Managing Allocation of Margin Rule (Site wise)

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Managing Allocation of Margin Rule (Site wise)

After definition/creation of Margin Rules, it needs to be mapped with items, to determine which rule is applicable for which items. In GINESYS, mapping of margin rule with items is done at the Article level. A rule can be applied to one article, and therefore all the items belonging to that article group will follow the same rule. It may happen that same article when purchase from a different vendor or at different warehouse i.e. organization unit may apply different margins. Hence margin rule is assigned with article site wise and vendor wise. This works as one article may follow different rule when purchased from different vendors or from same vendor when purchased at different sites.

Once the rules are created the Retailer would like to allocate the rules to respective Organization Sites (typically warehouses, distribution centers) and Managed Sites (retail stores but which can do local purchases, e.g. vegetables, breads, dairy etc.). Further to allocation, the retailer may also want to de-allocate some rules from a site or make changes in the margin terms for for that Vendor-Article-Site combination.

The Margin Rule Allocation (Site Wise) module helps the retailer to allocate the decided margin rules to selected sites and manage the rules subsequently by providing de-allocation and editing feature for the Vendor-Article-Site combination. 

However, allocations of Margin Rule (Site wise) can only be done through the Import Excel wizard incorporated in the Utilities menu in the Admin module of GINESYS.

The user can allocate any of the margin rules in the window, provided the following conditions are fulfilled: 

  • Margin Rules and Sites must be created.

  • Only the following sites can be allocated margin rules:

    • Organization owned consignment mode managed sites

    • Customer owned track secondary outright mode managed sites
 Edit Allocation of Margin Rule (Site Wise)

The records in the Margin Rule Allocation (site wise) Master may need to be modified to include more information about the allocations of margin rules or modify information already present in the system.


  1. The user's role must have the Edit application operation enabled for Procurement > Setup > Vendors > Margin Rule Allocation (Site Wise) in Admin > Security > User > Roles .

Step-by-step guide

Following steps are used:

  1. Go to Procurement > Setup > Vendors > Margin Rule Allocation (Site Wise).

  2. Select an allocation of Margin Rule from the list.

  3. Click on the Edit option in the Action menu to open the Edit Allocation window. Alternatively, double click on the selected Vendor to open the Edit Allocation window.

The Margin Rule Allocations (Site Wise) can be edited provided the following conditions are fulfilled:

Site Name, OU Name, Vendor Name and Article Name are non-editable display fields while Margin Rule Name is the only editable field. 

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