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How To: Manage a Packet at the store.
Aparajita Basu Roy
Packets are created for easy handling of goods during inventory management at POS. Packets allow combining items into discreet entities to be considered together. They are basically physical containers or cartons to be filled up before transportation. This article describes how to manage a Packet at store.
- The users' role must have access to the Packet feature by enabling the Add app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - Roles (Cashier etc)- Access Rights - Back Office - Transaction.
User will be allowed to create packet on GRT Advice or on Adhoc Basis or both, depending on the settings made by HO.
To check if you can settings for packet creation follow the path: Admin - Policy - Master Policy - User Settings. In the User Settings section, look for Packet Creation Mode option. If it displays, Against GRT Advice, then you can make packets only if a GRT is present. If it displays, Adhoc, then you can make packets as per your need. And if it shows Any, then you can create packets for both GRT and Adhoc basis.
- Document Scheme for Packets must be available.
- Out Stock Point must be defined.
- Replenishment Source must be available.
- At least one (1) item of a single quantity must be available.
Step-by-step guide
The process is divided in the following steps:
- Go to Back Office > Transactions > Packet.
- The Packet module opens.
- Click on Add. The Packet window appears.
- Click on the Document tab.
- Go to Packet Number and click on Select Scheme button.
- Click on the Browse button beside the Out Stock Point option.
- The Stock Point Lookup window opens up.
- Select your out stock point from the list and click OK.
Click on the Browse button beside the Replenishment Source bar and choose your replenishment source.
When the packet is to be attached to the GRT (against GRT Advice), make sure the Packet Creation Mode is set to Any / Against GRT Advice (in Replenishment Source Lookup window).
To check the settings of Packet Creation Mode feature, look for it using the following path: Ginesys POS - Admin - Policy - Master Policy - User Settings. In the User Settings section, look for Packet Creation Mode option. If it is set to Any / Against GRT Advice, then you can create packets to make GRTs against GRT Advices. Otherwise you cannot tag packets to GRTs against GRT Advices..
Select the Against GRT Advice option in Replenishment Mode.
Now go to the Packet Items tab.
- When a packet is being created for GRT against a GRT Advice, go to the GRT Advice field and click on the Browse button beside it.
- The Pending GRT Advice window opens. Select the required GRT Advice from there and click OK. Select / scan the required items to create the packet.
- You can click on any of the 3 buttons to select items - Scan Item, Select Item or Search by Name.
- If you click on Scan Item, the Item Scanning window appears.
- If you want to enter the amount manually then select Manual option in Mode. Or else click on Automatic.
- If you select Manual, then either scan the item or click on the Browse button beside the Scan bar and select the item from there.
- Enter quantity and click Accept.
- Add more items in the same way.
- Once finished, click on Close.
- If you click on Select Item, the Select Item window appears.
- You can search for the item by clicking on as many of the search criteria like Division, Section, Department, Article Code, Article Name etc.
- Then click on Search.
- If you want to select items through import Excel feature, then click on Import Barcode.
- If you click on Search by Name, the Select Item window appears.
- You can look for the item either by typing in the Find search field or directly select from the list.
- Here you can see the stock of the particular item in the Stock column.
If you want more details of your stock, then click on Stock for all Stock Points button.
Item Stock Information window opens.
This shows the stock information of the selected item only.
- In the Local Stock tab, you can see the stock of the item in your showroom and godown.
- In the Online Stock tab, you can check the stock of the item in all your showrooms and godowns.
If you want to check the stock of the item in showrooms or godowns in other cities, then select the Show stock in all cities option.
To use the Online Stock option, you need to have the Item Service URL in the POS server. A random example of Item Service URL would be:
http://<static ip>webservice/ItemService.svc
- Then click on OK.
- Packet <Packet No.> saved successfully - message is displayed on the screen.
- A dialog box appears asking you if you want to post the stock in inventory. If you want to post stock in inventory, then click Yes or otherwise click on No.
- If you click Yes, Inventory posted successfully - message is displayed on the screen.
If you click No, the packet would be created but the effect would not be seen in the inventory.
If Inventory posting is not allowed, then the Status would show Open instead of Closed.
- Click on Cancel.
The packet will be added to the list.
This article describes how to edit a Packet at store.
- The users' role must have access to the Packet feature by enabling the Modify app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - Roles (Cashier etc)- Access Rights - Back Office - Transaction.
You can modify the packet up to the number of days decided by HO. (If you want to modify the packet while keeping the Packet date same in the Packet window.)
You can check the the number of days up to which back dated entry is allowed in the following path: Admin - Policy - Master Policy - User Settings. In the User Settings section, look for Allow backdated entry upto (in Days) option. Modifying packets (with the same date in the Packet Date) beyond the specified number of days from the current date is not possible.
- Closed or Void packets cannot be modified.
Step-by-step guide
The steps are as follows:
- Go to Back Office > Transactions > Packet. The Packet module opens.
- Select the packet you want to edit.
- Then click on Edit button. The Packet window appears.
- In the Documents tab, you can modify only the following fields:
- Packet Date - Depending on the Policy settings, you cannot modify details beyond the set number of days. In that case, you have to change the date to the current date. The system will then allow you make modifications in the packet.
Out Stock Point - Click on the Browse button beside the Out Stock Point option. The Stock Point Lookup window opens up. Select the required out stock point from the list and click OK.
If the Out Stock Point is changed, then all the previously added items in the packet will be removed.
- Replenishment Source - Click on the Browse button beside the Replenishment Source bar and choose your replenishment source.
- Packet Date - Depending on the Policy settings, you cannot modify details beyond the set number of days. In that case, you have to change the date to the current date. The system will then allow you make modifications in the packet.
- Now go to the Packet Items tab.
- Select items using any of the available buttons - Scan Item, Select Item or Search by Name.
- Once done, click on Close.
- Packet <Packet No.> saved successfully - message is displayed on the screen.
- A dialog box appears asking you if you want to post the stock in inventory. If you want to post stock in inventory, then click Yes or otherwise click on No.
- If you click Yes, Inventory posted successfully - message is displayed on the screen.
If you click No, the packet would be created but the effect would not be seen in the inventory.
If Inventory posting is not allowed, then the Status would show Open instead of Closed.
- Click on Cancel.
- The packet will be modified.
In order to clear the junk value from the system, we need to delete unnecessary details including incorrectly created packets.This article describes how to delete a Packet at store.
- The users' role must have access to the Packet feature by enabling the Delete app operation for the feature in Admin - Role - User Role - User's role (Cashier etc) - Access Rights - Back Office - Transaction.
- The packet to be deleted must be present in the system.
- The packet should not be attached to a GRT.
- The packet should not be void.
- Only an unposted packet (Status column shows Open) can be deleted.
Step-by-step guide
The steps are as follows:
- Go to Back Office > Transactions > Packet. The Packet module opens.
Select the packet you want to delete.
Only packets whose Status is Open can be deleted.- Then click on Delete button.
- A dialog box appears asking if you want to delete the packet. If you want to delete the packet, then click Yes, or else click on No.
- The required packet will be deleted from the list.
Due to certain clerical faults like wrong products included in the packet, incorrect replenishment source etc, the user might need to void an existing packet. This article describes how to void a Packet at Store.
- The users' role must have access to the Packet feature by enabling the Void app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - Roles (Cashier etc)- Access Rights - Back Office - Transaction.
- Packets which are not posted (Status column shows Open) cannot be voided.
- Closed Packets which are not transferred can be voided.
- Document Scheme for void Packets must be available.
Step-by-step guide
The steps are as follows:
- Go to Back Office > Transactions > Packet. The Packet module opens.
Select the packet you want to void.
Only packets which are not tagged to a GRT can be voided.
- Then click on Void button.
- A dialog box appears asking if you want to void the packet. If you want to void the packet, then click Yes, or else click on No.
- If you click Yes, then a confirmation window appears with the message - Packet < Packet no.> is made void successfully.
- Click OK.
The Print Slip is a report which carries the details of the packet. This article describes how to print Packet slips.
- The users' role must have access to the Packet feature by enabling the Print app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - Roles (Cashier etc)- Access Rights - Back Office - Transaction.
- The system must be connected to a printer.
Step-by-step guide
The steps are as follows:
Go to Back Office > Transactions > Packet. The Packet module opens.
Select the packet whose details you want to print.
Then click on Print button. The Report Viewer window opens.
- In the Report Viewer window, you can see all the details of the items of the packet.
- Click on the Print icon
on the top left hand corner of the screen. The Print window opens.
- Select the printer and click on the Print button.