What If Analysis Retail

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What If Analysis Retail

The What If Analysis module is a predictive analysis module that enables users to analyze the impact of changes in a flexible source period on the targeted period. The user can select any previous period as the source period and increase its sales by a specified percentage (n) to determine the target sales for the targeted period. The solution provides a detailed report on the sales achieved until the previous day and the gap between the targeted sales and actual sales for the targeted period.

To use the solution, the user first selects a source period and increases its sales by a specified percentage . The solution then calculates the targeted sales for the targeted period based on the increased sales of the source period. The user can then select the dimension  at which they want to generate the report and specify the quantity or amount (or both) as the report level.

The solution then generates a report that shows the actual sales captured in the source period, the targeted sales for the targeted period, and the gap between the two.

This module is further divided in to two modules, What-If Generic and What-If Custom. What-If Generic generates the targeted data in a linear form. Where as for the What-If Custom module the user can provide flexible target percentage for different sites based on their performance.


  • What-If Generic --> Go to -- > What-If --> What-If Generic

  • What-If Custom --> Go to -- > What-If --> What-If Custom

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