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#Ledger Detail#

Report Name

#Ledger Detail#

Report Location


Report Type


Report Description

Get details of Transaction to be shown as per the selected ledger and date range.

Report Objective

The objective of this report is to have Ledger details in tabular format along with opening for each of transaction, so that it can be it can be analyzed properly.

Target Audience

Finance Manager, Finance Executive, Management



Selection type


From Date :


Report to be shown based on transaction happened for the period starts from this date

To Date :


Report to be shown based on transaction happened for the period ends on this date

Include Unposted Entries :


If it is ‘True’ then report will consider all those transactions which is not released/posted yet also.

Include Zero Balance Records :


If it is 'True' then report will show all the Ledger which do not have non-zero balance

Level 1


If needed Level 1 of Chart of Accounts can be selected for which the Ledgers to be shown in Report. If not needed then can be kept blank/Remove.

Level 2


If needed Level 2 of Chart of Accounts can be selected for which the Ledgers to be shown in Report. Option for Selection will be dependent on previous Selection in Level 1. If not needed then can be kept blank/Remove.

Level 3


If needed Level 3 of Chart of Accounts can be selected for which the Ledgers to be shown in Report. Option for Selection will be dependent on previous Selection in Level 2. If not needed then can be kept blank/Remove.

Level 4


If needed Level 4 of Chart of Accounts can be selected for which the Ledgers to be shown in Report. Option for Selection will be dependent on previous Selection in Level 3. If not needed then can be kept blank/Remove.



If needed Ledger can be selected for which records to be shown in Report. Option for Selection will be dependent on previous Selection in Level 4. If not needed then can be kept blank.



Alternative reports to validate

#Ledger Details - Printable#, #Ledger Summary#

Sample Output


Data Source Category Used

01-Master\Chart of Accounts [LV_CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS]
01-Master\Ledger [LV_LEDGER]
02-Finance\04-Report Specific\Ledger Detail New [TV_LEDGER_DETAIL_NEW]
01-Master\Owner Site [LV_SITE]
01-Master\Sub-Ledger [LV_SUBLEDGER]