Live Sync 2.0 ERP Dashboard Guide

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Live Sync 2.0 ERP Dashboard Guide

A new version of dashboard is designed for the release of Live Sync. This new dashboard shows more point to point information rather than existing list view information. All these information are categorized into three sections:

● Critical Section : Users need to take an immediate action.
● Warning Section: Users get alert for any upcoming situation.
● Information Section: Users get reports about the sync.

Live Sync Dashboard

Each section consists of some tiles which contain information. All these information details are listed below:

Details of Critical Section:

  1. Send Agent Not Running In POS:
    When a POS/store is migrated to live sync, two schedulers (Sender and Receiver) are installed into the POS server machine. Sender sends the data from POS to ERP every 1 minute. If this scheduler is
    not running in POS for about 1 hour, then it will reflect in the Live Sync Dashboard immediately.

  2. Receive Agent Not Running in POS:
    Indicates the number of stores where the receiver agent has not run in the last 1 hour. These stores are not receiving their data from ERP. If you are seeing this info before store opening hours, you
    might see a high number here. However, as stores start opening this number should reduce to zero. If you see a non-zero number here during store open hours, then there might be an issue with the
    send-agent at the store. Attend the store immediately.

  3. ERP To POS Event Data Generation Failed:
    While creating JSON for newly migrated sites in ERP, one scheduler is installed in ERP. This scheduler is known as ERP data gatherer. If ERP gatherer is failed to generate any data for one or more POS sites then the total count of all failed sites is reflected in this tile. Clicking this tile will show the details of the failed sites and reason of the failure.

  4. Last Event Sending Failed At POS:
    This tile shows the total count of POS stores which failed to send the last event. Clicking on this tile will show the store detail and last event detail.

  5. Multiple Agents Installed in POS:
    Indicates the stores where multiple installations of Send and Receive Agents were found. There are more than one terminal in these stores which are running Send and Receive Agents. This might
    cause data conflicts. These stores will not transmit or receive data unless the issue is addressed. The tile shows the total count of this type of faulty stores. Clicking on this tile will show the details of the stores.

  6. ERP To POS Event Data Gather Agent Status:
    Shows the status of the ERP scheduler. There are three states, ie. Running, Blocked, Stopped, Not Installed.
    The details of each status is given below:
    ● Running: Scheduler is properly installed and running.
    ● Not Installed: Scheduler is not properly installed, or not found.
    ● Blocked: Scheduler is properly installed and running but stopped working due to some
    internal issue. For e.g: Web event failed to gather etc.
    ● Stopped: Scheduler is stopped either manually or erroneously.
    When the status is blocked, clicking on this tile will show the error details.

  7. Last Event Receiving Failed At POS:
    Indicates the stores where the last received event from ERP is in FAILED status. Typically this error indicates an issue in event data gathering at ERP or event handling in POS. However, there can be
    database availability / slowness related issues which may be fixed if the user processes the events. These stores will not receive data unless the issue is addressed. The tile shows the total count of
    sites which are failed to receive events from ERP. Clicking on this tile will show the details of the sites and event error details.

  8. Incompatible Version in POS:
    Indicates the stores running a POS version which is incompatible with the current ERP version. These stores will not transmit or receive data unless they are updated using the Auto Update utility
    in Ginesys POS. The tile shows the total number of incompatible POS stores. Clicking on this tile will show the version details.

  9. Preparing for Activation:
    Indicates stores that have completed migration from the ERP but haven't activated Live Sync at the POS because the previous sync is either still processing or has experienced an error.

Details of Warning Section:

  1. Active POS versions:
    Distinct versions running across all stores. Ideally, this should be 1 if all stores are running the same version. A value greater than 1 indicates that some stores are running different versions in live sync.
    Difference in major version would show the sites in 'Incompatible Versions' tile also, while a minor version mismatch indicates that the sites are running different minor version series but are still
    compatible with ERP. Try to keep all stores in the same version as a good practice.

  2. Missed Daily Full Backup At POS:
    Indicates stores that have not taken full backup the previous day. Taking daily full backups will help prevent data loss and business disruptions.

  3. Max Age of Web Events:
    Shows the max time of gathered/unprocessed web events. If the time greater than 2 hour then users need to be cautious about the gatherer status. In an ideal scenario the value should be 0 as there
    should not be any unprocessed web event data.

  4. Reduced Event Flow From POS:
    Indicates stores that have not sent any event in the last 5 hours. This condition may not always indicate an issue. This is perfectly normal if no transactions are getting generated in POS. However,
    it is a good practice to enquire with the listed stores to be certain about the situation.

  5. Abnormal Shutdowns of POS:
    Indicates stores that have undergone an abnormal shutdown recently. Abnormal shutdowns severely impair the system's ability to store and retrieve data reliably and often cause business
    disruptions. Once corrective actions to prevent further abnormal shutdowns have been taken, reset the warnings to prevent these stores from popping up every time. But an acknowledged store may
    popup again if the same store encounters further abnormal shutdowns.

  6. Max Age of Site Events:
    Shows the max time of gathered/unprocessed site/store events. If the time greater than 3 hour then users need to be cautious about the gatherer status. In an ideal scenario the value should be 0 as
    there should not be any unprocessed site event data.

  7. Long Running Process Count:
    In some cases, although gatherer is running properly but events are pending to gather for about 2 hours. But the state of the gatherer is neither in blocked state nor in a stopped state. To address this kind of issue, the tile shows the count of running process in ERP gatherer. If the count becomes 1 then user need to contact support on emergency basis.

  8. Data Volume At POS:
    Indicates the number of stores having more than 5GB of data and are potential candidates for data archival. Clicking this tile lists out the stores in 4 categories a) Less than 1GB b) 1GB to 3GB c) 3GB
    to 5GB d) Above 5GB. This will help you understand the overall data growth of the stores. As the data increases, the performance of the POS will tend to become slower and this marker will help
    you schedule your store data archival in a planned way.

  9. Activation Pending:
    Displays the number of stores migrated from ERP that are ready for Live Sync activation at the POS. However, they haven't been fully set up because users haven't imported the JSON configuration file
    into the POS sites yet.

Details of Information Section:

  1. Live Stores:
    Show the total number of stores that sync data in the last 5 minutes. That means within 5 minutes stores communicate with ERP successfully.

  2. ERP to POS Processed Events On Today:
    Shows the count of total successful processed events in POS today. Clicking on this tile will show the list of processed events in detail sitewise. By default, it will show the data of current date. But
    users may apply filters on date/site etc.

  3. Event Bundles Pending For Pickup:
    Shows the count of total events which are ready in ERP i.e. successfully gathered but pending to receive events by POS/stores. Clicking on this tile will show the list of events sitewise.

  4. Last Received Events From POS on Today:
    Shows the count of total received events from POS today. Clicking on this tile will show sitewise last received events on today. Clicking site wise detail will show the the total received event details for that site. By default, it will show the data of the current date. But users may apply filters on date/site etc.

  5. ERP to POS Not Processed Events:
    Shows the count of total not processed events in POS today. Clicking on this tile will show the list of not processed events in detail sitewise.

    Detail window:


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