We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
Ginesys WMS (Warehouse Management System) in Mobile Application
Warehouses are usually big and complex. Pickers sometimes need long experience to quickly identify where each bin is and the distribution plan of the warehouse. Moreover, during rush times, bottle-necks are a usual feature as pickers need to bring picked lists to a static desktop or laptop machine for confirmation. A last minute snag in these scanners can further lower the users' productivity. Ginesys is always tuned in to the user's requirement - so we have introduced the Mobile Application of the WMS module to increase the accessibility of the system to all the users from anywhere through a smartphone or other android device and internet connection. It is an "extended arm" for the users of Ginesys WMS.
This mobile application can access the following WMS functionalities:
When the goods supplied to the warehouse is segregated into various bins and stored before being sent to other retail sites or returned to suppliers for some reason - this action of segregating goods into bins is known as Put Away.
When the goods in the various bins of the warehouse are taken out for either delivery - the action of taking out stored goods from bins is known as Take Away.
A Pick List is a document indicating items to be taken from the inventory to create packets for delivery.
Bin Count is done to count the number of distinct items in a particular bin.
However, the application must first be downloaded, installed and setup before the user can properly utilize its functionalities. Please follow the steps given below to use Ginesys WMS Mobile Application
Installation of application - Please raise a ticket at Ginesys Care .
Login to the application
When user launches the application for the first time after the installation -
Launch the application after installing the application.
Splash screen would appear.
User should be see the HOST URL screen.
Enter the Host URL (URL of the server in which the user is running Ginesys HO).
Tap on the save button.
User would be shown the Login screen.
Enter username and password.
Tap on login button.
User would see the dashboard.
When user launches the application after saving the host URL once -
Launch the application.
Splash screen would appear.
User would be shown the login screen.
Enter username and password.
Tap on login button.
User would see the dashboard.
After login, user is shown the dashboard. The following components would be visible in the dashboard -
Put Away
Take Away
Confirm Pick List
Bin Count
Above mentioned sections are different modules of the application.
If user taps on any of the modules without saving the setting a validation message will be shown to the user. User has to save the settings once after logging in to the application otherwise he will not be able to use any module.
The following components will be visible on the screen -
Default Site - This is an non-editable field and the default site assigned to the user is shown here.
Put Away section
Stock Point - By default, the first option from the drop-down would be selected. Users can select the stock point for which he wants to create the Put Away.
Doc number - By default, the first Put Away document number from the drop-down would be selected. Users can select the document number which he wants to use for the Put Away.
Take Away
Stock Point - By default, the first option from the drop-down would be selected. Users can select the stock point for which he wants to create the Take Away.
Doc number - By default, the first option from the drop-down would be selected. Users can select the document number which he wants to use for the Take Away.
Steps to save the settings
Redirect to the settings screen by tapping on the settings icon present in the header.
Select the desired option for Put Away and Take Away.
Tap on Save button to save the settings.
User would now see the dashboard.
In Put Away and Take Away Stock Point and Document Scheme Number have to be mentioned.
In Settings, Pick List will have two saving mode - Manual & Auto.
If Pick List mode is Auto then if the item pending quantity is 0 then Auto Save will be ex