We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
GET Orders
This call allows you to fetch all the orders from Browntape, given a company ID. You can use various useful filters while making this fetch.
Note: You will notice that some unwanted/to-be-deprecated fields are included in this API call. For performance reasons, they are not removed from the API. Orders are the most crucial entity and we wish to keep the performance up.
End Point
Parameters to be passed
&created_from='2014-01-01 00:00:00' (optional)
&created_to='2014-04-01 00:00:00'(optional)
&modified_from='2014-01-01 00:00:00' (optional)
&modified_to='2014-04-01 00:00:00'(optional)
&fetched_from='2014-01-01 00:00:00' (optional, NOTE: This date represents the time at which the order was fetched into Browntape.)
&fetched_to='2014-04-01 00:00:00' (optional, NOTE: This date represents the time at which the order was fetched into Browntape.)
&channel_id[] = 3 (optional, multiple values accepted)
&order_id[] = 12345 (optional, multiple values accepted)
&fulfillment_status_id[]= courier assigned/delivered/cancelled/delivered/lost in transit/manifested/on hold/order accepted/outfordelivery/packed/packing/pending acceptance/pickedup
/pendingpickup/ready to ship/processing/reschedule pickup/return not expected/return initiated/rto return pending/rto return received/return received
/return pending/return requested/upcoming/waitingforpickup(optional , multiple values may be passed)
&financial_status_id= cod/declined/cancelled/paid/processing/refunded/reversed/unpaid(optional , multiple values may be passed)
&order_reference=XYZ (optional)
&order_reference2=PQR (optional)
&warehouse_id[]=123 (optional, multiple values accepted)
&sku_code[] ='XYZ'(optional. Multiple values may be sent. Upto 100 values are accepted)
&stock_adjusted = 0/1/2 (optional. 0 - Stock not adjusted, 1 - Stock Adjusted, 2 - Stock adjustment ignored)
&skip_unmapped_sku_orders = 0/1 (optional. 0 - dont skip orders having unmapped sku, 1 - skip orders having unmapped sku)
&convert_currency=1 (optional,DEFAULT = 0, Note: When this setting is set to 1, all currency values in this api will be converted to the currency specified in browtape settings)
&search_query=abc (optional, Note: If this param is set, all other params are ignored)
&imei_number=NULL (optional. Note: NULL is _only_ allowed for this field. Internally, it will check for NULL value and empty string. Value passed as to be NULL in caps)
&erp_order_ref=123 (optional)
&erp_invoice_ref=123 (optional)
&erp_shipment_ref=123 (optional)
&order_status_id[]= cancelled/closed/disputed/open/partially cancelled/partially fulfilled/partially return initiated/partially return received (optional , multiple values may be passed)
&limit = 200 (optional. Default - 200 , Max - 200)
"success": "true",
"result_count": 6,
"results_per_page": 100,
"page": "1",
"data": [
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"email_bcc": null,
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"title": "Omni QA STORE BT",
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"ChannelType": {
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"title": "Shopify Omni",
"is_marketplace": "0"
"Customer": {
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"first_name": "Hari",
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"phone": null,
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"phone": null,
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"modified": "2023-04-14 01:50:04",
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"ShippingBatchs": {
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"channel_product_ref": "12910567162092",
"ItemTitlesOrder": {
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"metadata": null,
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"courier_routing_code": null,
"selected_shipping_method": null,
"dispatch_date": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
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"courier_status_raw": null,
"courier_tracking_attempts": "0",
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"fulfillment_status_id": null,
"shipping_value": "0",
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"stock_flag": "2",
"dispatch_by_date": "2023-04-13 13:52:16",
"discount_amount": "0",
"imei_no": null,
"scanned_quantity": "0",
"item_attributes": "{\"tax\":{\"shipping\":{\"item_amount\":0,\"unit_amount\":0,\"item_tax_amount\":0,\"unit_tax_amount\":0},\"cod\":{\"item_amount\":0,\"unit_amount\":0,\"item_tax_amount\":0,\"unit_tax_amount\":0},\"discount\":{\"item_amount\":0,\"unit_amount\":0,\"item_tax_amount\":0,\"unit_tax_amount\":0}}}",
"TaxRule": {
"id": "314116",
"tax_percentage": "0"
"hsn": "8517",
"tax_info": [
"type": "IGST",
"rate": "12"
"Sku": {
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"custom_code": "tech9",
"style_code": "",
"readable_name": "samsung",
"length_mm": "20",
"product_id": "109450",
"is_bundle": "0",
"breadth_mm": "20",
"height_mm": "20",
"weight_gm": "10",
"image_path": null,
"default_cost_price": "11000",
"master_mrp": "15000",
"color": "white",
"size": "10",
"is_disabled": "0",
"hsn_code_id": "35379"
"brand": ""
"Sku": {
"id": "15792400",
"readable_name": "samsung",
"custom_code": "tech9",
"image_path": null,
"image_thumb_path": null,
"input_image_path": "",
"company_id": "8240",
"_in_stock_quantity": "766",
"sla_days": "2",
"awaiting_dispatch_quantity": "633",
"length_mm": "20",
"breadth_mm": "20",
"height_mm": "20",
"weight_gm": "10",
"bundle_id": null,
"is_disabled": "0",
"is_bundle": "0",
"default_cost_price": "11000",
"least_selling_price": "14000",
"created": "2022-09-28 08:02:46",
"modified": "2023-04-13 11:40:10",
"currency_id": "63",
"is_low_stock": "0",
"low_stock_level": "2",
"product_id": "109450",
"stock_sync": "1",
"product_category_id": null,
"custom_product_category_id": null,
"tax_rule_id": null,
"style_code": "",
"color": "white",
"size": "10",
"master_mrp": "15000",
"master_selling_price": null,
"has_imei": "0",
"has_batches": null,
"hsn_code_id": "35379",
"brand_id": "41858"
"Transaction": [
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"source_transaction_ref": "6041689456876",
"source": "manual",
"order_id": "13165230578",
"pre_order_id": "0",
"note": "sale",
"gross_value": "130.00",
"fees_value": "0",
"created": "2023-04-10 08:42:05",
"currency_id": null
"Message": [
"OrderDiscount": [
"BillingAddress": {
"id": "551619492",
"address_line1": "XYZ",
"address_line2": "XYZ",
"address_line3": null,
"city": "Mumbai",
"state": "Maharashtra",
"country": "India",
"country_code": "IN",
"zip": "400001",
"address_name": "Hari Haran",
"phone": null,
"extra_info": null
"ItemTitlesOrdersReturn": [
"id": "5651155",
"item_titles_order_id": "12909395301",
"return_number": "efdcc0585f0f71174c8f",
"good_return_quantity": "0",
"bad_return_quantity": "0",
"tracking_number": null,
"note": null,
"executed_shipping_method": null,
"return_reason": null,
"channel_return_reason": null,
"created": "2023-04-14 12:51:12",
"return_attributes": null,
"stock_adjusted": "0",
"modified": "2023-04-14 12:51:12",
"return_status": "return_initiated",
"channel_return_qty": "1",
"channel_return_type": "customer_return",
"channel_delivery_date": null,
"channel_return_date": null
Order statuses in Browntape
Financial Statuses
id | title |
1 | unpaid |
2 | paid |
3 | refunded |
4 | reversed |
5 | cancelled |
6 | Cod |
7 | processing |
8 | declined |
Fulfillment Statuses
id | title |
1 | processing |
2 | packing |
3 | shipped |
4 | delivered |
5 | return initiated |
6 | ready to ship |
7 | return received |
8 | on hold |
9 | return pending |
10 | return not expected |
11 | rto return pending |
12 | rto return received |
13 | pickedup |
14 | outfordelivery |
15 | pendingpickup |
16 | unshipped |
17 | waitingforpickup |
18 | cancelled |
19 | upcoming |
20 | reschedule pickup |
21 | pending acceptance |
22 | order accepted |
23 | lost in transit |
24 | courier assigned |
25 | packed |
26 | manifested |
27 | unknown |
28 | service complete |
30 | return closed |
121 | returned |
149 | return requested |
150 | store rejected |
151 | store onhold |
152 | return cancelled |
180 | fully cancelled |
Order Type Values
id | title |
1 | Snapdeal Plus |
2 | Snapdeal OneShip |
3 | Snapdeal DropShip |
4 | Snapdeal VendorSelf |
5 | Amazon FBA |
6 | Ebay Powership |
7 | Flipkart Advantage |
8 | Amazon EasyShip |
9 | Marketplace Fulfilled |
12 | Paytm Fulfilled |
13 | Flipkart Smart Fulfilled |
17 | TataCliq Home Delivery |
20 | Amazon Flex FBA |
21 | Seller Shipped Service |
22 | Self Delivery |
23 | Store Courier Delivery |
null | Merchant Fulfilled |
Order Statuses
id | title |
2 | closed |
3 | cancelled |
4 | disputed |
51 | partially cancelled |
52 | partially fulfilled |
53 | partially return initiated |
54 | partially return received |