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How To: Return items against bill from any store

From this version, POS customers can return items against bill to any store of the organization participating in the feature. The feature fulfills the following functional needs:

  • Stop Adhoc Returns at store.
  • Copy the pricing information from the original sale bill so that the customer can get the return of the exact amount in credit note.
  • End Customer can return only at participating stores.

Configuration for Any Store Return feature

 Configuration at HO for Any Store Return
  1. Go to Retail Management > Setup > Site.
  2. Add a new site or open an existing site in edit mode.
  3. In the Site tab, HO Control section, select the checkbox Allow to participate in any store return.
  4. Go to Retail Management > Utilities > Web Api and configure the same.
  5. Sync the changes to the store.

Application of Any Store Return feature

 Application of Any Store Return at POS
  1. In POS > Back Office > HO Control (menu) > My Store (form) > HO Control Information section - the checkbox Allow to participate in any store return will be selected if any store return has been enabled for a particular store.
  2. In POS, while returning items the Return menu (F7) will show a new option - Search Bill (New) with Other Store Bill.

  3. A new window for searching Local and Global bills - Search Bills will open allowing cashier to search by any of the following criteria –
    1. Customer Mobile Number (exact)
    2. Bill Number (exact)
    3. Bill date range
    4. Bill amount Range
    5. Barcode

      Validation for various fields


      • Either Customer Mobile Number or Bill Number (case - insensitive) has to be provided mandatorily.
      • On selection and tagging of customer, the mobile number flows automatically.
      • If customer is not tagged on bill, bill number must be provided.
      • Bill date range must be 30 days only. By default, current system date will be populated in the TO field and FROM field will be displayed as (To Date - 30 days).
      • Barcode search will be case-insensitive.

  4. A checkbox has been provided for Search other store bills. Selecting this checkbox will allow the user to search valid POS bills of other stores allowed to participate in any store return.
  5. The Return (one unit at a time) allows the items to be scanned as per their scan unit irrespective of number of items present in original bill. The cashier can therefore return just 1 unit of any item for a sale bill containing 3 units of that item.

    Return item reflection

    Note: The reflection of the number of items scanned is seen in the Billing Area in the POS screen.

    For every item / barcode present in a POS Bill; the POS Bill No. will be repeated in the grid. If a bill has 2 different items, then the POS Bill ID will be reflected two times in the search results.

  6. Now, the payment window will be opened by clicking on Payment menu or pressing F8.

Process flow of items returned in same store or different store are as follows:

 Return in same store
  1. Customer comes to the cashier with the item(s) to be returned.
  2. He produces the sale bill to the cashier or provides his mobile number or other bill search criteria.
  3. Cashier checks if the bill is valid or not.
  4. If the bill is valid, Return / Exchange process completes. Otherwise cashier refuses to return.
  5. If the return process is successfully executed the return bill generated is saved to the local store server.
    1. Credit Note will be generated in case of return / Sale Bill will be adjusted in case of exchange.
  6. The Bill details will be synced from store server to HO server.

 Return in different store
  1. Customer comes to the cashier with the item(s) to be returned.
  2. He produces the sale bill to the cashier or provides his mobile number or other bill search criteria.
  3. Cashier checks if the bill is valid or not.
  4. If the bill is valid Return / Exchange process completes. Otherwise cashier refuses to return.
  5. Credit Note will be generated in case of return / Sale Bill will be adjusted in case of exchange.
  6. Bill saved to the HO server from directly the system of store.
  7. Through the sync process item(s) return info and sale bill adjustment will pass to the store server from where the items were purchased.
 Explanation of process flow by an example
  1. A customer goes to Store A and buy some items.
  2. Cashier generates a sale bill, which is saved in store local database.
  3. Sale bill synced from Store A to Head Office(HO).
  4. Customer goes to Store B to return the items with sale bill issued from the Store A.
  5. Cashier checks the validity of the sale bill from the HO server and generates a return bill.
  6. Return bill is synced from store B to Head office.
  7. Bill adjustment info send from Store B to Store A.
  8. Now, even if Store A wants to void the original sale bill or generate return on the same bill and sends a request to Store A’s server to save the transaction, then the request will be rejected by the Store A’s