This call allows you to fetch the stats a particular company within a date range.
End Point
Parameters to be passed
?username=XXXXXXXXXX &auth_string=YYYYYYYYY &start_date='2014-01-01 00:00:00' (required) &end_date='2014-04-01 23:59:59'(required) &channel_id=345(optional)
{ success: true, data: { Company: { id: "2", title: "Spurline Store", }, Stats: { total_revenue: 345, 500, order_count: 1895, item_count: 2385, average_order_value: 722.34, average_orders_per_day: 27.0, average_revenue_per_day: 19, 480.90daily_sales_and_order_count: [ 0: { date: '2014-10-28', sales: 7947, order_count: 19 }, 1: { date: '2014-10-29', sales: 7947, order_count: 19 }, 2: { date: '2014-10-30', sales: 7947, order_count: 19 } ], channel_split: [ //Includedonlyifchannel_idisNOTspecified0: { channel_id: 345, channel_title: 'ebay1', channel_type_title: 'ebay India', order_value: 454805, order_count: 434 }, 1: { channel_id: 346, channel_title: 'ebay2', channel_type_title: 'ebay India', order_valeu: 4548, order_count: 43 }, 2: { channel_id: 347, channel_title: 'amazon India', channel_type_title: 'Amazon', order_value: 454805, order_count: 434 }, ], top_selling_items: [ 0: { item_title: 'iPhone 4s 8gb White', sold_quantity: 34 }, 1: { item_title: 'iPhone 4s 16gb White', sold_quantity: 34 }, 2: { item_title: 'iPhone 4s 32gb White', sold_quantity: 34 }, 3: { item_title: 'iPhone 4s 8b Black', sold_quantity: 34 }, 4: { item_title: 'iPhone 4s 16gb Black', sold_quantity: 34 }, 5: { item_title: 'iPhone 4s 32gb Black', sold_quantity: 34 } ] } } }