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"There exists Plan record(s) in previous Accounting Year which is not yet completed" : Error message is shown when user try to plan New Stock Audit


"There exists Plan record(s) in previous Accounting year which is not yet completed. Please check it" - message shown when user try to Query Planing Records at the time of planning Stock Audit.



The probable cause of the error message is that some incomplete plans exists for particular user and for particular site in previous accounting year.


A probable resolution of this issue might be achieved by following the given steps:

  1. Log out the current logged in profile in Ginesys Desktop.
  2. Login into Ginesys Desktop with the user for whom the stock audit is incomplete, the login date must be the last date of previous accounting year.

  3. Change the SiteI to the site for which the incomplete stock audit was planned.

  4. Click on Stock Audit > Plan Stock Audit.

  5. Plan Stock Audit window will open.

  6. Select Plan Status. Select All  from the drop-down list of plans. 

  7. Click on Query Panning Record.

  8. Right Click on any row of records. You will get the status of the plan. 

  9. Execute all the steps necessary to get the plan to the Completed status.

  10. Now you can plan New Stock Audit.

    This should resolve your issue, in case you face it again please contact our Ginesys Care portal -