POST Orders Add
We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
POST Orders Add
End Point
Note: Payload should be created after removing comments below. Maximum of 10 orders can be created in a single API call.
Post Parameters
data: [
"order_reference": "12345678909090", //mandatory
"channel_id": "68", //mandatory
"channel_warehouse_code": "MyWarehouse", //optional
"created": "2016-12-08 20:12:25", //mandatory
“currency_id”: 1, //optional, if not set, user currency assumed
“Is_replacement”: 1, //optional, if replacement order being passed
“replaced_order_id”: 7346988742, //optional
BTorderid"customer": { //mandatory
"firstname": "Albert",
"lastname": "Pinto",
"email": "albert.pinto@xyz.com"
"shipping_address": { //mandatory
"firstname": "Albert",
"lastname": "Pinto",
"email": "albert.pinto@xyz.com",
"address_1": "BATA SHOWrOOM",
"address_2": " PANJIM",
"address_3": " Alto",
"city": "PORVORIM",
"zip": "403521",
"state": "Goa",
"country_code": "IN",
"country": "India",
"phone": "9898989898""gstin": "22AAAAA0000A1Z5" //(optional)
"is_billing_address_same_as_shipping": "N", //(Optional) takes Y and N only
"billing_address": { //Optional
"firstname": "Albert",
"lastname": "Pinto",
"email": "albert.pinto@xyz.com",
"address_1": "BATA SHOWrOOM",
"address_2": " PANJIM",
"address_3": " Alto",
"city": "PORVORIM",
"zip": "403521",
"state": "Goa",
"country_code": "IN",
"country": "India",
"phone": "9898989898",
"gstin": "22AAAAA0000A1Z5"//(optional)
"financial_status": "paid", //recommended, else 'unknown' status saved
"fulfillment_status": "processing", //recommended, else 'unknown' status saved
"amount": 335, //mandatory
"shipping_value": 20, //(optional)
"giftwrap_charges": 10, //(optional)
"cod_fees_value": 40, //(optional)
"discount": 15, //(optional)
"discount_description": "Coupon SAVE 20%", //(optional, will be saved only if discount is mentioned)
"executed_shipping_method": "Delhivery",
"tracking_number": "451716052126",
"order_reference2": "SLP1390296565", //(optional)
"invoice_number": "36357", //(optional)
"invoice_number_on_channel": "F0ID7GJ17-00003724", //(optional)
"imei_number": "1234589552", //(optional)
"item_titles_orders": [
"name": "Apple iPhone 4Sx", //mandatory
"sku": "P1_red", //recommended,
elseordershowsas'unmapped'"sku_reference": "QQE234", //optional-referenceforsku
"quantity": 1, //mandatory
"price": 145, //mandatory
"total": 145, //mandatory
"item_discount": 15, //optional
"item_discount_description": "Coupon APPLE30", (optional, will be saved only if item_discount is mentioned)
"tax": 6.9047619047619,
“dispatch_by_date”: “2016-12-1120: 12: 25” // (optional)
"name": "Apple iPhone 4C",
"sku": "P1_black",
"quantity": 2,
"price": 145,
"total": 290,
"item_discount": 15, //optional
"item_discount_description": "Coupon APPLE30", // (optional, will be saved only if item_discount is mentioned)
"tax": 6.9047619047619,
“dispatch_by_date”: “2016-12-1120: 12: 25” //optional
“transactions”: [
"source": "Gift Card",
"source_transaction_ref": "GFT12345", //has to be unique for order
"gross_value": 200,
"fees_value": 0,
"currency_id": 63
"source": "credit_card",
"source_transaction_ref": "ABCD12345",
"gross_value": 210,
"fees_value": 0,
"currency_id": 63,
"note": "balance money paid on cc"
Success Response
"success": true,
"data": {
"Orders": [
"status": true,
"data": "OrderId:98204"#BTOrderID,
Error Response
"success": true,
"data": {
"Orders": [
"status": false,
"data": [
"0 : Customer Details Missing"
Currency Business Rules
If no currency_id is passed, then the currency of api user will be used
If order currency is passed, then order, items, discounts & transaction will get the same currency
For transactions, a separate currency_id (diff from order currency) can be passed. This is for cases if the part payment is collected in a diff currency than order.
In BT UI, order shows up in the currency chosen by the user. The conversion here is estimated based on XE conversion rates. In the order view page, the original currency of the order is displayed
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