Managing Organization Site Assignments in Procurement

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Managing Organization Site Assignments in Procurement

When the user needs to assign certain specific Organization Sites to suppliers for purchase and sale; the Assign Organization Site module in Procurement will be used. This window tags allocated organization sites to the particular supplier signifying that the retailer will be making his purchases from the specified vendor from allocated organization sites only.
Tagging of organization sites can be made at supplier site level also. For example: Supplier C can sell goods to site 'X' of an organization , but the same supplier C can not sell goods to site 'Y' of the same organization.

Multiple Organization sites can be allocated for each supplier. If no organization site is allocated then the supplier has the freedom to transact in all organization sites for the company.


  1. The user's role must have the Allocate application operation enabled for Procurement > Setup > Vendors > Assign Organization Site in Admin > Security > User > Roles .

Step-by-step guide

Assignment of Organization Sites (Procurement) can be done in the following way:

  1. Go to Procurement > Setup > Vendors > Assign Organization Site.

  2. Click on the Assign button to open the Assign Organization Site window.

The following table shows the Field Names and provides a description of their functionality.

Field NameField Description

Vendor Information       


NameThe Supplier name has to be chosen from the drop-down box.

Class Name

This field displays the class of the selected supplier
AR LedgerThis field displays the AR Ledger of the selected supplier.

Vendor - Organization Site Mapping

Site information     


A drop-down box appears once the Add Organization Site button is clicked.

Important information

The conditions for displaying the organization sites:

  • Only the Sites that belong to the connected Organization Unit are displayed. 
  • Only the Sites that are not yet extinct are displayed.
  • Only the Sites that are tagged to the logged in user.
  • Already selected sites will not be displayed in the list.
Short CodeThis field displays the site short code of the selected site
Site TypeThis field displays the site type of the selected site
OU NameThis field displays the Organization unit to which the selected site belongs
Add Organization Site (button)This enables the drop-down box from which the Organization site will be chosen
Delete Site (button)This button deletes the lowest available branch in the Organization Site tree.
Site Wise Details
Purchase Information       
Purchase Trade Group

This is an optional field where drop-down allows selection of all non -extinct Trade Group.

NOTE: For Local Trade Group, no form will be selected.

Purchase Term

This is an optional field where drop-down allows selection of all non -extinct Term Name.

Once Trade Group is selected, only Terms related to that particular Trade Group will be displayed; otherwise all terms are displayed.

If the Trade Group is left blank, selection of Sales Term will auto-populate the Trade Group for the term in Supplier Trade Group field.

Form Name

This is an optional field where drop-down allows selection of all non -extinct Form Name.

NOTE: The field will be disabled for Consignment sites and Local Trade Groups.

Sales Information 
Sales Trade Group

This is an optional field where drop-down allows selection of all non -extinct Trade Group.

NOTE: For Local Trade Group, no form will be selected.

Sales Term Name

This is an optional field where drop-down allows selection of all non -extinct Term Name.

Once Trade Group is selected, only Terms related to that particular Trade Group will be displayed; otherwise all terms are displayed.

If the Trade Group is left blank, selection of Sales Term will auto-populate the Trade Group for the term in Customer Trade Group field.

Form Name

This is an optional field where drop-down allows selection of all non -extinct Form Name.

NOTE: The field will be disabled for Consignment sites and Local Trade Groups.

Price List Name

This is an optional field where drop-down allows selection of all non -extinct Price List Names.

NOTE: If Mode of Operation is not selected, then Price List selection is not allowed.

If Mode of Operation is Consignment, then only those Price Lists are displayed where Consider Tax = No.

But for Outright operations all price lists are displayed.

Default Stock Point
ReceiveThis displays the selected stock point for receiving the goods from suppliers. It is an optional drop-down list containing the non-extinct warehouse type stock point tagged to the particular organization unit.
IssueThis displays the selected stock point for issuing the goods to retailers. It is an optional drop-down list containing the non-extinct warehouse type stock point tagged to the particular organization unit.
Incoming Logistics
Gate Entry ApplicableThis check-box, if selected, ensures that goods have proper gate entry permits while entering the stock point premises.
Logistics Applicable

This check-box, if selected, ensures that goods have proper logistic documents while entering the stock point premises. Once enabled, it provides three options:

  • Enable bale wise quantity - If selected the LR quantity is applicable bale-wise.
  • Shipment Tracking Applicable - If selected shipment tracking will be done.
Outgoing Logistics
Logistics Applicable

This check-box, if selected, ensures that goods have proper logistic documents while leaving the stock point premises. Once enabled, it provides another option:

  • Permit Applicable - If selected permits for outward movement of the goods or materials are applicable.


Editing records for this functionality can only be done by clicking the same Assign button to open the Assign Organization Site window. All the fields are modifiable.

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