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There is a mismatch between amounts calculated through GINESYS and amounts calculated by human agency


Certain calculations are yielding mismatched results when done through GINESYS and done by user on his own, let's say, through a calculator.


One of the possible causes of such inaccuracy is the charges applied might have been defined in the Charge Master as to be rounded - off at the time of their application. So when these charges are being applied they are being rounded - off; but the user, calculating with a calculator, is possibly applying the charges without rounding off. This  in calculating behaviour, is causing a big difference in amounts.


A probable resolution of this issue might be achieved by following the concept given below: 

Use the rounding-off facility in Charge definition of the Charge Master after understanding its full implication.

Follow the example calculations below:

Let's say an item A001, has the following item charges defined for it a discount of 65% on the gross amount and a Vat of 5% on the net amount after discount. The rate of A001 is INR 1999.

Now if the discounted amount is declared as rounded - off; GINESYS will make calculations of its selling price in the following way:

Net price of A001= Rate of A001 - Discount (rounded - off)

                            = INR {1999 - (65% of 1999)} = INR  {1999 - 1299.35} = INR {1999 - 1299(rounded - off)} = INR 700  

Selling price of A001 = Net price of A001 + Vat on net price

                                  = INR {700 + (5% of 700)} = INR {700 + 35} = INR 735

But if the user with his calculator does not take the round - off into consideration, then he will make calculations of its selling price in the following way:

Net price of A001= Rate of A001 - Discount (rounded - off)

                            = INR {1999 - (65% of 1999)} = INR  {1999 - 1299.35} = INR 699.65

Selling price of A001 = Net price of A001 + Vat on net price

                                  = INR {699.65 + (5% of 699.65)} = INR {699.65 + 34.98} = INR 734.63

So obviously, there will be a mismatch. So please consider the functionality of round-off carefully before applying it in charges.

This should resolve your issue, in case you face it again please contact our Ginesys Care portal - 
