24-Mar-2018 IMPORTANT: Ginesys hotfix Notification

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24-Mar-2018 IMPORTANT: Ginesys hotfix Notification


A hotfix patch is available for an error faced during​ creation of new accounting year in Ginesys Head-Office Web application. This issue will be faced by customers who ​haven't updated ​Ginesys on 11.134.​3 or above. We highly recommend to upgrade to the latest versions since you might not be able to create a new accounting year after 1st April 2018 without having this update, causing business disruptions.

Patch information:
Build number: 11.134.3
Release notes: https://ginesys.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PUB/pages/277610900/Release+Notes+11.134.3

Issue Description:
When user tries to open a new Accounting Year in Ginesys Head-Office Web ​application mentioning 'Date From' and 'Date To', following error  message will be shown and accounting year creation will fail.

​"​Cannot Save record: 
​​Reason: unique constraint (​<Schema Name>.P_ADMYEAR_YCODE) violate​d​" 

If you are facing the above issue, upgrading to the specified build will solve your issue. If you still face the problem after update, please get in touch with us.

NOTE: If you are unable to open the link directly, please copy and paste the link in your web browser.

Ginesys Care Team

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