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Transaction rate is not updating at the time of entering Opening stock in stores.


The software fails to update the transaction rate when the user tries to enter Opening Stock in the stores.


One of the probable causes for the error might be that the FIFO price list tagged contains rates set to zero in the system.


A probable resolution of this issue might be achieved by following the given steps: 

  1. Create a Price List (based on RSP or other Prices - WSP / MRP / Standard Rate / Effective Rate / FIFO Rate) and tag it in the Site.

  2. Go to Stock Opening entry form and go to Select Item.

  3. Click Import Excel button in Select Item window. There are three classes which are:
    1. ITEM
    2. BARCODE

  4. Choose Barcode Class.

  5. Map the desired rate as the Transaction Rate.

  6. Complete the Import Excel process and close the Import Excel window. All items will be populated in Select Item.

  7. Check item's rate and quantity and then place these items into the Opening Item window.

  8. Check these item's rate and quantity in the Excel sheet.

  9. Save the opening entry.

  10. Sync the Price List to your site. 

This should resolve your issue, in case you face it again please contact our Ginesys Care portal -