GET Company Stats
We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
GET Company Stats
This call allows you to fetch the stats a particular company within a date range.
End Point
Parameters to be passed
&start_date='2014-01-01 00:00:00' (required)
&end_date='2014-04-01 23:59:59'(required)
success: true,
data: {
Company: {
id: "2",
title: "Spurline Store",
Stats: {
total_revenue: 345,
order_count: 1895,
item_count: 2385,
average_order_value: 722.34,
average_orders_per_day: 27.0,
average_revenue_per_day: 19,
480.90daily_sales_and_order_count: [
0: {
date: '2014-10-28',
sales: 7947,
order_count: 19
1: {
date: '2014-10-29',
sales: 7947,
order_count: 19
2: {
date: '2014-10-30',
sales: 7947,
order_count: 19
channel_split: [
//Includedonlyifchannel_idisNOTspecified0: {
channel_id: 345,
channel_title: 'ebay1',
channel_type_title: 'ebay India',
order_value: 454805,
order_count: 434
1: {
channel_id: 346,
channel_title: 'ebay2',
channel_type_title: 'ebay India',
order_valeu: 4548,
order_count: 43
2: {
channel_id: 347,
channel_title: 'amazon India',
channel_type_title: 'Amazon',
order_value: 454805,
order_count: 434
top_selling_items: [
0: {
item_title: 'iPhone 4s 8gb White',
sold_quantity: 34
1: {
item_title: 'iPhone 4s 16gb White',
sold_quantity: 34
2: {
item_title: 'iPhone 4s 32gb White',
sold_quantity: 34
3: {
item_title: 'iPhone 4s 8b Black',
sold_quantity: 34
4: {
item_title: 'iPhone 4s 16gb Black',
sold_quantity: 34
5: {
item_title: 'iPhone 4s 32gb Black',
sold_quantity: 34
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