GET Remittance

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GET Remittance

This API enables you to:

  1. Get  the latest date bound remittances of a company using  remittance_date_to/from as a parameter.

  2. Get the  latest date bound remittances of a channel using the channel id & remittance_date_to/from as a parameter.

  3. Get a particular remittance (by ref) for a channel using the parameters - channel id & remittance_references.

  4. include_remittance_line_items flag is assumed true if not passed.This means that even if the parameter include_remittance_line_items is not passed, this parameter will be considered TRUE by default although not visible in the parameters passed.  This will be useful for companies with many orders per remittance.

  5. Restricting the remittances upto 10 remittances per page since the remittance lines are also getting loaded and the query can get really heavy.


API Method: GET

URL: https://app.browntape.com/0.11/remittances/get.json

Note: This is a version 0.11 endpoint


{    “username”=”XXXXXXXXXX”,    “auth_string”=”YYYYYYYYY”,    “remittance_date_from”=”2022-01-0100: 00: 00”//optional,    “remittance_date_to”=”2022-04-0100: 00: 00”//optional,    “channel_id”=”27736”//conditional,    “remittance_references”="ABCD123"//optional, can take more than 1,    “include_remittance_line_items”=”true”,    “page_no”=”1”//"optional, needed for >1 page. Page size 10", }


{ "success": true, "result_count": 1, "results_per_page": 10, "page": 1, "data": [ { Remittance: { }, Remittance_line_items: [ } }


  1. If the remittance module is not enabled for the client then we will get an error.

  2. If remittance_references parameter is passed, then channel id parameter is a must.

  3. remittance_date_from must be less than remittance_date_to

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