How To: Issue Gift Vouchers from the store

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How To: Issue Gift Vouchers from the store

Gift vouchers are an easy way to ensure that the gift is according the receiver of the gift, which makes it an interesting to the buyers. After the HO has created the various GVs and synced them to the POS, the GVs can be issued from the POS to the customer.

To know how to create a Gift Voucher from HO, follow the link: How To: Create Gift Vouchers

To know how to redeem a Gift Voucher from the store, follow the link: /wiki/spaces/~5570584eb70e2b10514081a4b0925399f77519/pages/132776047


  1. The Gift Vouchers must be created, generated and allocated to this POS site by the HO.

  2. The sync has to be performed between HO and POS after allocation of the Gift Vouchers from the HO.

  3. The user must have rights to issue the Gift Vouchers - i.e. Add, Modify, Allow to select Credit Note from List in Roles.

  4. In case of Customer mandatory POS, the user needs to have the Allow to add Customer rights too.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open Back Office > Transactions > Gift Voucher Issue. Gift Voucher Bills window opens up.

  2. Click on Issue button. Gift Voucher window opens.

  3. In the Gift Voucher Bill section, click on the Browse button beside the Customer field to enter the name of the customer to whom the gift voucher is being issued. 

    1. The Customer Lookup window opens.
    2. Select the customer from the list or enter the name in the Search field and click OK.

  4. Enter Sales Person, if it has been made mandatory by HO.

  5. If you want to issue vouchers, then follow the following steps:

    1. If you want to issue a single voucher, enter the GV number, and click on the Issue button beside it.
    2. If you want to select multiple vouchers, then click on the Issue Multiple… button. This opens the Gift Voucher Lookup window.
    3. Select the required vouchers from the list and click OK.
    4. <Number of vouchers> vouchers have been added – message is displayed. Click OK.
    5. The amount will be displayed in the Gross Amount field in the Payment section.

  6. If you want to issue booklet/s, then follow the following steps:

    1. If you want to issue a single booklet, enter the Booklet number, and click on the Issue button beside it.
    2. If you want to select multiple booklets, then click on the Issue Multiple… button. This opens the Booklet Lookup window.
    3. Select the required booklets from the list and click OK.
    4. <Number of booklets> booklets have been added – message is displayed. Click OK.
    5. The amount will be displayed in the Gross Amount field in the Payment section.

  7. Now go to the Payments section.

  8. Clicking on the Browse (...) button beside the Discount column, opens up the Discount Lookup window. If any discounts have been configured for gift vouchers, those discounts will be displayed here. Select the required discount from there and click on OK.

    Note: The HO has to ensure that - 

    a. The discount to be given for GV is created, allocated and synced to the POS. If the GVs are to be given free, a "100%" discount has to be created, allocated and synced to POS. 

    b. Allow discount in GV Voucher Issue - Master Policy has to be enabled and synced to the POS. Please re-logging to get the effect.

  9. Now make payment using any of the MOPs configured at that POS.

  10. Then either Save or Print the Bill.

How to tag Gift Voucher Doc Scheme to POS Terminals

In case of a new Document numbering scheme for Gift Voucher, you need to tag it the desired terminals. To do so, follow the steps below:

Important information regarding redemption of issued Gift Voucher

GVs, once sold, can only be redeemed by the customer after the information of Gift Voucher sale has been synced to HO and then HO syncs the same back to Web DB.

Note: Session Tracking is enabled for Issue Gift Vouchers.

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