What is an E-Way Bill?
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title | E-way Bill Generation |
Pre-requisitesThe users' role must have access to the Generate & Print app operation in the e-Way Bill Generation feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Admin - Security - User - Roles. Outgoing LR creation has to be enabled for the vendor/customer/site. Need to create a transaction from any/all of the aforesaid modules, against which Outgoing LR can be created. Need to ensure that e-Way Bill information is not inputted at the time of LR generation. Same shall get updated automatically on e-Way Bill creation.
Step-by-step guideThe process is divided in the following steps:
Select the Generate Mode. Search transaction documents against which LR has been created based on the criteria defined.
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title | Print and Cancel LOVs |
| Note: In case of Print and Cancel operations, only those transactions shall appear against which e-Way Bill has already been generated. |
Select transactions against which e-Way Bill needs to be generated.
Clicking on Proceed to Generate, all the validation will be check which are required as per government norms for e-Way Bill generation.
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Note: Transactions which are not eligible for e-Way Bill generation may appear in Invalid Documents window with its respective reason of invalidity. |
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Pre-requisitesThe users' role must have access to the Cancel app operation in the e-Way Bill Generation feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Admin - Security - User - Roles. e-Way Bill must be generated.
Step-by-step guideThe process is divided in the following steps: Go to e-Way Bill Generation module.
Select action as Print and search the document/transaction.
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title | Print and Cancel LOVs |
| Note: In case of Print and Cancel operations, only those transactions shall appear against which e-Way Bill bill has already been generated. |
Select the transaction and proceed to Print the e-Way Bill.
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Pre-requisitesThe users' role must have access to the Cancel app operation in the e-Way Bill Generation feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through Admin - Security - User - Roles. e-Way Bill must be generated.
Step-by-step guideThe process is divided in the following steps:
Go to e-Way Bill Generation module.
Select action as Cancel and search the document/transaction.
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title | Print and Cancel LOVs |
| Note: In case of Print and Cancel operations, only those transactions shall appear against which e-Way Bill has already been generated. |
Select the transaction and proceed to Cancel the e-Way Bill.
To go back to the main page click on Managing Utilities tab in Ginesys ERP Admin Module