a registered counterparty which are auto fetched from GSTN once you uploaded your file. These auto-fetched details are Legal name and Trade name of Business, Date of Registration for GST, GSTIN status, Date of Cancellation of GSTIN and also provides date and time on which these details are fetched.

Also, manual fetch details button is available. Select the records for which you want to fetch details and click on fetch details button.

Also here filter facility is available. So by using these filters, you can search for your data.

C). EaseMyGST Dashboard

Visual indicator for knowing the status of GSTN session

Content of Dashboard

Here in the dashboard, you can see the key highlights from the monthly return GSTR 3B, like Details of total no. of GSTIN, Outward supplies, RCM inward supplies, and RCM payments. Also, you will find important news, product updates, Due dates of returns on the dashboard.

Below reports will be available on the Dashboard:

  1. Report of Outwards Taxable Supplies – For this report, data picked for latest 6 months filing period. Also, this data download facility is available here. File will get downloaded in .csv format.

  2. Report of Gross Tax Liability Excluding RCM Liabilities – For this report, data picked for latest 6 months filing period. Also, this data download facility is available here. File will get downloaded in .csv format.

  3. Report of Settlement of Tax Liabilities – For this report, data picked for latest 6 months filing period. Also, this data download facility is available here. File will get downloaded in .csv format.

Dashboard – Important to note

i. Dashboards are populated based on 3B data available in EaseMyGST
ii. Reports and key statistics will have data for available months and available GSTINs. Please ensure data for all the periods and all GSTINs is downloaded in order to get the proper trends and representation
iii. GSTR 3B for previous months by system
a. To get the historically filed data, we’ll be running a scheduler to do a bulk fetch from GSTN.
b. Data can be downloaded manually GSTIN wise and Month wise as follows Returns -> GSTR 3B -> Select Month -> Create GSTR 3B-> Fetch 3B summary
c. For Manual or system triggered 3B fetch, the GSTN session of the taxpayer needs to be active
iv. GSTR 3B going forward
a. If GSTR 3B is saved from EaseMyGST, then the GSTR 3B summary will be available and there would not be any need to fetch the data again

In bulk operations, you will get bulk data upload facility and bulk data download facility.

D). Bulk Operation

In bulk operations, you will get bulk data upload facility and bulk data download facility.

Bulk Upload

In case you have multiple GSTINs under the same business, you can upload invoices from all the GSTINs in a single input format. This facility is available for GSTR 1, GSTR 2, GSTR 3B, GSTR 9, GSTR 6 and ITC 04

To make use of bulk upload facility, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Under Bulk operations, click on ‘Bulk Upload’. Select return to be filed and filing period from the drop-down

  2. Click on ‘Browse’, select the relevant input file and click on Upload. The input file should be as per IRIS input format.

  3. Finally, click on ‘Refresh’ to see the status of upload history as ‘SUCCESS’ or ‘FAILURE’ (in case of structural errors). In case of failure, in the result column, you can see a list of structural errors.

Bulk Download

In case of success status, your data will get updated for each of GSTIN for which data is uploaded. Also in this case, if you want to check and download data for all your GSTIN in one go then use this bulk download facility. As of now, this facility is available for GSTR 1, GSTR 2 and GSTR 2A. So by using this facility, section-wise, period wise, and filter wise, you can download data.

Once the request of bulk download is completed, you will get download file folder here itself in File column.

E). Vendor Management

Here you will get the option of maintaining master data of your customers and vendors. IRIS defined one master data uploadation input format. In that input format, you need to enter all required details.

This facility is available on GSTIN level. So based on access rights, you can upload vendor master data on EaseMyGST

Usage of maintaining vendor master – In Reconciliation, on click of Send Mail button after selecting single/multiple records of a single counterparty, compose window will appear with auto-filled email addresses (which are present in Vendor Management for the pertinent counterparty).

Let’s see process flow:

  • Upload Master Data as per IRIS input format

    • Check for any structural errors are there in data

    • If yes then clear out all the errors and upload data again

  • Review Master Data

    • Check for uploaded data and Fetch basic details from GSTN

F). GST Data

The feature to fetch data from GST system for all your GSTINs and for all filing periods is available.

Based on the access rights for the user, the GSTINs can be selected. The request for getting the details from GST system can be placed by specifying the return type, the section within that return and the return periods.

See the below screenshot:

When you want to download GST data go to GST Data tab, there you need to select request data.

In request data, you provide details like GSTIN, return period, return type and sections in those returns for which you want to download the data. Here you can select more than one GSTIN,  Return period and sections in returns.

If you want to get GSTR 2A data counterparty wise or incremental date wise then you need to select only one GSTIN then option to download data counterparty/Incremental GSTIN wise will be available.

 So here you can choose the option to combine and get the output in one CSV file for every section. Once you proceed with the request, the status and details can be found in Request History

Once the request is complete, the file is ready for download. In the downloaded folder, a master file is included which includes the status of every request and the responses from GST system in case of there are any errors.

Also on UI page, in view details column, you can see the status of every subrequest and if any subrequest has an error then you need to do reget for the failed period for which error marked previously.

As the data is fetched from GST system, the session with GSTN needs to be active. The time to process the request depends on the volume of data.

In request history, you can view history depending on three parameters i.e. request made by you, request made by others and requests made by all.

This is all about downloading a bulk GST data in a one go.

G). View Ledger Balances

  1. GST system maintains ledgers for each taxpayer (GSTIN). There are 3 Ledgers. 1. Cash 2. ITC and 3. Liability

  2. EaseMyGST enables viewing of the ledger balances and entries

  3. Development of reports and insights based on ledger information is under process

So here for the particular GSTIN, if you want to view the ledger balances then Select that GSTIN and then click on Ledger.

And select ledger type i.e. Cash/ITC/Liability.

Then provide the “From date” and “To date” i.e. a particular period for which you want

 to view the balances.

And then click on Get transactions.

So it will provide you the complete transactions and balances for that selected period.

 H). Compliance Tracker

Previously named “MIS” section is now named as “Compliance Tracker”.

One new page added in this Compliance tracker i.e. “GST Session Status”

  1. GST Session Status

Previously GST session page was available under settings. Now no need to go to the settings page for generating an OTP for every GSTIN. From this new page, you can see all the GSTINs for which you have access and can generate OTP.

In this section “Admin” user can view some important reports related compliance as well as be able to view the overall summary about GSTINs.

So to see the MIS reports, click on “Compliance Tracker” tab given in right-hand side top corner.

Compliance history

Below are the reports available:

  1. GSTR 1 Return Filing Status – From this report, you will come to know that for how many GSTIN you have filed your return and for how many you are yet to file. Also here you will get the detailed filing summary.

  2. GSTR 3B Return Filing Status – From this report, you will come to know that for how many GSTIN you have filed your return and for how many you are yet to file. Also here you will get the detailed filing summary

For example, see the below-detailed filing summary:


Here in summary tab, you can view total number of GSTINs that you have, for how many GSTINs you are active and doing some work for it like uploading data, saving data to GSTN etc., how many number of save requests and get requests are done. Also, the facility to download is now available.


Here you will get details of how many invoices are uploaded, how many invoices get saved on GSTN and how many times you have downloaded data.

So here you need to select return type and then document type and then click on GET details. So for that all your GSTIN numbers, document type wise you will get the data for number of uploaded invoices, number of saved invoices and number of get invoices. The facility to download is also available here.

I).  Resource Section

Here in the resource section, you will find all the ready reference material.

  • Utilities –

    • Here in utilities, you will get input formats for GSTR 1, 2 and 3B

    • Offline data preparation utility tool

  • Guides –

    • Under guides, you will get the new features related release notes

    • User manual and process guide for preparing the GSTR returns

    • Also here you will get some important documents like FAQ, How to generate OTP, How to enable API access.

  • Also here you will get some important Notes and Links which you can use.

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