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We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
Updating Ginesys POS Application
Ginesys releases regular updates to it's POS application containing new features and bug fixes. The AutoUpdate feature allows Ginesys users to update their software easily and precisely.
The following steps need to be followed: Go to POS AutoUpdate and run it in Admin mode. The AutoUpdate window opens.
Note: Right after the installation of Ginesys POS, you will need to get the updated version of Ginesys POS AutoUpdate from http://support.ginesys.in/downloads/current/AutoUpdateFile/POS/. Alternatively you can get it from Common Downloads.
Download both AutoUpdate.exe and AutoUpdate2.exe and put them in the Ginesys POS Installation location.
You need to run a sync from HO, before you update POS. This will ensure that the CP of the latest version of Ginesys HO will be available in the Web Database and POS updates compatible with the same will be available to you.
How to Update Database?
The updates must be available.
Proper download source must be selected.
The steps are as follows:
Click on the Update Database tab.
Click on the Check For Updates button.
The available updates will be displayed in the grid.
Select the version you want your system to update to and click on the Apply Selected Updates button.
The Status field in the grid shows the progress of the download.
Once the download is complete, the Status field will be show Applying. The final status shows Applied. Restart all the stopped services and click on the Close button.
How to Update Software?
Click on the Update Software tab.
Note the difference in Database and Software versions.
Click on the Start Download button.
You can see the progress of the download in the Download progress section. You will also notice the progress of the application of the program in the Apply progress section.
Once the downloading and the application of the updates is complete, restart all the stopped services and click on the Close button.
How to Update Dependency Files?
Click on Update Dependency Files tab.
Click on the Download All Files checkbox.
Click on Start Download button.
You will see the files being downloaded one by one.
Once all files are downloaded, click on Close button.
A dialog box appears asking if you want to start the services. If you want to start the services, then click on Yes or click No.
Click on Close button again.
How to apply Custom Patch?
Custom patches are mainly used for data rectification or data alteration. These patches are customized for a particular user, in cases of issues which won't necessarily be faced by others. Such patches are not released through the general releases.
Click on the Custom Patch tab.
Click for Check For Patches button.
From the list of available patches, select the necessary patches by ticking the checkboxes beside each patch. The patches marked Mandatory must be selected.
Then click on the Apply Selected Patches button.
Once the selected patches are applied, start all the stopped services as prompted and click on the Close button.
The elements of the POS AutoUpdate
Elements | Figure |
Update Database
Grid view |
Check for Updates (Button) | This button helps you to check for all the available updates. The new updates are displayed in the grid view. |
Apply Selected Updates (Button) | This button allows you to update your system with the updates selected in the grid view. |
Status section | The status section displays the number of updates available and the number of updates available. To know more, please scroll down. |
Update Software
Start Download (Button) | The Start Download button allows you to download the updated software. |
Status section | This section (marked in yellow) displays the updated version of the database available and the current version of your software. This section is marked in yellow, only when there is a mismatch between the database and the software. To know more, please scroll down. |
Update Dependency Files
Name | This field displays the name of the file that is being downloaded or has been downloaded. |
Last Modified | This field displays the date and time of the last update of the currently selected file. |
Size | This shows the size of the file that is being downloaded. |
Status | This field shows the current status of the download. It may display downloading (if the files are being downloaded) or downloaded (if downloading is complete). |
Download All Files (Checkbox) | This checkbox, if selected, allows you to download all the third party dependent files. |
Check For Updated Files (Button) | This button allows you to view the updated files. |
Start Download (Button) | This button helps you to start the download. To know more, please scroll down. |
Custom Patch |
Selected | The column has a series of check-boxes to select the applicable database patches from the available list. |
Name | This field displays the version name of the update patch. |
Mandatory | This field displays if the patch is mandatory or not. |
Update Status | Here you can check the status of the update. It shows values like Downloading (when the update is being downloaded), Applying (when the update is being applied) and Applied (when the process is complete) etc. |
Check for Patches (Button) | On clicking this button, a list of patches is displayed. (Provided they have been circulated by your HO and has been assigned to your site.) |
Apply Selected Patches (Button) | The selected patches are applied on clicking this button. |
Patch Description | This section displays the changes that have been made- improvements, rectifications etc. To know more, please scroll down. |
Tools |
Download Update Paths | There are three (3) download update paths here:
Open (Button) - The Open button beside each path, opens the location where the respective update files will be stored after download. |
Database Script Run Output Path | This enables you to view the location of the database script-output. |
Connection Timeout | This is a spinner field which helps you to increase or decrease the number and adjust the duration of time after which the connection shall be timed out. |
Database | This is a display only field. Here you can see the name of your host and your database. |
Download Mirror | This field displays the different locations from which you can download the updates.There are 4 options available:
Download In Use | This display field shows the location of the updates that are being downloaded. This depends on the selection made in the Download Mirror option. |
PowerShell Installed | This field displays if the PowerShell is installed. Note: PowerShell must be present in the system, for the update to download. |
Version | The version of the PowerShell installed is displayed here. |
PowerShell Accessible | Here you can see if the PowerShell is accessible. Note: If the PowerShell is inaccessible, then you cannot download the updates. |
Data Sync Service | This displays the status of the Data Sync Service. Note: The Data Sync Service must to be stopped before starting the download. The Stop / Start toggle button, helps to stop / start the data sync services respectively. |
Licensing Service | This displays the status of the Licensing Service. Note: The Licensing Service must to be stopped before starting the download. The Stop / Start toggle button, helps to stop / start the licensing services respectively. |
SQLCMD Accessible | The SQLMCD service must be accessible, for the updates to be downloaded. |
Snapshot Isolation |
To know how to update HO, follow the link: How To - Update Ginesys HO