Account creation on EaseMyGST

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Account creation on EaseMyGST


a). Signup


  1. Open the Browser and search the below URL:

Mention company information in the mandatory fields having “*”


  1. Once users click on the Sign-Up button, they will receive an E-mail on the registered email ID,  then click on the link attached in the mail.



  1. This link will redirect you to the Password Setup page: You need to Set the Password and security answers.

Note:- Combination of the small letter, capital letter, one number and one special character.



  1. After Setting the Password you need to log in with the Valid Credentials



b). Account Setup


  1. Login to your account and click on Organization Management Option.



  1. Fill the address in the required fields and ticket the field Same as Head Office Address.




  1. Click on Save and Proceed. 



c).  Apps Subscription


  1. Click on Manage Apps



  1. Click on All Apps



  1. Select Consolidated eInvoice-V2 and eInvoice-EWB apps and click on the Subscribe button. 



  1. Click on your organization name, then click on the Select All check Box and click on the Subscribe button. 



The apps will be approved by the Support Admin, kindly coordinate with the Support person or contact support@easemygst.com


d). Apps Setup


  1. Once the apps are approved by the admin, kindly log out of the account and log in again. 


  1. Click on Apps on the top of the dashboard > Select eInvoice in App Category and click on Three dots on the eInvoice-EWB app. 



  1. Click on the Setup Attributes option.




  1. Select the same values as provided in the below screenshot. 



  1. Click on the Save and Confirm option.

e). Master Data Management


  1. Click on Master Data Management and select Organization Master. 



  1. Click on the Upload Button 



  1. Select the transformation eInvoice-Organization Master Upload. 


  1. Click on the Download button to download the Template file. 



  1. Open the downloaded file and Fill in the required details with the help of a support person. 



  1. After mentioning the details, save the file and upload it on EaseMyGST. 



  1. Do a hard refresh on the page, and the details will be updated same as below screenshot. 


f).  Integration with Ginesys ERP


  1. Cloud Server:- Integration will be done by the Admin Only.

  2. Home Server:- Integration can be done by the user or Support Person. If it is the home server, then follow the below steps.


  1. Take the client ID and Client Secret from EMG Support. 


Screenshot for ref.



  1. Open Ginesys Web with Admin Access and follow the below Path.

          2.1 Admin > Security > Users > Search for Sys EMG User and open it. 

          2.2 Click on the Generate Key button.

          2.3 A new API will be created, copy the Key. Then click on Save & Close. 


Note:- Make sure the record is not ticked as extinct. 

  1. Open the File location in the Ginesys Server > This PC _> Local Disk (D:) or Local Disk (C:)_> GSL _> Ginesys12 _> WebAPI _> Plugins _> E-InvoiceGenerator.

  2. Open the TaxillaConfig_Template.json file and mention the Client ID, Secret ID and API key. 





  1. Save the file and remove “_Template” from the File name.

Note: File should appear like the below screenshot on the server.





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