We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
How To: Enable Ginesys for Zwing POS
This configuration is required to ensure that data sync between Ginesys ERP and Zwing POS gets established.
Ginesys HO version should be 11.152.0 and above.
Check list
Enable Ginesys Outbound
This will allow sending of data like Item Master, GRC advice, GRT advice, etc. from Ginesys to Zwing.
A. Get client wise details from Zwing
The following information is required to be collected from Zwing before implementing its integration with Ginesys:
Note: LicenseKey is the organization_code uniquely generated by Zwing for each client.
B. Configure ZwingConfig.json file
In Ginesys Application server, navigate to C:\GSL\GINESYS12\Shared\GDS\Notifiers\Zwing
You will find ZwingConfig_Template.json file there, copy the same and rename to ZwingConfig.json.
Please make sure that ZwingConfig.json has read & write access to all.
Right-click - open the file in edit mode (using any text editor).
Place the details received from Zwing against the respective fields.
Sample ZwingConfig.json
"SubscriptionName": "ZWING",
"GinesysConfigPath": "..\\..\\..\\",
"client_id": "A1728",
"username": "abc",
"password": "abc",
"LicenceKey": "123",
"BaseUrl": "https://api.gozwing.com/",
"TokenUrl": "https://api.gozwing.com/oauth/token?grant_type=password&client_id=<client_id_given_by_zwing>&username=<username_given_by_zwing>&password=<password_given_by_zwing>",
"CheckerURL": "https://api.gozwing.com/client/item/create/status",
"Token": ""
Please Note: On Ginesys Cloud deployments, implementers should ignore the steps of configuring Windows Tasks Schedules. Though the tasks may not be visible in Standard user login, the required tasks are pre-configured there. Implementers can verify the generating logs at C:\programdata\GINESYS\Logs\GDS.
C. Schedule a task for Zwing EventBusRunner
Login to the application server as administrator.
Go to Windows Task Scheduler.
Click on "Create Task".
General tab:
Put Name as "GDS2_EventBusRunner_Zwing"
Select Run whether user is logged in or not.
Trigger tab:
Add a new trigger.
Begin the task = "On a schedule"
Select Daily
Start date = Current System Date
Start time = 00:01:00
Advance Settings:
Select Repeat task every
Change 1 hour to 5 mins
Press OK
Action tab:
Add a new action
Action = "Start a program"
Program = "C:\GSL\GINESYS12\Shared\GDS\GDS.EventBusRunner.exe"
Add Arguments = "Zwing"
D. Schedule a task for Zwing Notifier
Login to the application server as administrator.
Go to Windows Task Scheduler.
Click on "Create Task".
General tab:
Put Name as "GDS2_Notifier_Zwing"
Select Run whether user is logged in or not.
Trigger tab:
Add a new trigger.
Begin the task = "On a schedule"
Select Daily
Start date = Current System Date
Start time = 00:02:00
Advance Settings:
Select Repeat task every
Change 1 hour to 5 mins
Press OK
Action tab:
Add a new action
Action = "Start a program"
Program = "C:\GSL\GINESYS12\Shared\GDS\Notifiers\Zwing\ZwingNotifier.exe"
Enable Ginesys Inbound
This will allow receiving of data like POS Bill, GRC, GRT, etc. from Zwing to Ginesys
A. Unextinct Zwing user
Go to Ginesys Web - HO - Admin - Security - User - Users.
Find the user: "SYS Zwing User".
Open the user in edit mode.
Unextinct it & save the user.
B. Generate API Key for Zwing user
Go to Ginesys Web - HO - Admin - Security - User - Users.
Find the user: "SYS Zwing User".
Open the user in edit mode.
Click on Generate Ke & save the user.
Copy the API Key.
C. Share details with Zwing
The following details needs to be shared with Zwing:
API Key (copied in the previous step)
Base URL: http://host_static_ip_or_cloud_address/pos
Note: Replace host_static_ip_or_cloud_address with actual before sharing.