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Release Notes 11.107.3


Release Date


HO Version11.107.3
POS Version1.107.2
Web Database Compatibility Version1.4.0
Features & Enhancements3
Bug Fixes17

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker


GIN-I-307 Items details is now captured in Incoming LR 


Inventory - Logistics - Incoming - LR 

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier the shipment tracking module could be used to capture item details when the Order Management sub module of the Procurement module was used to order the goods. Now the item details can be captured even if the user did not use Order Management.
This captured information will be available for reporting purposes only and will not be used for set-off at the time of receiving.

Note: i) Information can only be captured at assortment level, i.e. it cannot be mentioned at Item (barcode) level, because at the time of blanket booking barcode is not prepared. Barcode is prepared at the time of GRC.
ii) The report is only available in OLAP.




16529 In GRC, the Document number field is now unique vendor wise year wise


Procurement – Goods Received Challan
Procurement – Order Management – Goods Received Challan Against order

Enhancement Summary:

Now document numbers of only current financial year documents can be used in this field to capture data for future reference. The field has also become unique for vendors.




BO-I-51 Permit creation is now optional


Inventory - Logistics - Incoming - LR
Shipment Tracking - Logistics - Manage - Shipment Shipped [LR Creation]
Shipment Tracking - Logistics - Manage - Shipment In Transit [LR Modification]

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier it was not possible to issue or tag permits in LR if Permit was not ticked for a vendor in the master. Now permit is optional and issuing permit to vendor & tagging of permit in LR can be done irrespective of the status given in the master. However, if Permit is selected in the master (Setup - Supplier/Agent /Jobber / Transporter in Procurement module), it becomes mandatory for the user to provide permit while creating Incoming LR.

Note: Similar option is already available in Outgoing LR



Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
116482 N.A.

16482 All records were not showing in Service Register report where more than 21 documents were tagged in Service Bill


Procurement - Register - Service Register

Reported Version:

11. 105.0


  1. Go to Procurement > Register > Service Register.
  2. Select required parameters and run the report.
  3. Number of records is less than actually existing.

16444 Item images were not showing in Inventory Status Summary (Image Wise) and Sales Summary (Image Wise)


Inventory - Analysis - Inventory Status Summary (Image wise)
Sales and Distribution - Register - Sales Summary (Image Wise)

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Inventory > Analysis or Sales and Distribution > Register and attempt to run the reports Inventory Status Summary (Image wise) and Sales Summary (Image Wise)
  2. Images were not appearing beside the item information.

16512 Multiple Organization Units were being created from the front end in some cases


Admin - Organization Hierarchy - Organization Unit

Reported Version:



  1. Open Organization Unit.
  2. Select Default HO Site.
  3. Now provide the name and other required field for creation.
  4. Press the Save button.
  5. A new Organization Unit created.

16522 Delivery Challan Register report was not showing data for Managed Organization Site


Sales & Distribution - Delivery - Delivery Challan [Against Order]
Sales & Distribution - Delivery - Delivery Challan [Adhoc]
Sales & Distribution - Registers - Delivery Challan Register

Reported Version:



  1. Create Delivery Challan for Managed Organization Consignment site from Sales & Distribution > Delivery > Delivery Challan [Against Order] or Sales & Distribution > Delivery > Delivery Challan [Adhoc].
  2. Open the Delivery Challan Register report.
  3. Report is showing blank for that site.

16554 Sub ledger of Others type was not displayed for suppliers or customers even if AR/AP ledger was tagged


Procurement - Supplier Master
Sales and Distribution - Customer Master

Reported Version:



  1. Open Supplier master from procurement module, use F2 and F3 list of values
  2. Open Customer master from Sales and Distribution, use F2 and F3 list of values
6 16566N.A.

16566 Mistake in spelling of “Register” in the title of Bank Book Register in Cash / Bank Register report when Cash / Bank Ledger name was chosen.


Finance - Register - Cash /Bank 

Reported Version:



  1. Open the Cash /Bank Register report.
  2. Select the Cash / Bank Ledger name.
  3. The word "Register" is spelt "Regsiter" instead of Register in the title.
7 16579N.A.

16579 In AP Workbench Module, ledger wise search criteria were not working correctly


Finance - Voucher - AP Workbench. 

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Finance > Voucher > AP Workbench
  2. Select Control Type GL like Sundry Debtor or Sundry Creditor.
  3. Select Vendor or Agent.
  4. Press search button.
  5. Irrelevant Data is also displayed along with the proper data - data for General Voucher is also being displayed for that Vendor or agent.
8 16630N.A.

16630 Miscellaneous Entry at GINESYS HO is getting authorized twice from multiple simultaneous sessions


Inventory > Requisitions > Miscellaneous Issues

Reported Version:



  1. Create a Miscellaneous Entry without Posting in Inventory i.e. in Unauthorized Mode.
  2. Now retrieve that same entry from multiple sessions.
  3. Save any one session first, the Authorization code and authorization time is posted.
  4. Save the other session, the Authorization code and authorization time is updated with new time.
9 16641N.A.

16641 Purchase Service Orders were not being authorized singularly (one by one) but can be authorized all the same time through 'Select All' option


Admin - User Profile - Procurement tab
Procurement - Approval - Authorize Order

Reported Version:



  1. In admin > user profile > Procurement Tab - 'Allow Authorization of Purchase Order' option should not allowed. and 'Allow Authorization of Purchase Service Order' should be allowed.
  2. Go to Procurement > Approval > Authorize Order - Search the records for Purchase Service Orders which are to be authorized.
  3. The records can only be authorized by using 'Select All' option. But authorization of individual records is not done.
10 16647N.A.

16647 In Production Working Plan, the sorting option was not working on production select items


Production - Working Plan 

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Production > Working Plan
  2. Press F4 and right click.
  3. Select Sort option
  4. In Select columns to sort by, the Sort function is not working
11 16662N.A.

16662 Due to insufficient display width of site name and party name fields, error log was being generated in Outright Secondary sales


Sales & Distribution – Outright – Secondary Sales

Reported Version:



  1. Go to S&D > Outright > Secondary Sales
  2. Attempt import excels for secondary sales. Party name and site_name should be 100 characters each.
  3. Error log is generated.

12 16677N.A.

16677 Populate button in Inventory > Item Definition > Images module was generating an error log


Inventory - Product Definition - Product Hierarchy - Edit Group - Set Image convention
Inventory - Item Definition - Images module

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Inventory > Product Definition > Product Hierarchy > Set Image convention and tag the images to the items.
  2. Inventory > Item definition > open the Images module.
  3. On pressing of populate button, it is generating an error log.
13 16764N.A.

16764 Managed site Stock point was not showing when retrieving through Conversion-Split form, populating the item by pressing F4 and the scan unit was not showing properly when there was a mismatch in multiples of scan unit with given item count.


Inventory - Conversion - Split 

Reported Version:



  1. For Stock point not displayed
    1. Connect as a Managed site and try to retrieve a Conversion-Split form populating the items through F4.
    2. Check Stock Point is missing.
  2. Scan unit not displayed properly
    1. Take an item with scan unit in decimals or any other value and attempt to create a split item from Inventory>Conversion>Split by giving new RSP.
    2. During modification of the item – 
      1. If scan unit is in decimals, a message comes to say that the quantity must be multiple of bar unit and the bar-unit is now zero.
      2. If scan unit is not in decimals, the message does not show the scan unit properly.
14 16776N.A.

16776 Error log showing on saving the Supplier Master if "General Ledger" is not defined and user attempts to define "Margin Rule”


Procurement - Setup - Supplier Master 

Reported Version:



  1. Open Supplier Master entry form.
  2. Enter all required information
  3. Enter "Margin Rule"
  4. Do not define "General Ledger
  5. Now save the supplier master form.
15 16795N.A.

16795 Service Order authorization from Authorize form showing error log during saving of the form


Admin - User Profile - Procurement tab
Procurement - Approval - Authorize Order

Reported Version:



  1. Uncheck "Allow authorization of purchase order" in user profile
  2. Check " Allow authorization of purchase service order" in user profile
  3. Open Authorization form from Procurement > Approval
  4. Select purchase service order and authorize the order and attempt to save the form.
  5. The error log is generated.

16656 In Goods Return Wizard, item selected from Select Item should return to last supplier


Procurement - Goods Return - Goods Return Challan - Wizard

Reported Version:



Let’s say if Supplier A has supplied some items to Site 1 and Supplier B has provided the same items to Site 2. Then the GRT has to be made with respect to Supplier A when the goods are returned from Site 1 and GRT will be made against Supplier B when the goods are returned from Site 2. No GRT can be created for Supplier B from Site 1 or Supplier A from Site 2 for those items if supplier is selected in the first step of the wizard.


16338 The previous years’ Outgoing LR with same document number as current financial year’s Incoming LR was also having its consignee name updated, if the incoming LR modified


Inventory - logistics -Incoming Logistics
Inventory - logistics -Outgoing Logistics

Reported Version:



  1. In Inventory > Logistics > Outgoing LR: - Create Outgoing LR for Sales Invoice / Transfer Out type.
  2. In Inventory > Logistics > Incoming LR: - Create Incoming LR for same document number as the previous outgoing LR but with different consignee name.
  3. In Inventory > Logistics > Incoming LR: - Retrieve the Incoming LR and just save it again.
  4. The Outgoing LR will be updated with the same consignee name as the Incoming LR..