Release Notes 1.137.1

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Release Notes 1.137.1


Release Date

10 May 2018

HO Version11.137.0
POS Version1.137.1
Web Database Compatibility Version1.12
Features & Enhancements00
Bug Fixes10

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
131831 N.A.

31831 The spelling of Stock Point Transfer was displayed incorrect


POS - Administration - POS Terminals

Reported Version:



  1. Open POS Terminal from Administration module.
  2. Select a terminal & go to the Report tab. 
  3. Observe the spelling for 'Stock Point Transfer' is written as 'Tranfer' which is wrong. 

37956 The system is getting hanged while reading data from the weighing machine


POS - Normal POS 

Reported Version:

1.133.10                   4395, 10631


  1. Go to Normal POS and select an item for billing with UOM being either Gram or Kilogram.
  2. In Edit Quantity window, click on the weighing scale icon.
  3. Observe that the response from the weighing scale is unavailable and the system gets hanged.

38540 Default report files for POS was not incorporated


POS - Normal POS

Reported Version:



  1. Default POS Invoice for A5 and Thermal types was not available. 

40326 Index was outside the bounds of the array. - Error message was being incorrectly displayed when clicking the Cancel button in the MOP window of a Capillary - integrated POS


POS - Normal POS

POS - Collection Centre

Reported Version:



  1. Scan an item  at a Capillary - integrated POS
  2. Hit F8 or Payment.
  3. In MOP window, Click on Cancel button.
  4. Observe that the following message is displayed - Index was outside the bounds of the array.

40444 POS slows down if the number of total quantity of item-level promotional items in the bill is very large


POS - Normal POS

POS - Collection Centre

Reported Version:

1.135.2                        9235


  1. Scan a few items each in very large quantities (for example in quantity > 4 digits)
  2. Hit F8 or Payment.
  3. Observe that the POS takes a long time to resolve the bill and move to MOP screen.

40494 Incorrect message being displayed due to wrong stock check while resolving quantity benefit promotion 


POS - Normal POS

POS - Collection Centre

Reported Version:

1.133.10                                9572


  1. Scan an item.
  2. Click on Edit Qty.
  3. Observe the following message is being displayed instead of available quantity - 'Requested quantity is not available'.

40518 Amount in words is showing incorrect values  in Goods Return report document


POS - Back Office - Transactions - Goods Return (Print)

Reported Version:

1.135.2                       9825


  1. Go to Back Office > Transactions > Goods Return (Print)
  2. Observe that amount in words is showing incorrect values  in Goods Return report document

40703 PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'P_PSITE_GRT_INS' - Error message was displayed when syncing Goods Return document


POS - Administration - Data Exchange

Reported Version:

11.136.2                                          10717


  1. Make a GRT from store.
  2. Now try to sync to HO.
  3. Observe that the following error message is displayed - PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'P_PSITE_GRT_INS

40704 Sometimes error message is being displayed while cancelling a held bill which has delivery slips tagged to it


POS - Normal POS

POS - Collection Centre

Reported Version:

1.136.0                                           9166, 7955


  1. Create a bill with multiple delivery slips.
  2. Hold the bill.
  3. Observe that the error message is displayed.

40742 An extinct user, who had authority to validate OTP for a credit note, was able to use the feature


POS - Normal POS

POS - Collection Centre

Reported Version:

1.136.0                              10797


  1. Create a user with rights to provide OTP for credit note and then extinct the user.
  2. Now while billing as another user, create a bill and tag a credit note to it.
  3. In the OTP window provide the credentials of the extinct user and provide the OTP.
  4. Observe that the extinct user is successful in providing the details.

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