Serial | Dev ID | Issue Tracker | Description |
1 | 105221 | N.A. | 105221 User unable to open site schedule in service detail block in Service OrderModule: Procurement - Operations - Order - Service Order Reported Version: 12.2.1 Scenario: - Create Service Order in backdate.
- Ensure that the user has a 0-day lock day.
- Now open the Service Order.
- Click on site schedule in service detail block.
- Observe that the following message is displayed - "You are not allowed to enter a date before (<given backdate>) and after (<given backdate>)"
2 | 105238 | N.A. | 105238 Issue Stock point getting blank after saving Job Order Module: Production - Operation - Process - Job Order Reported Version: 12.2.1 Scenario: - Go to Production > Operation > Process >Job Order.
- Create a Job Order and save it.
- Open it in edit mode, check the Issue Stock point in component Detail page.
- Observe that the Issue Stock Point is getting blank.
3 | 105244 | N.A. | 105244 Good Receive Challan cannot be saved after modificationModule: Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Receipts Reported Version: 12.2.1 Scenario: - Create GRC against Order and save it.
- Open the same GRC in edit mode.
- Modify it in some way and try to save it.
- Observe that the document cannot be saved.
4 | 104733 | N.A. | 104733 Book Quantity is not picking as per Site wise and Loccode wiseModule: Inventory - Operation - Stock Audit - Audit Plan - Update Stock Position Reported Version: 11.153.10 Scenario: - Create Stock Audit plan
- Active plan (Loccode should be in multiple site. This is not normal scenario).
- Stock Entry and lock the plan.
- Verify and update the plan.
- Observe that the Book Quantity is not picking as per Site wise and Loccode wise.
5 | 104922 | N.A. | 104922 The system is getting an error at the time of importing new Purchase OrderModule: Admin - Utilities - Manage - Data Import > Purchase Order Reported Version: 11.153.10 Scenario: - Create PO with import barcode.
- Do not map Item due date or remarks.
- Observe that the unique constraint violation error is being displayed as same item rate, item due date and item remarks is being displayed for different items.
6 | 104980 |
| 104980 System is checking document date for duplicate value Module: Admin - Utilities - Manage - Data Import > Purchase Order Reported Version: 11.153.10 Scenario: - Create PO from import Excel PO.
- Ensure that the user gives document number which is already provided for another PO.
- Observe that the system is checking for duplicate document number.
7 | 105043 |
| 105043 Cannot save record - Error message is showing while creating GRC in Mixed modeModule: Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - GRC Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario: - Create a PO with some items.
- Create a GRC- first scan an adhoc item and then select items from Purchase Order.
- Calculate Charge.
- Observe that Effective Value column is showing wrong data.
- Again while saving the GRC, the error message is showing.
8 | 105046 |
| 105046 Item quantity should be <= Pending quantity in PO - Alert message is seen when GRC Against Order import Excel is getting an error Module: Admin - Utilities - Manage - Data Import > Purchase Order Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario: - Create PO with some item.
- Try to Import Excel- GRC against Order.
- Observe that the following alert is showing - Item quantity should be <= Pending quantity in PO.
9 | 105052 |
| 105052 User is able to select Adhoc Items although "Allow Adhoc item selection in Receipts" is unchecked in User ProfileModule: Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Receipts Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario: - Ensure that "Allow Adhoc item selection in Receipts" is unchecked in user profile of a user.
- Logout.
- Login to Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operations > Goods In/Out > Receipts as the above mentioned user.
- Fill in all the mandatory header fields.
- Try to add Adhoc items by Scan Items or Select Items.
- Observe that user is able to select Adhoc Items although "Allow Adhoc item selection in Receipts" is unchecked in user profile.
10 | 105056 |
| 105056 All the Sales invoices are populated in Outgoing LR instead of the filtered Sales invoices of the selected Consignee Module: Inventory - Logistics - Outgoing - LR Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario: - Login to Ginesys Web > Inventory > Logistics > Outgoing > LR.
- Add a new LR, Filling all the mandatory fields.
- Ensure select Type=S&D: Sales Invoice/Transfer Out.
- Click on Tag Transfer document.
- Observe that all Sales invoices are populated instead of just the ones belonging to the consignee.
11 | 105074 |
| Module: Procurement - Operations - Order - Purchase Order Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario: - Going to Procurement > Operations > Order > Purchase Order.
- Select any PO and open it in Edit Mode.
- Observe that department value in corresponding Item.
12 | 105077 |
| 105077 Selected Stock point data is not reflected on selecting GRC as document type in print Barcode LabelModule: Inventory - Product Definition - Setup - Print Barcode Label Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario: - Login to Inventory > Product Definition > Setup > Print Barcode Label.
- Ensure the Item from Item Information is selected.
- Ensure the Document type as GRC is selected.
- Ensure the Stock point is selected .
- Search and observe that the Data from selected Stock point is not retrieving upon Selecting document type as GRC in print Barcode Label.
13 | 105087 |
| 105087 Service is not changed after removing the present serviceModule: Procurement - Operations - Service/Expenses - Service Invoice Adhoc Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario: - Login to Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operations > Service/Expenses > Service Invoice Adhoc.
- Fill all the mandatory fields.
- Ensure one Service is selected.
- Remove the same Service.
- Search another service.
- Click on enter.
14 | 105098 |
| 105098 Item quantity is populating as round quantity in printingModule: Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Receipts - Print Barcode
Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario: - Open the GRC and scan the item.
- let, the Item quantity be 9.96.
- Open barcode module.
- Item populates as 10 in print quantity.
15 | 105101 |
| 105101 A.OUNAME - Error message is displayed when searching for site name in Site lookup Module: Inventory - Logistics - Outgoing Logistic Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario: - Open Outgoing Logistic module.
- Go to Site field after provide the value.
- User wants to search site name but it is getting an error -"A.OUNAME".
16 | 105113 |
| 105113 User unable to allocate Adhoc item to storeModule: Retail Management - Setup - Configure - Manual Item Allocation Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario: - Go to Manual Item Allocation module.
- Ensure the destination Site is selected.
- Create Item, Scan item, and press the allocate button.
17 | 105117 |
| Module: Admin - Utilities - E-way Bill Generator Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario: - Go to E-way Bill Generator module.
- Search the entry.
- Ensure the entry and press Process to Generate button is selected.
18 | 105126 |
| 105126 GST factor not updated when user modify item rateModule: Sales & Distribution - Operations - Sale Return Reported Version: 12.02 Scenario: - Go to Ginesys Web > S & D> Operations > Sale Invoice.
- Set GST factor will populate as per defined in slab.
- Made a adhoc basis return with taxable(GST) and non taxable charge.
- calculated charge .
- Modify item charge by which item rate getting reduce/ increase and GST slab also change.
- It was observed that GST factor not updated when user modify item rate .
19 | 105129 |
| 105129 Unable export to Excel in the Return WizardModule: Procurement - Operations - GRT Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario: - Go to Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operations > GRT> Wizard.
- It was observed that When the export is done for the items in the wizard window for the Items without a receipt, all the rows in the grid are not exported.
20 | 105132 |
| 105132 User is not able to check the total quantity and amountModule: Inventory - Product Definition - Process > Job receipt updation Reported Version: 11.153.10 Scenario: - Login to Inventory >Product Definition > Process.
- Select cutting to finish as processes.
- Observe that the total quantity and total amount is not showing in Update Job Receipt page.
21 | 105138 |
| 105138 Unable to issue components from WIP Material TransactionModule: Production - Operations - Process - WIP Material Transactions Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario: - Ensure that proper Working Plan, Job Order and Job Receipt are created.
- Now based on the above documents create a WIP Material Transaction.
- Ensure that (Type=issue and Supply Type = Push).
- Observe that the same Assembly Barcode is displayed multiple times and Sub Components which are in WIP are asking for Stock Point.
22 | 105147 |
| 105147 Calculated charge amount is becoming zero (0) if Charge factor is provided to next document level chargeModule: Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Purchase Order Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario: - Create a Charge as per attached image.
- For Document level charge - TCS@0.075%, provide any charge Factor.
- For Document level charge -Round Off, provide any charge factor.
- Now check, for Document level charge - TCS@0.075%, provided Charge Factor and Charge amount became 0.
23 | 105161 |
| 105161 TDS Amount in Invoice and TDS Journal is getting mismatched, while Auto TDS journal is creating from Service Invoice(Adhoc/Against Doc) moduleModule: Procurement - Operations - Service Invoice Adhoc/Against Document Reported Version: 12.1.0 Scenario: - Create a Service Invoice where TDS Rate = 1.5%.
- Let, the Service Amount be 61632.60.
- In Service Invoice, TDS Amount is showing as 924.00. Release the document and auto generated TDS journal will create.
- Open the TDS journal. Here TDS Journal amount is showing as 925.00.
24 | 105194 |
| 105194 No Data is populated in Grid of Allocated Site(s) after importing from import Excel processModule: Finance - Operations - Vouchers - General Voucher Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario: - Login to Ginesys Web > Finance > Operations > Vouchers > General Voucher.
- Open the previous date unposted Voucher No.
- Click on Site .
- Import Site(s) .
- Impost one CSV file and try to populate the data in grid of of Allocated Site(s) .
25 | 105235 |
| 105235 System is not allowing to cancel PO although the order status is partial pendingModule: Procurement - Operations - Order - Purchase Order Reported Version: 12.2.1 Scenario: - Create Purchase Order with third party integration.
- Create partial GRC.
- Open Cancel Purchase Order module.
- Search the Order from Order No lookup.
- Observe that the above order is not showing in Lookup and data is not coming after search.
26 | 105247 |
| 105247 "Stock for some of the item(s) is getting negative. Cannot proceed."- Error message is displayed while Posting the entry from the list pageModule: Inventory - WMS - Transactions - Put Away Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario: - Create Put Away for Item some quantity.
- Post the entry.
- Create the Take away for that item with same quantity.
- The user posted the entry from the list page.
- The system is throwing the message "Stock for some of the item(s) is getting negative. Cannot proceed." while Post the entry from the list page.
- When the user posts the entry from the document, the entry posted successfully.
27 | 105250 |
| 105250 Error Message- WebClientPrint Error: The URL ... is not valid (Status Code :200)Module: Inventory - Product Definition - Print Barcode Label Reported Version: 12.2.1 Scenario: - Print Barcode label.
- Scan one Item.
- Displaying that unable to Print Barcode label.
28 | 105173 |
| 105173 Using Set Control file, total set quantity is not showingModule: Inventory - Product Definition - Set up - Item Set Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario: - Create an Item set having 3 Items(for example, having 10 quantity each).
- Using Demo SET control file, print it.
- In printed document, total quantity (30) is not showing.
29 | 105256 |
| 105256 The system is getting an error "An internal error occurred during your request" while user authorized the documentModule: Procurement - Operations - Service Order Reported Version: 12.2.1 Scenario: - Create Service order without authorized.
- Now user having only authorized option not edit option.
- The user authorized the document and system is getting an error "An internal error occurred during your request" while user authorized the document.
30 | 105283 |
| 105283 Job Order Cancel document cannot be modifiedModule: Production - Operation - Process - Job Order Cancel Reported Version: 12.2.1 Scenario: - Ensure that user does have Modify app operations in Job Order Cancel .
- Open a saved Job Order Cancel document and try to save it again.
- Observe that the save button is disabled.
31 | 105286 |
| 105286 The Select Item window should not close after the population of the item in Job Order and Job ReceiptModule:
Production - Operations - Process - Job Order Production - Operations - Process - Job Receipt Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario: - Open the Job Order window.
- Provide the all required header value.
- Open the select item window.
- Provide the value in search criteria and search
- Press the populate button ,
- Observe that after populating items Select Item window is getting closed.
32 | 105289 |
| 105289 Delivery Challan Against Reservation quantity is getting mismatched with Scanning quantityModule: Sales and Distribution - Operation - Packing - Delivery Challan Against Reservation Reported Version: 12.2.1 116607 Scenario: - Create a DC against reservation and scanned items
- Save it.
- Observe that after making the DC when clicking on the print document option the quantity in the print document differs from the actual scanned quantity and the DC is saved with the quantity shown in the print document and not with the actual scanned quantity.
33 | 105292 |
| Module: Production - Operation - Process - Job Order Cancel Reported Version: 12.2.1 Scenario: - Open Job Order Cancel Module
- Provide all required value.
- Tag Job Order.
- Open Component Item window.
- Observe that Component Item window is not showing category information.
34 | 105295 |
| 105295 WIP details not found in WIP ClearanceModule: Production - Operations - Process - WIP Clearance Reported Version: 12.2.1 Scenario: - Create Job Order and Job Receipt for first Process. (For Assembly Item should have OEM barcode)
- Create Job Order for 2nd process and component has been issued.
- Create Job Order cancel for 2nd process order.
- WIP Material transaction has been generated for component item.
- Now user going to WIP clearance for Assembly item.
- In WIP detail window, after searching the record is not in WIP information block
35 | 105298 |
| 105298 In Sales Return, after modification GST charge from Invoice block, is not getting effected in the entryModule: Sales & Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Return Reported Version: 12.2.1 Scenario: - Create Sales Return entry.
- Retrieve the saved entry.
- Modify the GST charge from document detail block.
- Charge is not getting impact in the entry.
36 | 105302 |
| 105302 Document No. field is not accepting duplicate value. It should be unique for Year wise - Transporter wiseModule: Inventory - Logistics - Outgoing Reported Version: 12.2.1 Scenario: - Open Outgoing Logistic Module.
- Provide the all required value.
- Provide the value in Document No. field but it is not accepting due to duplicate value.
37 | 105305 |
| Module: Admin - Organization - Period - Finance Month Reported Version: 12.2.1 Scenario: - User set the App operation for Finance Month.
- Open the Finance month module.
- Close button is showing disabled.
38 | 105308 |
| 105308 User unable to allocate Adhoc item to Manage SiteModule: Retail Management - Setup - Configure - Manual Item Allocation Reported Version: 12.2.1 Scenario: - Open the Module.
- Ensure that the Site and Item for Manual Item Allocation is selected.
- Populate the Item and press the allocate button.
- System generate message "Items will be allocated to the selected Destination Site(s).Please confirm."
- After Confirmation, the system is not doing anything.
39 | 105311 |
| 105311 "....Child record found"-Error message is showing while the user delete the item from Order detail blockModule: Procurement - Operation - Order - Purchase Order Reported Version: 12.2.1 Scenario: - Open the Purchase Order module.
- Provide all the required value.
- Ensure the item is selected.
- Provide the due date for respective item.
- Save the entry.
- Retrieve the entry and delete that item, the system is getting an error "....Child record found".
40 | 105314 |
| 105314 The system is getting an error " dictionary" while updating item stock from Verify/ Update plan operationModule: Inventory - Operations - Stock Audit - Stock Audit Plan Reported Version: 12.3.0 Scenario: - Create Plan Group-wise and save.
- Active Plan.
- Create stock entry.
- Lock the plan.
- Verify the plan.
- Update the stock.
- Observe that the system is getting an error " dictionary".
41 | 105329 |
| 105329 "Service Order Information contains invalid data"-Error message is displayed while saving the entryModule: Procurement - Operation - Service/Expenses - Cancel Service Order Reported Version: 12.2.1 Scenario: - Create Service Order.
- Create Service Invoice against Order partially.
- Open the Cancel Service Order.
- Search the order and populate data in the grid.
- Save the entry.
- Observe that the system is getting an error "Service Order Information contains invalid data" while saving the entry.
42 | 105241 |
| 105241 1st Process item component showing Pull-on-Order instead of Pull-On-CompletionModule: Production - Operations - Planning - Working plan Reported Version: 12.2.1 Scenario: - Create and save a working plan having 3 processes with 1st process being Pull-On-Completion
- Change the same working plan
- Observe the 1st Process item component showing Pull-on-Order instead of Pull-On-Completion.
43 | 550 |
| 550 Online sale getting pushed also when inventory month is closedModule: Online sale Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Online sale is getting pushed also when inventory month is closed.
44 | 551 |
| 551 After sorting item barcodes as per CAT(1/2/3/4) and then update UDF text field, it's getting saved but in item master it's not reflectingModule: Inventory - Item Master - Action - Manage Item Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Web > Inventory > Item Master > Action > Manage Item.
- Go to Select item > Search items by CAT
- Populates the barcodes as per requirement.
- Go to UDF field.
- Put a value for text field type UDF like 'A' or something else.
- Then apply and update item.
- Now go to item master and search any barcodes from those list.
- Open it in edit mode.
- UDF is showing blank.
45 | 565 |
| 565 Unable to scan set barcode in Confirm Picklist manual scanModule: Inventory - WMS - Transaction - Confirm Pick list Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Web > Inventory > WMS > Transaction > Confirm Pick list.
- Confirm Select the document.
- Confirm Manual Scan.
- Enter Set barcode.
- Select Bin.
- Provide the quantity and accept.
- But it's not taking the quantity as per set barcode.
46 | 569 |
| 569 In Advance Filter, Value field is not showing properlyModule: List View - Advance Filter Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to any List View.
- Go to Advance Filter.
- Observe that the Value field is hidden in right side.
47 | 670 |
| 670 Data not getting uploaded in EMG for GSTR1 filingModule: Admin - Utilities - Process - Sync to EaseMyGST Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Web>Admin> Utilities> Process> Sync to EaseMyGST.
- Select year & month.
- Select GSTIN No and return the name.
- Then Generate & Upload.
- It's successfully uploaded from Ginesys but for some specific(date) data not showing in easemyGST portal.
48 | 672 |
| 672 "Cannot Save record: Reason: More than one Store Location found" - Error is showing While creating a sales invoiceModule: Sales & distribution - Invoicing - Sales invoice Reported Version: 12.3.1 114322 Scenario: - Go to Web > Sales & distribution > Invoicing > Sales invoice.
- Ensure that destination site & all required details are selected.
- Ensure that the challan is selected and data is populated.
- Save the record.
- Observe that it is showing the error message "Cannot Save record: Reason: More than one Store Location found".
49 | 676 |
| 676 Select Document is hiding behind 'Adjustment Entry'Module: Finance - Operations - Vouchers - AR Voucher Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Ginesys Web > Finance > Operations > Vouchers > AR Voucher.
- Open a AR Voucher and then open Adjustment Entry.
- Go to Select Document.
- Now, open any another window.
- Here, 'Select Document' pop-up is hiding behind 'Adjustment Entry'.
50 | 677 |
| 677 "WebClientPrint Error: The not valid (Status Code: 200)"-Error Message is displaying while giving print packet barcode and also print to file is not generatingModule: Sales & distribution - Packing - Delivery - adhoc / against order / against reservation Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Web> Sales & distribution > Packing > Delivery - adhoc / against order / against reservation.
- Select on action button > select print packet barcode > give print.
- Observe that the error is displaying.
- Also print to file is not generating.
51 | 690 |
| 690 Bill discount amount is taking the wrong value when return item is available in the last row of the billModule: POS - Normal POS - POS bill > Bill discount amount Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to POS > scan items(two or three) .
- Ensure that the last item as return item is selected.
- Give bill discount and check the amount.
- It does not calculate the correct value.
52 | 691 |
| 691 "Only other class type sub-ledgers allowed here" - Incorrect Error message is showing If there are any other class type sub-ledgers available and unable to import the fileModule: Admin - Utilities - Data import Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Web > Admin > Utilities > Data import.
- Select import class fulfilled by seller > browse the file.
- Select next to import > map the file > select import.
- Showing message 'Only other class type sub-ledgers allowed here'.
53 | 692 |
| Module: Admin - Utilities - Data import Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Web > Admin > Utilities > Data import.
- Select import class > Goods Receive (Adhoc)
- Browse the file > select next to import
- Map the file > select next
- Here document scheme LOV not showing all data.
54 | 693 |
| 693 The group name is not showing while doing return against the billModule: POS - Return against bill Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to POS > Return against bill > select date range > select the bill.
- Return selective items from the bill.
- Populate the items in bill.
- Group name is not Showing in POS bill window.
55 | 696 |
| 696 "Finance Month is already closed. Unable to pass entry" - Error Message is showing while user trying to create AR Voucher from Import Excel optionModule: Admin - Utilities - Data Import - Import Class > AR Voucher Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Finance Month.
- Open it.
- Try to import.
- It is showing that "Finance Month is already closed. Unable to pass entry".
56 | 702 |
| 702 Printing Division instead of Section while printing barcode from webModule: Inventory - Product definition - Print barcode label Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Web > Inventory > Product definition > Print barcode label.
- Division printing instead of section.
57 | 704 |
| 704 "Cannot save record:" Error Message is showing while saving Debit Journal with Site ImportModule: Finance - Operations - Journal - Debit Journal Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Ginesys Web > Finance > Operations > Journal > Debit Journal.
- Click on Add.
- Create a Debit Journal with a Sub Ledger which is Site Applicable.
- Import Site and give the amount.
- Click on the Tag site and try to import Site(s).
- then the Error is showing: "Cannot save record:".
58 | 709 |
| 709 Same instrument number could not be provided in multiple vouchers despite single consolidated cheque being made to the bankModule: Finance - Operations - Voucher - AP Voucher Finance - Operations - Voucher - General Voucher Reported Version: 12.2.1 Scenario: - Observe that following error message is wrongly displayed when same instrument number is provided in multiple lines of same voucher - This cheque no is already in use. Please select any other cheque no to proceed further.
59 | 710 |
| 710 General Ledger drop down window is taking excessive time to open in General Journal, General Voucher, Debit Journal, Credit JournalModule: Finance - General Journal Finance - General Voucher Finance - Debit Journal Finance - Credit Journal Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Open the module.
- Attempt to open General Ledger drop down window.
- Observe that it is taking excessive time to open.
60 | 711 |
| 711 All General Ledger is not showing in General Journal, General Voucher, Debit Journal, Credit JournalModule: Finance - Operations - General Journal Finance - Operations - General Voucher Finance - Operations - Debit Journal Finance - Operations - Credit Journal Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Open the module.
- Attempt to open General Ledger drop down window.
- See that all expected General Ledger is not showing in the Drop down.
61 | 712 |
| 712 All applicable sites are not showing in Site windowModule: Finance - Operations - General Journal Finance - Operations - General Voucher Finance - Operations - Debit Journal Finance - Operations - Credit Journal Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Open the module.
- Attempt to Select Site Window.
- Observe that all applicable sites are not showing in Site window.
62 | 713 |
| 713 Debit Journal/Credit Journal round off problem in Adjustment Entry windowModule: Finance - Operations - Debit Journal Finance - Operations - Credit Journal Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Web>Finance>Operations>Debit Journal/Credit Journal.
- Try to do the Adjustment.
- Round off problem is showing in Adjustment Entry Window.
63 | 714 |
| 714 Document Adjustment round off problem in Manage Adjustment windowModule: Finance - Operations - Document Adjustment Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Web>Finance>Document Adjustment.
- Try to do the adjustment.
- Round off problem is showing in Manage Adjustment Window.
64 | 716 |
| Module: Online Sale Detail Report Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - At HO create Online sale for an Outright site.
- Sync the information to the store.
- Open Online sale analytic report.
- See that the information is not getting displayed in the report.
65 | 717 |
| 717 Problem in HSN clubbing logic at the time of E-way upload in E-way bill generatorModule: Admin - Utilities - E-way bill generator Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Web > Admin> Utilities > E-way bill generator.
- Select the desired site ,type & date range.
- Then Search the documents.
- Select the document.
- Now proceed to generate.
66 | 718 |
| Module: Admin - Organization - Periods - inventory months Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Web > admin> periods> inventory months> closed month.
- Ensure that the month is selected.
- Open button is showing disabled.
67 | 720 |
| 720 Partner user not able to Login on Vendor PortalModule: Shipment Tracking Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Create a partner user.
- Try to login by that user.
- Observe that user cannot login.
68 | 721 |
| 721 Item sequence is getting changed while creating item through PO import excelModule: Procurement - Operations - Purchase Order Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Web > Procurement -> Operations > Purchase order > Add > Provide all required data.
- Import excel > browse the file > import successfully.
- Now observe the item description column, sequence mismatch found.
69 | 722 |
| Module: Finance - Operations Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Ginesys Web > Finance > Operations.
- Open any form and click on COPY.
- Error is displaying: "You're trying to decode an invalid JSON String".
70 | 727 |
| 727 "An internal error occurred during your request!" - Error Message is displaying while selecting transporter in the E-invoice generatorModule: Admin - Utilities - E-invoice generator Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Web > Admin > Utilities> E-invoice generator.
- Now select a Transporter from the LOV
- Error is displaying "An internal error occurred during your request!".
71 | 729 |
| 729 LR Issue, LR Cancel, and Gate Entry is generating on system date instead of Working DateModule: Inventory - Logistics - Incoming - LR Workbench Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Select the working date less than the System date.
- Open the LR workbench module.
- Select the LR which is not issued/ Cancelled or Gate entry applicable but not generated.
- After selecting the LR, process the record for issued. Now LR issued but it is issued on the system date instead of working date.
- After selecting the LR, process the record for Cancelled. Now LR Cancelled but it is issued on the system date instead of working date.
- After selecting the LR, process the record for the Gate Entry. Now Gate entry is created on the system date instead of the working date.
72 | 731 |
| 731 Stock Entry is not showing in list page while entry is saving without item scanningModule: Inventory - Operations - Stock Audit - Stock Entry Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Create Plan and Active the Plan.
- Open Stock Entry.
- Provide the required value and entry is saving without item scanning.
- Open the list page and observe that the stock entry is not showing.
73 | 734 |
| 734 Service Invoice Against document (logistic) is showing only connected Site in Site detailModule: Procurement > Operations > Service / Expenses >Service Invoice Against Document Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Open Service Invoice against Document (Logistic)
- Provide all required value and service type=Logistic.
- Ensure that the service and tagged the document are selected.
- In Site window, only connected site is showing.
74 | 735 |
| 735 While printing any GRC of last accounting year, an error message is showingModule: Inventory - Set up - Print Barcode Label (Entry Type- GRC)
Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Web>Inventory> Set up> Print Barcode Label.
- Date Range- provide any date range of last accounting year.
- Try the Entry Type- GRC.
- While printing any GRC of the last accounting year, an error message is showing.
75 | 737 |
| 737 "Cannot save record"-Error Message is displaying while trying to save the AP Voucher in Edit modeModule: Finance - Operations - AP Voucher Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Web > Finance - Operations - AP Voucher.
- Open An AP Voucher in Edit Mode.
- Edit some field and then try to save it.
- It is showing an error message "Cannot save record".
76 | 738 |
| 738 "An Internal error occurred"-Error message is displaying while sorting on Sequence No column in Bin MasterModule: Inventory - WMS - Setup - Bin Master Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Open the Bin Master.
- Sorting on Sequence No column. It is getting an error "An Internal error occurred."
77 | 739 |
| 739 TDS Document is generating with Zero amount while the user posted the entry from the list pageModule: Procurement > Operations > Service / Expenses > Service Invoice Against Document Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Open Service Invoice Against document.
- Create a document without Posting.
- Ensure that the document from the list page is selected
- Post the entry and observe that TDS document is getting generated with zero amount.
78 | 740 |
| 740 "An internal error occurred during your request!"-Error Message is showing while trying to open the working plan moduleModule: Production - Operations - Planning - Working Plan Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Open the Working Plan module.
- The list page is getting an error "An internal error occurred during your request!".
79 | 741 |
| 741 User is Getting log out from the web while trying to upload a photo for the item through the capture image optionModule: Inventory - Item Master Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Web > Inventory > Product definition > Item > Add > click on capture image.
- Click on Apply.
- User is Getting log out from the web.
80 | 742 |
| 742 Unable to change scan unit from Manage and data importModule: Item Master Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Login to Ginesys web > Item Master > Action > Manage > Select Item > Select one Division > Search > Populate > Change the Scan Unit > Apply
- Then Update Items.
- Observe that the scan unit of any item of the selected Division.
81 | 743 |
| Module: Procurement > Operations > Purchase order Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Web > Procurement > Operations > Purchase order.
- Ensure that Add is selected.
- Provide the required fields to create a new PO.
- If the user clicks twice on the "SAVE" button without the wait.
- Then it's generating two different PO Numbers for the same item with different PO Numbers.
82 | 744 |
| 744 "Unable to update Item Stock. The given key was not present in the dictionary" - Error message is displaying while the user is updating the Stock AuditModule: Inventory - Operations - Stock Audi Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Create Plan and active.
- Make the stock entry and lock the plan.
- Verify the stock audit.
- Update the stock audit.
- The system is throwing an error "Unable to update Item Stock. The given key was not present in the dictionary".
83 | 745 |
| 745 Sale service invoices getting saved as GST not applicableModule: Sales & Distribution - Invoicing - Sales service invoices Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Web > Sales & Distribution >Invoicing >Sales Service Invoice.
- Click on the add button to generate a new Sales Service Invoice.
- Provide GST applicable invoice number and provide all required details.
- Save the invoice.
- Observe that Sales Service Invoice is getting saved as GST not applicable.
84 | 746 |
| 746 "Issue Date should be open Accounting year" - Error message is showing while the user trying to issue the LR from Workbench on last Accounting DateModule: Inventory - Logistics - Incoming - LR Workbench Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Create LR.
- Open the LR Workbench.
- Search the LR for the issue.
- Select the LR and proceed.
- Then the system is displaying an error message "Issue Date should be open Accounting year".
85 | 747 |
| 747 User is getting an error while creating the Gate EntryModule: Inventory - Logistics - Incoming - LR Entry - LR Workbench Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Create LR.
- Issue the above LR.
- Create Gate entry.
- Then the system is getting an error.
86 | 105409 | GIN-1553-1 | GIN-1553-1 Incorrect validation message was shown when address had more than 100 characters Module: Finance - Setup - Chart of Accounts - Sub Ledger - Others Reported Version: 12.3.0 Scenario: - Go to Finance - Setup - Chart of Accounts - Sub Ledger - Others
- Enter addresses with more than 100 characters in any of the following address fields -
- Supplier Address 1
- Supplier Address 2
- Buyer Address 1
- Buyer Address 2
- Ship to Address 1
- Ship to Address 2
- Observe that incorrect validation message is shown.
87 | 105409 | GIN-1553-2 | GIN-1553-2 Address field being broken up due to inclusion of special characters or pressing the Enter keyModule: Finance - Setup - Chart of Accounts - Sub Ledger - Others Reported Version: 12.3.0 Scenario: - Go to Finance - Setup - Chart of Accounts - Sub Ledger - Others
- Enter any special character or press the Enter key while entering the address.
- Observe that the data is not captured properly on saving.
88 | 105409 | GIN-1553-3 | Module: Inventory - Logistics - Outgoing - LR Reported Version: 12.3.0 Scenario: - Open Inventory - Logistics - Outgoing - LR
- Provide all mandatory values.
- In the Distance field provide a decimal value and save.
- Open in Edit mode.
- Observe that the value in Distance field is not rounded.
89 | 754 |
| 754 "Site amount must be equal to Service amount" - Error message is displaying while trying to save Service Invoice against OrderModule: Procurement - Operations - Service/ Expenses - Service invoice Against document Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Create a single service order for a single service against multiple sites.
- Provide the value in order as Site1- (QTY*RATE)- (10.50*2581.110), Site2- (20*4971.320), Site3-(11.50*8874..570) Site 4 (6.50*2263.960).
- Open Service Invoice against Order.
- Select Order and tagged all services with all values.
- Save the document. The system is not allowed to save Service Invoice against Order.
- Message shown the system is not allowed to save Service Invoice against Order message throw " Site amount must be equal to Service amount".
90 | 749 |
| 749 The system is getting hanged while the user verifies the stock between 5 to 6 digitModule: Inventory - Operations - Stock Audit > Verify / Update Stock Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Create a Plan between 5 to 6 digit.
- Active the plan.
- Make the Stock Entry.
- Lock the Plan.
- Verify the Plan, the system is getting hang.
91 | 766 |
| 766 Zero rate item is not allowed - Error message is displaying while trying to save an entry of an item which has zero rateModule: Procurement - Operations - Order - Purchase Order Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Open Purchase Order.
- Scan item having zero rates.
- Now save the entry.
- The system is showing a error message "Zero rate item is not allowed".
92 | 772 |
| 772 In Incoming Logistic, Invoice No. field should be unique as consignee, Invoice no, Invoice date and year wise Module: Inventory - Logistic - Incoming - LR Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to Incoming > LR.
- Provide the all required value.
- Ensure that Invoice No, Invoice date, consignee and year wise date are not unique.
- Observe that above error message is displayed.
93 | 778 |
| 778 Error executing records: Reason: Unable to find a constructor to use for type...... - Error message is displayed when releasing Sales Service InvoiceModule: Admin - Security - Role Sales & Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Service invoice Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Login to Ginesys web > Admin >Security > Role
- Select the Role of the user responsible for releasing Sale Service Invoice.
- Go to Sales Service Invoice in S&D > Operations > Invoicing
- Provide Release access but do not provide Modify access
- Save and Logout.
- Now login to Sales Service invoice as the above user.
- Open any Un-Posted document and try to release it.
- Observe that the above error message is displayed.
94 | 780 |
| 780 Basic value is wrongly calculated as zero in Sales OrderModule: Sales & Distribution - Operation - Order - Sales / Transfer order Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Go to S&D > Operation > Order > Sales / Transfer order.
- Open in add mode and then Provide all data to create a sales order with select a term where amount based charge exists with zero factor.
- Click on calculate charge button and modify amount based charge and put factor say ex.10 then click on apply.
- It was observed that Basic value wrongly calculated as zero .
95 | 795 |
| 795 Barcode is not printing as populated sequenceModule: Inventory - Product Definition - Setup - Print Barcode Label Reported Version: 12.3.1 Scenario: - Open Print Barcode module.
- Scan some of the items in random barcode order.
- Select the CTL file.
- Print the barcode.
- Barcode is not printing as the populated sequence.
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