We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
Release Note 2.6.8
Release Date | 17 December 2021 |
HO Version | 12.6.11 |
POS Version | 2.6.8 |
Web Database Compatibility Version | 1.16 |
Features & Enhancements | 00 |
Bug Fixes | 62 |
Navigation |
Bug Fixes
Serial | Dev ID | Issue Tracker | Description |
2 | 936 | N.A. | 936 Online sale is not getting reflected at storeModule: POS Reported Version: 12.6.0 Scenario: 1. Push an Omni Channel sale to Ginesys HO for a particular store |
6 | 1209 | 1209 Round-off value is not coming at the time of bill submission in EMR syncModule: EMR Sync Reported Version: 12.6.2 Scenario: 1. Create a POS Bill with a value like 999.22 | |
12 | 1252 | 1252 ' INV-070: For Goods UQC and Quantity are required' - Error message is shown when generating E-invoice from the POS endModule: POS E-Invoice Reported Version: 2.6.5 Scenario: 1. Create a packet by selecting an item where UOM is defined as 'PIECES' | |
13 | 1257 | 1257 While searching an item in the 'Speed search' option, the full category name is not showing in the listModule: Speed search of any module Reported Version: 12.6.6 Scenario: 1. Create a category by using special character (ex - ", &). | |
19 | 1273 | 1273 Department search (F2) is not working in Item masterModule: Create Item window Reported Version: 12.6.4 Scenario:
| |
28 | 1289 | 1289 "Cannot Save record: Reason: transaction rolled back check constraint (HSLP.C_FINCOSTTAG_CHECK) violated" - Error message is displaying while trying to save Owned Store SaleModule: Owned store sale Reported Version: 12.6.6 Scenario:
| |
32 | 1295 | 1295 POS - Global return is not working although it has been enabledModule: POS - Normal POS - POS Bill Reported Version: 2.6.5 Scenario:
| |
39 | 1315 | 1315 "Attempted to divide by zero" - Error message is showing while trying to save and do paymentModule: POS bill Reported Version: 2.6.6 Scenario:
| |
44 | 1322 | 1322 User Profile is getting changed and Default Profile is showing for every user in Edit mode of UserModule: Admin - Security - Users - User Reported Version: 12.6.7 Scenario: 1. Create an user and provide Profile other than 'Default' and save. 2. Check in list view page, the Profile is showing correctly (which has been given). 3. Now open the same user in edit mode. 4. Observe the profile is getting changed and it is showing 'Default'. | |
46 | 1327 | 1327 POS customer mobile number is getting saved with less than 10 digits as well as more than 10 digitsModule: POS Customer - Mobile number Reported Version: 2.6.6 Scenario: 1. Create a new customer from the POS end. | |
48 | 1330 | 1330 Promotion Advertisement Media value is not showing in Promotion related reportsModule: Promotion related reports Reported Version: 2.6.6 Scenario:
| |
57 | 1358 | 1358 Antivirus status is not showing in the POS System Information ReportModule: POS System Information Report Reported Version: 2.6.7 Scenario:
| |
58 | 1360 | 1360 "maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 " - Error message is showing while searching Transporter name in Delivery Date ReconciliationModule: Inventory - Logistics - Outgoing - Delivery Date Reconciliation Reported Version: 12.6.8 Scenario: 1. Add a Reconciliation entry in Outgoing LR module. | |
59 | 1362 | 1362 "Cannot save Record : Error: An internal error occurred during your request!" - Error message is displaying while Importing Barcode in Assortment DefinitionModule: Retail Management - Incentive - Assortment Definition Reported Version: 12.6.8 Scenario:
| |
60 | 1364 | 1364 The gross amount is coming wrong in return POS bill where item-level promo appliedModule: POS - Normal POS > POS bill Reported Version: 2.6.7 Scenario: 1. Create a promotion with 100% off from the HO site. | |
63 | 1377 | 1377 While selecting on 'Generate IRN' button at POS end, the application gets hangedModule: POS - Normal POS - Back Office - Transactions - Goods Return Reported Version: 2.6.7 Scenario: 1. Create a GRT from the POS end. 2. Select that document and click on GST E-Invoice details. 3. Now select Generate IRN button 4. Observe the system is getting hanged and then moving back to the previous screen. |