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Release Notes 1.130.1


Release Date

 6 September 2017

HO Version 11.130.0
POS Version 1.130.1
Web Database Compatibility Version 1.9
Features & Enhancements 00
Bug Fixes 01

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
1 30942 N.A.

30942 Credit Note showing locked status as it is tagged in the bill but not adjusted


POS - Normal POS 
POS - Collection Center 

Reported Version:



1. Create a credit note not tagged with any customer.
2. Adjust the same credit note against a bill but don't finish the transaction.
3. Return to POS item grid and select a customer.
4. Go to tendering screen.
5. Observe credit note is removed visually but it is still tagged with this bill.
6. Finalize this bill with cash MOP.
7. Now tag the unused credit note to another bill and attempt to save it.
8. Observe the following error is displayed - 
Credit note [Credit Note doc. number] is already received.