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How To: Modify the Configuration Settings in the Administration section at Ginesys POS

This is article describes how to modify the configuration settings in the Administration section in Ginesys POS.


  1. The users' role must have access to the Application Settings feature by enabling the Modify app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - Roles (Cashier etc) - Access Rights - Administration - System - Configuration.

  2. For Application setting, the pre-requisites are as follows:
    1. The Stock Point must be present.
    2. The update path must be available.

  3. For Data Synchronization setting, check the settings made at HO.

    To know the settings made at HO, follow the path: Ginesys Web - Retail Management - Setup - Master Policy - System Settings. For Data Synchronization, look for the the settings made in the Data Synchronization Schedule option.

  4. For Backup setting, the secondary backup file location must be available.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to Ginesys POS - Administration - System - Configuration - Settings. The settings module open.

  2. There are three tabs - Application, Data Synchronization and Backup. 

    1. In the Application tab, 
      1. To change the default stock in location, click on the browse button in the Value column beside the Default Stock In Location option. Select the required stock point from the list. Once done, click OK.
      2. To change the default damaged stock location, click on the browse button in the Value column beside the Default Damaged Stock Location option. Select the required stock point from the list. Once done, click OK.
      3. To change the software update path, click on the browse button in the Value column beside the Software Update Path option. Select the required path. Once done, click OK.

    2. In the Data Synchronization tab, you can view the data sync schedule that has been defined by the HO for the site.

      This is a view only section. No changes can be made.

    3. In the Backup tab, you can select the second storage location for data backup. You can change it by clicking on the browse button in the Value column beside the Backup 2nd Copy Location option. Once done, click OK

  3. Once done, click on Save.