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How To: Manage Store Control at POS Back Office

Store Control menu describes the modules which are created to control stores. 

This article is the collation of all the articles present in the Store Control menu. 

  1. It is always not possible to fill up all the details of customer in time of billing at store. For this situation manager or other employees can fill up the remaining details of customers from POS Back Office to make them loyalty customer or to inform them about promotions or to give them some special offers etc. How To: Manage the Customer through Store Control Menu in POS Back Office describes the process of Manage customer at POS back office. 

  2. Sales persons are the very backbone of any retail store. How To: Manage Sales Person at the Store describes the process of manage sales person at POS back office.

  3. Stock points of POS are those points where the items are stored. How To: Manage Stock Points at the store describes the process of manage stock point at POS back office.

  4. Currency is money in actual use or circulation as a medium of exchange, in the form of circulating banknotes and coins. How To: Edit Currency in Store describes the process of modification of currency.

  5. Generally barcode is printed in the HO and put on the items before they are delivered to the store. How To: Print Barcode at Store describes the process the printing barcode.

  6. Gift voucher needs to revert due to particular situation from store. How To: Revert a Gift Voucher describes the process of revert gift voucher.