GET SKU / Inventory Lookup API
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We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
GET SKU / Inventory Lookup API
API to fetch the closing_stock of a SKU with respect to Inventory present in all the warehouses in BT.
API Method: GET
URL: https://app.browntape.com/0.11/skus/inventory_lookup.json
Note: This is a version 0.11 endpoint
"status_code": 200,
"success": true,
"result_count": 2,
"data": [
"SkusClosingStock": {
"id": "4044800884",
"sku_id": "16409385",
"warehouse_id": "57620",
"company_id": "7240",
"is_low_stock": "0",
"closing_stock": "41",
"closing_pending_stock": "17",
"created": "2022-12-30 05:12:33",
"modified": "2023-04-11 13:01:49",
"closing_bad_stock": "0",
"closing_damaged_stock": "0",
"custom_code": "sku1"
"Warehouse": {
"id": "57620",
"title": "default",
"company_id": "7240",
"is_default": "1",
"external_warehouse_code": null,
"restricted_to_channel_id": null,
"warehouse_short_code": "def",
"unique_code": null,
"warehouse_type": "warehouse",
"warehouse_code": null,
"sub_type": "coco"
"SkusClosingStock": {
"id": "4299463502",
"sku_id": "16409385",
"warehouse_id": "57942",
"company_id": "7240",
"is_low_stock": "0",
"closing_stock": "-47",
"closing_pending_stock": "38",
"created": "2023-02-23 08:08:23",
"modified": "2023-04-12 04:24:04",
"closing_bad_stock": "0",
"closing_damaged_stock": "0",
"custom_code": "sku1"
"Warehouse": {
"id": "57942",
"title": "Tech warehouse Goa",
"company_id": "7240",
"is_default": "0",
"external_warehouse_code": null,
"restricted_to_channel_id": null,
"warehouse_short_code": "TwGOA",
"unique_code": null,
"warehouse_type": "warehouse",
"warehouse_code": null,
"sub_type": null
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