GET Claims Fetch
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We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
GET Claims Fetch
This call allows you to fetch all the Return Order Claims created from Browntape, given a company (which is deduced from the authenticated user). You can use various useful filters while making this fetch.
End Point
Parameters to be passed
&created_from='2020-10-01 00:00:00' (optional)
&created_to='2020-11-27 00:00:00'(optional)
&status= pending/submitted/submitfail/granted/failed (optional)
&claim_type= flipkart_spf/amazon_safe_t (optional)
&order_id[] = 12345 (optional, multiple values accepted)
&limit = 200 (optional. Default - 200 , Max - 200)
"Order": {
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"modified": "2020-11-25 13:15:35",
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"channel_id": "26569",
"parent_id": null,
"shipping_value": "0.00",
"cod_fees_value": null,
"customer_id": "266810273",
"shipping_address_id": "14623041",
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"shipping_batch_id": null,
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"packer_id": null,
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"dispatch_date": "2020-11-25 12:36:07",
"bt_fulfillment_status_id": "5",
"bt_order_status_id": null,
"bt_financial_status_id": null,
"remittance_date": null,
"remittance_note": null,
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"courier_status_id": null,
"courier_company_id": "19",
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"erp_shipment_ref": null,
"problem_reason": "Misshipment - DIFFERENT_SPECIFICATIONS_FROM_WEBSITE - There is a big dent on holder.... - Mark By System",
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"created_on": "2020-11-25 12:36:07",
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"packaging": null,
"pickup_date": "2020-11-11 19:23:46",
"pickup_time_band": null,
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"is_imei_count_valid": "0",
"first_printed_on": null,
"added_to_manifest_on": null
"Claim": {
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"item_titles_orders_returns_id": "32",
"created": "2020-11-25 13:24:13",
"modified": "2020-11-26 11:22:40",
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"claim_reason": "damaged_product",
"status": "submitted",
"channel_reference": null,
"created_user_id": null,
"assigned_user_id": null
"ItemTitlesOrdersReturn": {
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"item_titles_order_id": "1321452950",
"return_number": "5fbe58f75d658",
"return_expected_quantity": null,
"good_return_quantity": "1",
"bad_return_quantity": "1",
"tracking_number": "R-2",
"executed_shipping_method": "Bluedart",
"return_reason": "customer has quality issue",
"note": null,
"return_attributes": null,
"stock_adjusted": "0",
"created": "2020-11-25 13:15:35",
"modified": "2020-11-25 13:15:35"
"ItemTitlesOrder": {
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"channel_return_date": "2020-11-25 12:36:07",
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"courier_tracked_on": "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
"courier_status_raw": null,
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"item_attributes": null
"ItemTitle": {
"id": "355833525",
"title": "Designer Lighting Wall Lights Lamp Shade",
"sku_id": "4858736",
"sku_code_from_channel": "WL1338",
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"number": "12019776064301000",
"channel_product_ref": "LAEFG3G9VA7K5YYK"
"Sku": {
"id": "4858736",
"readable_name": "Designer Lighting Wall Lights Lamp Shade",
"custom_code": "WL1338",
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"image_thumb_path": null,
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"company_id": "6596",
"_in_stock_quantity": "100",
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"created": "2020-11-25 12:39:26",
"modified": "2020-11-25 13:00:46",
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"ClaimsImage": [
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"image_path": "https://skuimages.s3.amazonaws.com/3775770.jpeg"
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"image_type": "product_image_from_s",
"image_path": "https://skuimages.s3.amazonaws.com/3775770.jpeg"
"claim_id": "1",
"image_type": "damage_area_image",
"image_path": "https://skuimages.s3.amazonaws.com/3775770.jpeg"
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