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Cube Manager Enhancements in New release


The Cube Manager which was earlier brought to the web has now been enhanced with several features as mentioned below.

  1. Cube with large data volume was taking time to refresh, and the user during the period was restricted from any other work from the session. Now, the cube created or refreshed will be submitted for an internal process to refresh data, enabling the user to proceed with other actions.

  2. Cube Name submitted for refresh will be highlighted in Yellow colour in the list view, reflecting the state that cube refresh is ‘In progress’ and data reflected in reports while a refresh is in progress will not be complete.

  3. Selection of more than one cube from the list view to refresh at a time is not allowed. However, users can submit cubes for refresh, one after another, to queue it up for the process.

  4. Multiple cubes in some of the master cubes cannot be refreshed simultaneously. For example, Stock Movement Quantity, Stock Valuation and Stock Ageing.

  5. Status of the cube can now be seen through the Refresh Status option in the Action menu. The following status may be seen – In Progress, Cancel in progress and Inactive.

  6. Now that the Refresh Status can be seen, cube refresh can be cancelled at any time, even while the refresh of that cube is in progress.

  7. The Show History action now has a Status column and will show successfully completed, failed, and in progress refresh events.

  8. The Cube Manager which was earlier brought to web has now been enhanced with the option of Assign to User. Before this update, users have been able to see and manipulate cubes from all modules; this created a possibility of unauthorized access of restricted cubes. With this update user can be assigned with specific reporting data cubes, those are applicable with their departmental working.

    1. Assignment of master cubes can be either cube-wise or user-wise.
      When a single cube needs to be assigned to multiple users at one go the Cube-wise assignment can be done, but when a single user need to be assigned multiple cubes in multiple modules then the User-wise assignment can be done.

    2. The user with Administrator role of cube manager (defined in User Profile - Allow database cube as Administrator) can assign, unassign cubes to any user. 

    3. Now users can only view and generate reports from cubes assigned to them according to their work roles. For Example, users assigned to master cube Stock Analysis Summary in Inventory module will be able to see only this cube or create private cubes under it. They will be unable to either view or create cubes for any other master cubes.

    4. The user can perform actions on those cubes, as allowed through their app operation privileges as per their designated roles.

Tip: When a master-cube is assigned to a user, all public cubes under that master cube will be automatically available to that user.

In list view and Refresh Status only master cubes that have been assigned to the logged in user can be seen.

To go back to the main page click on Managing the Cube Manager