
We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!


Q.1. How to rectify the HSN Error on the EMG Portal ?

Resolution:- To remove this error on the EMG Portal there are two ways is available/present on EMG Portal,

Way 1. (If there is multiple HSN error)  :- Download the Error report by clicking on the Report button on the EMG Portal and then select the file as an Error-report then excel/csv file will be downloaded in the system, and then make the filter in the Excel/csv file and then search the HSN Column and find out the wrong HSN which has to be rectified and then rectify it over here and then reupload this Excel file on the EMG Portal again(but please delete the previous process once on the EMG Portal of this invoice)and then generate the IRN(E-Invoice) on the EMG Portal,

Steps :- 

a). Click on the report button.

b). Select file type as  Error-report 

c).Download file > open file > Make the filter in the file > Find HSN Column > Find out the wrong HSN > Rectify the HSN Over here.

d).Save the file.

e).Reupload this File on the EMG Portal (File type EMG CSV upload/EMG standard CSV upload)

f). Then generate the IRN(E-Invoice) on the EMG Portal,


Way 2.(If there is less or single(one-two) HSN error) :- To remove the one-two HSN for which invoice in which the Line-items is less;

a).Click on the Edit/pencil button on the EMG Portal,

b).Then Click on the Invoice details section ,

c).Then open this Invoice details,

d).Then go-to the bottom and then click on the Line-Items details,

e).Then you have to select the line-items in which the HSN Error is coming

f).Open the Line-item in which error is coming

g).Find-out the HSN Column and then rectify and mention the right HSN over here,

h).Drag to bottom and then click on the update,

i).Then click on the Action button and click validate Invoice/Generate Performa,

j).Then Click on the Cancel/cross button and then go-to the EMG Portal home page and then you can see that the E-Invoice is generated now,....... 


Q 2. How to make the E-Invoice of the Credit note document, if error is coming on EMG Portal ? 


Ans :- In this case you have to search the Invoice No.on the EMG Portal and then download the Input file as well (by clicking down arrow button on the EMG Portal),


Then open the Excel file in the System.


Then remove all the -(minus) signs in the Invoice Amounts/numbers in the Excel file.


Then select/insert the transaction-type as a CRN and Transaction sub-type as Regular and Invoice type also Regular then save the file.


Then upload this file again on the EMG portal, but before uploading this file you have to delete the process the previous same Invoice which had uploaded on the EMG portal,


Then upload this Excel file again on EMG portal and then generate the E-Invoice(IRN) on the EMG Portal,


E-Invoice(IRN) is generated now,


Q 3. If the Process is still going on and on, on the POS, while pushing data/invoice from the POS to the Freshdesk Tickets FAQ


Ans. In this case you have to first Log-out and Login the POS, and then update the Plugins file as well, otherwise we have to check the logs file of this Invoice on the POS and move accordingly for further proceedings accordingly,



  • How to update the plugins file on POS,

  • How to rectify the HSN error on multiple Invoice at a single time,

  • Concept of the CEN (common enrolment No.) concept. (311196)




Q 4. How to upload the CSV Excel file from POS to EMG Portal for the generation of the E-Invoice (if integration is not working) ?



Ans.Process :-

a). Copy the Invoice No. from the POS.

b). Click on the right click on the POS icon on the desktop.

c). Click on open file location.

d). Identify and click/select/open  on the Plugins file.

e). Click on the GSL file.

f).  Then click on the E-Invoice file.

g). Click on the logs.

h). Click on the CSV.

i). Then paste the Invoice No. over here in this CSV file. and then this Invoice No. Excel file is coming in front of you.

j). Then open this Invoice No. Excel file in excel and make changes in the date format from 10-10-2023 to 10/10/2023 (date example). if it is required to change the date format,File

k). Then click on the save as on excel and save this excel file as an CSV Comma - delimited in type/format.

l).  Then open the EMG(Ease my GST Portal)

m). Select the application (E-invoice EWB).

o). Then click on the TV button.

p). File upload/select the transformation type as (Ginesys EMG Excel Input).

q). Then click on the Initiate process.

r). Then click on the Eye View button on the next window.

s). Then click on the Invoice again.

t). The IRN(E-Invoice) has now generated if not generated then please click on the action button and then click on the generate performa/validate Invoice.

u). The IRN/E-Invoice is generated now.

v). Then please click on the Report button and then download the file whose name is EMG- Ginesys- Excel Input file.

w). And then at last open this excel file and copy this E-Invoice details like IRN, Ack. No., Ack.date, and QR code as well and then paste all these details on the POS store in the E-Invoice details section.


The Whole process/steps is now completed and your issue/concern has been resolved now as well,



Q5. How to Enable E-Invoice for the GSTIN.  (Harshit)
Error Message:- E-Invoice options are not enabled for this GSTIN.




  1. Open the E-invoice portal on the browser.

Link:- https://einvoice1.gst.gov.in/Home/Enablement


  1. Paste the GSTIN in the text box, enter the Captcha, and click on Go.


  1. A Send OTP option will be available. (OTP will be sent to the authorised signatory)

  2. Mention and verify the OTP.


  1. Click on the Tick box and click on Submit. 


  1. Pop Up notification will be shown on the screen that “Pan has been enabled for E-invoicing”


Q6. Error “The integration is only applicable for the Owner site where E-invoice is applicable. You can continue to use the E-Way bill generator to generate E-way bills without E-Invoice”. (Harshit)


Solution:- Open Ginesy and go to the Admin Module. 

Step 1:- Click on organisation and Click on GST Identification Number (GSTIN) option.

Step 2:- Select the GSTIN on which you want to generate E-invoice.

Step 3:- Select E-Invoice applicable as Yes.


Step 4:- Click on Save.

Step 5:- Then search the invoice in the E-invoice generator. 


Q7: How to do manual data sync at POS to HO Level ? (Harshit)



Step 1:- Open POS System.

Step 2:- Click on the Administration tab.

Step 3:- Click on Data Sync Dashboard.

Step 4:- Click on the Sync button.

Step 5:- The data will start syncing, once it is done, the Close button will be activated. 

Step 6:- Click on the Close button. The data will be synced.

Step 7:- You can check the synced data by double clicking on the Event or clicking on View Data. 



Q.8)  POS bill no. and GST doc. no. series are different and you want to     match both the same series ?

Ans.) Always you have to consider GST no.

        Here, mention a reason in the points why consider GST no.

  1. GST doc.no.always used for gst return ,filing and E-invoicing etc.

  2. POS bill no. is an internal reference no. for managing a selling data.

  3. POS bill no.series are not changed between Financial year, its change starting financial year.

  4. If your bill format is considered only Pos bill no.or both GST doc.no. and Pos bill no.and you want only gst no. so change your format with help EMG Support team.  

  5. It changed the format and set with GST doc no. 


Q.9)  How to add location in an emg portal ?

Ans.) For add location in emg portal you follow these steps:-

  1. Login Emg portal > Go to Locations > In Location click to + sign

  2. Fill all mandatory details ,enable E-way bill productions access >click save & proceed

  3. Search to Particular Location under your Organization >Click to All App

  4. Select e invoice-EWB and Consolidated-eInvoice-v2 App 

  5. Click select all checkbox and  click to Subscribe

  6. Call on EMG support and tell us to subscribe your App 

  7. After that you can generate an E-invoice for this location.



Q.10) How to generate e-invoice ?

Ans.) For the generated e-invoice used ginesys ERP.

        Follow these steps to generate e-invoice:- 

  1. Open ginesys ERP> Admin > Utilities > Process > E-invoice Generator.

  2. For generate choose generate > fill mandatory field >search 

  3. All entries are shown found document section

  4. Select any entries/ all entries which you want to generate e-invoice>Generate IRN & EWB > check status 

  5. Status are shown success e-invoice are generated and status are shown any error in the status section then you have resolved the error and then generate e-invoice.



Q.11) How to create EWB(e-waybill), from Ginesys HO?

Ans.) For generating EWB you have to add LR tag(logistic tag) in the document      then generate EWB.

For the add LR tag follow these steps:-  

  1. Open Ginesys ERP>Inventory> Logistics >Outgoing logistics > fill mandatory field

  2. Tag transfer document

  3.  > add document > save now add LR tag > create E-way bill 

  4. Go to admin module> utilities >e-way bill generator > fill mandatory field > search 

  5. All entries are shown found document section

  6. Select any entries/ all entries which you want to generate e-way bill>Generate IRN & EWB > check status 

  7. Status are shown success e-way bill are generated and status are shown any error in the status section then you have resolved the error and then generate e-waybill.

  8. How to add transporter in ginesys HO - Ginesys >procurement >setup>vendor

  9. How to add customer - S&D>setup>customer

  10. For add site - Pos management >setup>site>Action>Replenishment source >view replenishment source>click check box in outgoing LR > Save

Now generate a EWB.


Q.12) How to upload org master ?

Ans.) For the upload org. master follow these steps:-

  1. Open EMG taxilla portal > sign in > click on the  organization master > organization  master > click on upload option > then select eInvoice-Organisation Masters Upload > click download > open downloaded excel file > fill data in downloaded excel sheet> click browse > select file > click upload.

  2. Refresh page > shown master data > Go to eInvoice-WEB app > click to Setup Attributes > Save & confirm .


Q.13) How to fill an Organization master ?

Ans.) For the upload org. master you fill these data in org fields:-

  1. Org code - GSTIN number 

  2. Org Name - Company name 

  3. GSTIN - Gst number

  4. GST registration status - Active 

  5. Validate INV- Yes 

  6. Contact person email/telephone number - optional field 

  7. Generate Performa - No

  8. Auto generate invoice no.- No

  9. Auto generate IRN - yes

  10. Auto generate EWB - yes 

  11. Pos flag - No 

  12. Username - GSP username

  13. Password - GSP Pass.

  14. User GSTIN - User Gst number

  15. Auto calculated total INV- NO 

  16. Auto calculated total distance - NO

  17. NIC distance - No

  18. Auto tax determination- No

  19. GSTR 1 filing file - No

  20. Validate GSTIN - yes 

  21. Validate HSN code - yes

  22. API endpoint - Production  

 Now you upload an org. master with help Question 5:




  1.  When there is a configuration error showing on the POS site.


Answer -  Then we have to go on pos icon then

Open file location >plugin>gsl>e invoice and check configure file if file is not here

Then open Ginesys HO  

Go to the POS management >setup>plugin>click on e-invoice>configuefile then download the file and delete it then after reuploading it.

Then go to site allocation allocate site and save it




  1.  When we push invoice from POS and showing there is not anything.


            Answer  -  then go to the log file if there is showing message plugin failed.

                             Then delete the plugin file and re-update the plugin.




  1. When invalid HSN showing on easemygst while generating Ewaybill or E-invoice.


Answer - then we have download the input or error report then search by execute length formula in HSN column. 




Q 5. When there is an Error of the CEN(common Enrolment Number) is coming on                            the EMG Portal while generating the E-way bill ?



Ans, This error is coming on the EMG Portal, because of when the Organization who have the GST No. wants to show himself as an transporter also to the Govt.then in this case the Govt will give them the unique CRN No. which starts from No.88 as well, So in order to remove this error or to generate the E-way bill on the EMG Portal we have told to the client/customer that they have to firstly talk with their transporter and asked him to take the unique CEN No. and then mention the CEN No. in place of the transporter Id on the EMG Portal and then generate the E-way bill.



Q 6. How to generate the E-Invoice or E-way bill reports from the EMG Portal,


Ans. Resolution :- To generate/take the reports you have to follow some certain steps ( Giving complete detailed Insight over remote connection )

a). Go-to the EMG Portal.

b). Select the Application Consolidated E-Invoice V2.

c). Click on the TV button.

d). Select the IRN date or Invoice date from which you want to generate the report.

e). Select the date range that you want to generate the Report.

f). Click on Initiate process.

g). Click on the action button and then Execute rules.

h). Then wait for some-time to generate the report.

i). Then download the file in the Excel format and then make the Filters and the pivot in the Invoice Excel to get the reports as per your desire or requirements,









Q 7. Steps/Procedure of updated the IRN (E-Invoice) details from EMG Portal to the Ginesys HO,


Ans. Steps :- Click on the Report button on the EMG Portal and then,


a). Download the EMG Ginesys IRN Input file from the EMG Portal,

b). Go-to the Ginesys HO,

c). Admin > utilities > Data-Import,

d).Select file format as E-Invoice registration details,

e). Select the Excel file,

f).Fill all the details with exact match or select the column mapping as E-Invoice,

g). Then Click on import,


The IRN (E-Invoice) is details is now updated on the Ginesys HO,





Q 8. How to generate the report of the EWB, Only E-way bill report ?


Ans. steps :-


a). Go-to the EMG Portal.

b). Subscribed the EWB Consolidated report Application and then open this application first.

c).Click on the TV button.

d).Click on the Electronic form.

e). Select the date-identifier as E-way bill date.

f).Then select the date range from the date to till date that for which you want to generate the EWB report. (for eg 10/10/2023 to 31/12/2023).

g). then Click on the Initiate process.

h). Then click on the Eye/View button.

i).Then click on the report at once.

j). Then click on the action button and then click on the execute rules.

k). Then you have to wait for some-time till the report is not getting ready.

l).then click on the report button and then download the file in which you have to want as per your requirement or needs.


The process is over now (report is ready/generated).



Q 9. GST No. Enablement for E-Invoicing,?


Ans. Steps :-

a). Go-to the E-Invoice portal,

b). Then click on the Registration button and then select the enablement,

c). Mention/fill the GST No.and captcha

d). Tick the check box(at last)

e). Fill/mention the OTP 

f). Click Ok

g). Make the GST No. for the E-Invoice Enablement

h). GST http://No.is now enable for E-Invoicing




Q 10. Our major update on POS or Ginesys HO.




This is to provide you with the latest update in the new Ginesys Version Release 12.18.0!!!

  • Introduction of Transporter ID in Ginesys

  • Bifurcation of User security for POS E-invoice (Cancel & Generate Rights)

  • Authorization for GRT to revert from HO on IRN cancellation from POS

  • Various other enhancements concerning the visibility of E-Invoice details and the inclusion of GRT's GST document number in the list view

  • These enhancements are incorporated into Release Version:- 12.18.0 | 2.18.0  

Release Notes:- 12.18.0 | 2.18.0.


YouTube Video:- Enhancement in E-Invoice and E-Way Bill Integration (HO and POS) 


We strongly recommend upgrading Ginesys to access a bundle of new features and enhancements, enriching your experience with the latest innovations and functionalities available.




Q 11. In case of the Account unblock on the EMG Portal,(your account has been temporarily blocked) .



Ans. Issue :- Want to unlock the account,(Account has temporarily blocked).


Observation :- As we have observed that the account has been temporarily blocked due to the multiple attempts of wrong password enter/mention.


Resolution :- We had unblock the account from our end that is the backend (admin account), now your account has been unblocked.




Q 12. If the error message is coming on the POS, (configuration is not properly defined on POS).


Ans. Shortcut :- Connect to the another POS store, in which the error is not coming or the E-Invoice has been generated successfully and then copy the 3 files and then paste it over here(POS store) in which the error is coming.


Location/file path :- Right click on POS icon > Open file location > plugins > GSL > E-Invoice > copy these 3 files.



Other method/Second method :- Open the config file on the Ginesys HO (Location:- )


Go-to the Ginesys HO. 


Open POS module


Click on set-up


Click on plugin manager


Click on the E-Invoice (middle/centre)


Click on the config file (download the file) in which client id and secret id has been mentioned 


Then allocate this config. File to the desired POS site.


Then open the SYNC from Ginesys HO and then receive the SYNC on the POS Store as well,




Q 13. How to find out the right/correct HSN on the GST Portal,


Ans.  Go-to the GST Portal first,


Then click on the E-Invoice


Then click on the Services


Then click on the Search HSN


Then mention the initial HSN No digits. and then the portal shows automatically other Correct related HSN below,



Q.14) How to add a transporter for the LR tag ?


Ans.) We add the transporter in the logistic tag document for the generating e-way bill 

For the add transporter, please follow these steps:-

  • Open ginesys Ho > procurement > setup > vendor

  • If your transporter is already added but it’s not showing in transporter option in logistic  then you follow these steps: 

    • Open ginesys Ho > procurement > setup > vendor

    • Open transporter > sales > click on checkbox Logistics Applicable .

  • If a transporter is not added then you follow these steps for add new vendor:- 

  • click add 

  • Fill these details in general information section :- 

    •  Vendor id , Name - vendor name , company type:- select your company type,industry type - select industry type.

    •  Class name ,class type - transporter, Ar ledger - Sundry Creditors for Goods 

  • Now fill the details in the billing section :- 

    • In the billing section you fill in the details about your billing location, where you create your bill.

    • Contact person - add the name, Mobile - add contact number/ fill 0000

    • Address - fill full details about your billing address. 

  • Now fill the details in the shipping details section:- 

    • In the shipping section you have fill the details where you deliver your goods 

    • contact person - name of the client, own (in case you deliver goods in your pos store), Mobile number - add contact number/ fill 0000

    • Address- fill full details about your delivery address. 

  • Now go to sales options > click on checkbox Logistics Applicable .

  • Now go to finance options > pan no. - vendor pan no., GST Category -Choose Normal Registered , GST identification number - GST number.

  • Click save 

Now the vendor is successfully added , now you use this vendor in the logistic option as a transporter. For creating E-way bills.



Q.15)  How to add consignee for the LR tag ?

Ans.) For the add customer please follow these steps:-

  • Open ginesys Ho > S&D > setup > customer > Add

  • If your customer is already added but it’s not showing in transporter option in logistic  then you follow these steps: 

    • Open ginesys Ho > S&D > setup>customer

    • Open customer> sales > click on checkbox Logistics Applicable .

  • If a customer is not added then you follow these steps for add new vendor:- 

  • Fill these details in general information section :- 

    •  Customer id - any num, or cha., Name - customer name , company type:- select your company type,industry type - select industry type.

    •  Class name ,class type - customer, Ar ledger - Sundry Creditors for Goods

  • Now fill the details in the communication section :- 

    • Contact person - add the name, Mobile - add contact number/ fill 0000

  • Now go to sales options > click on checkbox Logistics Applicable .

  • Now go to finance options > pan no. - vendor pan no., GST Category -Choose Normal Registered , GST identification number - GST number.

  • Click save 

Now the customer is successfully added , now you use this customer in the logistic option as a consignee. For creating E-way bills.



Q.16) If you generate e-invoice and proceed to generate a button, is it not working at Ginesys HO ?

Ans.) If button is not working then you have to check these option: 

  • Check Chrome Zoom level should be 100% 

  • Open desktop > right click on desktop > display setting > scale should be 100% .



Q.17) If you generate an e-invoice for the 1st time and it's showing an error that e-invoice options are not enabled ? 

Ans.) For the generating of 1st time e-invoice , if showing error enable e-invoice so for the enable e-invoice option on the ginesys HO you have to follow these steps :   

  • Admin > organization > GSTIN > select GST > enable applicable e-invoice :- select yes option. 

Now your e-invoice option is enabled, generate e-invoice.





Q 14.) How to allocate the E-Invoice generation button and cancellation                          button at POS


 In order to do this, firstly you have to open the Ginesys HO Admin account first,

  1. Then go-to the POS management.

  1. Then Go-to security.

  1. Then go-to role.

  1. Then identify the POS store person role, and then go in this role on the Ginesys HO.

  1. Then type bill modification.

  1. Then click all the button from right side and allocate the E-Invoice generation button at POS.

  1. Then open the sync from Ginesys HO and then receive the sync from POS,


Q 15. How to remove the error of the blank window coming while clicking on the proceed button in the E-Invoice generator in the Ginesys HO ?


Ans. When we click on the generate button in the E-Invoice generator and after clicking on the Proceed button, the blank White window is coming,

For the removal of this issue we have to set the browser resolution to 100% then after that the issue has been resolved.


In order to remove the blank window error you just need to set your browser or the screen-resolution is 100% if the resolution is 100% then this issue can’t be come again in future as well.



Q.18)  How to add a site for the LR tag ?

Ans.)  If you create an e-way for delivering goods in your POS Store so you have to add a site on the site option in the logistic. 

         For the add site in the ginesys HO please follow these steps:- 


  • Open ginesys Ho > pos management >setup >site 



Now you select the site that you want to add in your LR tag .

2.) Click on this site > Action > Manage Replenishment Source


3.) Now double click on Outgoing Logistic option:-




4.) Now click Outgoing Logistic check box , and click Save & Continue.


Now you show the Outgoing Logistic checkbox is tick with right click , and click close option. 





Now your site is added , you use it in the LR tag.

EMG Portal?

Ans. In this case you have to first Log-out and Login the POS, and then update the Plugins file as well, otherwise we have to check the logs file of this Invoice on the POS and move accordingly for further proceedings accordingly,

  • How to update the plugins file on POS,

  • How to rectify the HSN error on multiple Invoice at a single time,

  • Concept of the CEN (common enrolment No.) concept. (311196

Q 4. How to upload the CSV Excel file from POS to EMG Portal for the generation of the E-Invoice (if integration is not working) ?


Ans.Process :-

a). Copy the Invoice No. from the POS.

b). Click on the right click on the POS icon on the desktop.

c). Click on open file location.

d). Identify and click/select/open  on the Plugins file.

e). Click on the GSL file.

f).  Then click on the E-Invoice file.

g). Click on the logs.

h). Click on the CSV.

i). Then paste the Invoice No. over here in this CSV file. and then this Invoice No. Excel file is coming in front of you.

j). Then open this Invoice No. Excel file in excel and make changes in the date format from 10-10-2023 to 10/10/2023 (date example). if it is required to change the date format,File

k). Then click on the save as on excel and save this excel file as an CSV Comma - delimited in type/format.

l).  Then open the EMG(Ease my GST Portal)

m). Select the application (E-invoice EWB).

o). Then click on the TV button.

p). File upload/select the transformation type as (Ginesys EMG Excel Input).

q). Then click on the Initiate process.

r). Then click on the Eye View button on the next window.

s). Then click on the Invoice again.

t). The IRN(E-Invoice) has now generated if not generated then please click on the action button and then click on the generate performa/validate Invoice.

u). The IRN/E-Invoice is generated now.

v). Then please click on the Report button and then download the file whose name is EMG- Ginesys- Excel Input file.

w). And then at last open this excel file and copy this E-Invoice details like IRN, Ack. No., Ack.date, and QR code as well and then paste all these details on the POS store in the E-Invoice details section.

The Whole process/steps is now completed and your issue/concern has been resolved now as well,

Q5. How to Enable E-Invoice for the GSTIN.  (Harshit)
Error Message:- E-Invoice options are not enabled for this GSTIN.




  1. Open the E-invoice portal on the browser.

Link:- https://einvoice1.gst.gov.in/Home/Enablement


  1. Paste the GSTIN in the text box, enter the Captcha, and click on Go.


  1. A Send OTP option will be available. (OTP will be sent to the authorised signatory)

  2. Mention and verify the OTP.


  1. Click on the Tick box and click on Submit. 


  1. Pop Up notification will be shown on the screen that “Pan has been enabled for E-invoicing”


Q6. Error “The integration is only applicable for the Owner site where E-invoice is applicable. You can continue to use the E-Way bill generator to generate E-way bills without E-Invoice”. (Harshit)


Solution:- Open Ginesy and go to the Admin Module. 

Step 1:- Click on organisation and Click on GST Identification Number (GSTIN) option.

Step 2:- Select the GSTIN on which you want to generate E-invoice.

Step 3:- Select E-Invoice applicable as Yes.


Step 4:- Click on Save.

Step 5:- Then search the invoice in the E-invoice generator. 


Q7: How to do manual data sync at POS to HO Level ? (Harshit)



Step 1:- Open POS System.

Step 2:- Click on the Administration tab.

Step 3:- Click on Data Sync Dashboard.

Step 4:- Click on the Sync button.

Step 5:- The data will start syncing, once it is done, the Close button will be activated. 

Step 6:- Click on the Close button. The data will be synced.

Step 7:- You can check the synced data by double clicking on the Event or clicking on View Data. 



Q.8)  POS bill no. and GST doc. no. series are different and you want to     match both the same series ?

Ans.) Always you have to consider GST no.

        Here, mention a reason in the points why consider GST no.

  1. GST doc.no.always used for gst return ,filing and E-invoicing etc.

  2. POS bill no. is an internal reference no. for managing a selling data.

  3. POS bill no.series are not changed between Financial year, its change starting financial year.

  4. If your bill format is considered only Pos bill no.or both GST doc.no. and Pos bill no.and you want only gst no. so change your format with help EMG Support team.  

  5. It changed the format and set with GST doc no. 


Q.9)  How to add location in an emg portal ?

Ans.) For add location in emg portal you follow these steps:-

  1. Login Emg portal > Go to Locations > In Location click to + sign

  2. Fill all mandatory details ,enable E-way bill productions access >click save & proceed

  3. Search to Particular Location under your Organization >Click to All App

  4. Select e invoice-EWB and Consolidated-eInvoice-v2 App 

  5. Click select all checkbox and  click to Subscribe

  6. Call on EMG support and tell us to subscribe your App 

  7. After that you can generate an E-invoice for this location.



Q.10) How to generate e-invoice ?

Ans.) For the generated e-invoice used ginesys ERP.

        Follow these steps to generate e-invoice:- 

  1. Open ginesys ERP> Admin > Utilities > Process > E-invoice Generator.

  2. For generate choose generate > fill mandatory field >search 

  3. All entries are shown found document section

  4. Select any entries/ all entries which you want to generate e-invoice>Generate IRN & EWB > check status 

  5. Status are shown success e-invoice are generated and status are shown any error in the status section then you have resolved the error and then generate e-invoice.



Q.11) How to create EWB(e-waybill), from Ginesys HO?

Ans.) For generating EWB you have to add LR tag(logistic tag) in the document      then generate EWB.

For the add LR tag follow these steps:-  

  1. Open Ginesys ERP>Inventory> Logistics >Outgoing logistics > fill mandatory field

  2. Tag transfer document

  3.  > add document > save now add LR tag > create E-way bill 

  4. Go to admin module> utilities >e-way bill generator > fill mandatory field > search 

  5. All entries are shown found document section

  6. Select any entries/ all entries which you want to generate e-way bill>Generate IRN & EWB > check status 

  7. Status are shown success e-way bill are generated and status are shown any error in the status section then you have resolved the error and then generate e-waybill.

  8. How to add transporter in ginesys HO - Ginesys >procurement >setup>vendor

  9. How to add customer - S&D>setup>customer

  10. For add site - Pos management >setup>site>Action>Replenishment source >view replenishment source>click check box in outgoing LR > Save

Now generate a EWB.


Q.12) How to upload org master ?

Ans.) For the upload org. master follow these steps:-

  1. Open EMG taxilla portal > sign in > click on the  organization master > organization  master > click on upload option > then select eInvoice-Organisation Masters Upload > click download > open downloaded excel file > fill data in downloaded excel sheet> click browse > select file > click upload.

  2. Refresh page > shown master data > Go to eInvoice-WEB app > click to Setup Attributes > Save & confirm .


Q.13) How to fill an Organization master ?

Ans.) For the upload org. master you fill these data in org fields:-

  1. Org code - GSTIN number 

  2. Org Name - Company name 

  3. GSTIN - Gst number

  4. GST registration status - Active 

  5. Validate INV- Yes 

  6. Contact person email/telephone number - optional field 

  7. Generate Performa - No

  8. Auto generate invoice no.- No

  9. Auto generate IRN - yes

  10. Auto generate EWB - yes 

  11. Pos flag - No 

  12. Username - GSP username

  13. Password - GSP Pass.

  14. User GSTIN - User Gst number

  15. Auto calculated total INV- NO 

  16. Auto calculated total distance - NO

  17. NIC distance - No

  18. Auto tax determination- No

  19. GSTR 1 filing file - No

  20. Validate GSTIN - yes 

  21. Validate HSN code - yes

  22. API endpoint - Production  

 Now you upload an org. master with help Question 5:




  1.  When there is a configuration error showing on the POS site.


Answer -  Then we have to go on pos icon then

Open file location >plugin>gsl>e invoice and check configure file if file is not here

Then open Ginesys HO  

Go to the POS management >setup>plugin>click on e-invoice>configuefile then download the file and delete it then after reuploading it.

Then go to site allocation allocate site and save it




  1.  When we push invoice from POS and showing there is not anything.


            Answer  -  then go to the log file if there is showing message plugin failed.

                             Then delete the plugin file and re-update the plugin.




  1. When invalid HSN showing on easemygst while generating Ewaybill or E-invoice.


Answer - then we have download the input or error report then search by execute length formula in HSN column. 




Q 5. When there is an Error of the CEN(common Enrolment Number) is coming on                            the EMG Portal while generating the E-way bill ?



Ans, This error is coming on the EMG Portal, because of when the Organization who have the GST No. wants to show himself as an transporter also to the Govt.then in this case the Govt will give them the unique CRN No. which starts from No.88 as well, So in order to remove this error or to generate the E-way bill on the EMG Portal we have told to the client/customer that they have to firstly talk with their transporter and asked him to take the unique CEN No. and then mention the CEN No. in place of the transporter Id on the EMG Portal and then generate the E-way bill.



Q 6. How to generate the E-Invoice or E-way bill reports from the EMG Portal,


Ans. Resolution :- To generate/take the reports you have to follow some certain steps ( Giving complete detailed Insight over remote connection )

a). Go-to the EMG Portal.

b). Select the Application Consolidated E-Invoice V2.

c). Click on the TV button.

d). Select the IRN date or Invoice date from which you want to generate the report.

e). Select the date range that you want to generate the Report.

f). Click on Initiate process.

g). Click on the action button and then Execute rules.

h). Then wait for some-time to generate the report.

i). Then download the file in the Excel format and then make the Filters and the pivot in the Invoice Excel to get the reports as per your desire or requirements,









Q 7. Steps/Procedure of updated the IRN (E-Invoice) details from EMG Portal to the Ginesys HO,


Ans. Steps :- Click on the Report button on the EMG Portal and then,


a). Download the EMG Ginesys IRN Input file from the EMG Portal,

b). Go-to the Ginesys HO,

c). Admin > utilities > Data-Import,

d).Select file format as E-Invoice registration details,

e). Select the Excel file,

f).Fill all the details with exact match or select the column mapping as E-Invoice,

g). Then Click on import,


The IRN (E-Invoice) is details is now updated on the Ginesys HO,





Q 8. How to generate the report of the EWB, Only E-way bill report ?


Ans. steps :-


a). Go-to the EMG Portal.

b). Subscribed the EWB Consolidated report Application and then open this application first.

c).Click on the TV button.

d).Click on the Electronic form.

e). Select the date-identifier as E-way bill date.

f).Then select the date range from the date to till date that for which you want to generate the EWB report. (for eg 10/10/2023 to 31/12/2023).

g). then Click on the Initiate process.

h). Then click on the Eye/View button.

i).Then click on the report at once.

j). Then click on the action button and then click on the execute rules.

k). Then you have to wait for some-time till the report is not getting ready.

l).then click on the report button and then download the file in which you have to want as per your requirement or needs.


The process is over now (report is ready/generated).



Q 9. GST No. Enablement for E-Invoicing,?


Ans. Steps :-

a). Go-to the E-Invoice portal,

b). Then click on the Registration button and then select the enablement,

c). Mention/fill the GST No.and captcha

d). Tick the check box(at last)

e). Fill/mention the OTP 

f). Click Ok

g). Make the GST No. for the E-Invoice Enablement

h). GST http://No.is now enable for E-Invoicing




Q 10. Our major update on POS or Ginesys HO.




This is to provide you with the latest update in the new Ginesys Version Release 12.18.0!!!

  • Introduction of Transporter ID in Ginesys

  • Bifurcation of User security for POS E-invoice (Cancel & Generate Rights)

  • Authorization for GRT to revert from HO on IRN cancellation from POS

  • Various other enhancements concerning the visibility of E-Invoice details and the inclusion of GRT's GST document number in the list view

  • These enhancements are incorporated into Release Version:- 12.18.0 | 2.18.0  

Release Notes:- 12.18.0 | 2.18.0.


YouTube Video:- Enhancement in E-Invoice and E-Way Bill Integration (HO and POS) 


We strongly recommend upgrading Ginesys to access a bundle of new features and enhancements, enriching your experience with the latest innovations and functionalities available.




Q 11. In case of the Account unblock on the EMG Portal,(your account has been temporarily blocked) .



Ans. Issue :- Want to unlock the account,(Account has temporarily blocked).


Observation :- As we have observed that the account has been temporarily blocked due to the multiple attempts of wrong password enter/mention.


Resolution :- We had unblock the account from our end that is the backend (admin account), now your account has been unblocked.




Q 12. If the error message is coming on the POS, (configuration is not properly defined on POS).


Ans. Shortcut :- Connect to the another POS store, in which the error is not coming or the E-Invoice has been generated successfully and then copy the 3 files and then paste it over here(POS store) in which the error is coming.


Location/file path :- Right click on POS icon > Open file location > plugins > GSL > E-Invoice > copy these 3 files.



Other method/Second method :- Open the config file on the Ginesys HO (Location:- )


Go-to the Ginesys HO. 


Open POS module


Click on set-up


Click on plugin manager


Click on the E-Invoice (middle/centre)


Click on the config file (download the file) in which client id and secret id has been mentioned 


Then allocate this config. File to the desired POS site.


Then open the SYNC from Ginesys HO and then receive the SYNC on the POS Store as well,




Q 13. How to find out the right/correct HSN on the GST Portal,


Ans.  Go-to the GST Portal first,


Then click on the E-Invoice


Then click on the Services


Then click on the Search HSN


Then mention the initial HSN No digits. and then the portal shows automatically other Correct related HSN below,



Q.14) How to add a transporter for the LR tag ?


Ans.) We add the transporter in the logistic tag document for the generating e-way bill 

For the add transporter, please follow these steps:-

  • Open ginesys Ho > procurement > setup > vendor

  • If your transporter is already added but it’s not showing in transporter option in logistic  then you follow these steps: 

    • Open ginesys Ho > procurement > setup > vendor

    • Open transporter > sales > click on checkbox Logistics Applicable .

  • If a transporter is not added then you follow these steps for add new vendor:- 

  • click add 

  • Fill these details in general information section :- 

    •  Vendor id , Name - vendor name , company type:- select your company type,industry type - select industry type.

    •  Class name ,class type - transporter, Ar ledger - Sundry Creditors for Goods 

  • Now fill the details in the billing section :- 

    • In the billing section you fill in the details about your billing location, where you create your bill.

    • Contact person - add the name, Mobile - add contact number/ fill 0000

    • Address - fill full details about your billing address. 

  • Now fill the details in the shipping details section:- 

    • In the shipping section you have fill the details where you deliver your goods 

    • contact person - name of the client, own (in case you deliver goods in your pos store), Mobile number - add contact number/ fill 0000

    • Address- fill full details about your delivery address. 

  • Now go to sales options > click on checkbox Logistics Applicable .

  • Now go to finance options > pan no. - vendor pan no., GST Category -Choose Normal Registered , GST identification number - GST number.

  • Click save 

Now the vendor is successfully added , now you use this vendor in the logistic option as a transporter. For creating E-way bills

Q.15)  How to add consignee for the LR tag ?

Ans.) For the add customer please follow these steps:-

  • Open ginesys Ho > S&D > setup > customer > Add

  • If your customer is already added but it’s not showing in transporter option in logistic  then you follow these steps: 

    • Open ginesys Ho > S&D > setup>customer

    • Open customer> sales > click on checkbox Logistics Applicable .

  • If a customer is not added then you follow these steps for add new vendor:- 

  • Fill these details in general information section :- 

    •  Customer id - any num, or cha., Name - customer name , company type:- select your company type,industry type - select industry type.

    •  Class name ,class type - customer, Ar ledger - Sundry Creditors for Goods

  • Now fill the details in the communication section :- 

    • Contact person - add the name, Mobile - add contact number/ fill 0000

  • Now go to sales options > click on checkbox Logistics Applicable .

  • Now go to finance options > pan no. - vendor pan no., GST Category -Choose Normal Registered , GST identification number - GST number.

  • Click save 

Now the customer is successfully added , now you use this customer in the logistic option as a consignee. For creating E-way bills.

Q.16) If you generate e-invoice and proceed to generate a button, is it not working at Ginesys HO ?

Ans.) If button is not working then you have to check these option: 

  • Check Chrome Zoom level should be 100% 

  • Open desktop > right click on desktop > display setting > scale should be 100% .


Q.17) If you generate an e-invoice for the 1st time and it's showing an error that e-invoice options are not enabled ? 

Ans.) For the generating of 1st time e-invoice , if showing error enable e-invoice so for the enable e-invoice option on the ginesys HO you have to follow these steps :   

  • Admin > organization > GSTIN > select GST > enable applicable e-invoice :- select yes option. 

Now your e-invoice option is enabled, generate e-iQ 14.) How to allocate the E-Invoice generation button and cancellation  button at POS


 In order to do this, firstly you have to open the Ginesys HO Admin account first,

  1. Then go-to the POS management.

  2. Then Go-to security.

  3. Then go-to role.

  4. Then identify the POS store person role, and then go in this role on the Ginesys HO.

  5. Then type bill modification.

  6. Then click all the button from right side and allocate the E-Invoice generation button at POS.

  7. Then open the sync from Ginesys HO and then receive the sync from POS,


Q 15. How to remove the error of the blank window coming while clicking on the proceed button in the E-Invoice generator in the Ginesys HO ?


Ans. When we click on the generate button in the E-Invoice generator and after clicking on the Proceed button, the blank White window is coming,

For the removal of this issue we have to set the browser resolution to 100% then after that the issue has been resolved.


In order to remove the blank window error you just need to set your browser or the screen-resolution is 100% if the resolution is 100% then this issue can’t be come again in future as well.



Q.18)  How to add a site for the LR tag ?

Ans.)  If you create an e-way for delivering goods in your POS Store so you have to add a site on the site option in the logistic. 

         For the add site in the ginesys HO please follow these steps:- 


  • Open ginesys Ho > pos management >setup >site 



Now you select the site that you want to add in your LR tag .

2.) Click on this site > Action > Manage Replenishment Source


3.) Now double click on Outgoing Logistic option:-




4.) Now click Outgoing Logistic check box , and click Save & Continue.


Now you show the Outgoing Logistic checkbox is tick with right click , and click close option. 





Now your site is added , you use it in the LR tag.


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